League Transactions
Offseason 2060: Kyle Quinn has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Sauer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Erich Chavez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Elton Rocha has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Russell Travers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Oglesby has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nolan Tarver has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Kaminski has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Martin Messer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenny Coates has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jonathan Pate has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gilbert Boyer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Craig Martin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rhett Hilliard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Armand Bruce has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Cody Lee has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jimmy Toliver has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Beall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Courtney Simon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alfonso Broome has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Rodgers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bruce Rushing has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Filiberto Scales has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Edward Pelletier has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Arnold Barden has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Edward Carrillo has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Dennis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rodney Hammond has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeff James has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Erick Chen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rufus Boone has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jessie Conley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ty Howes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Phillip Hayes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Oden has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Vince Chesser has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Whitmire has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rafael Goodman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Randy Seymore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donald Hendrix has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Darrel Hamilton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Faber has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hubert Bernstein has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Markus Trent has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Reginald Jeter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anton Stark has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jose Dortch has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Willie Montemayor has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Russell Lomax has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Van has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ismael Li has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raymond Goodwin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hayden Christy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scott Turnbull has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Ferguson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Milton Wills has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Willie Galbraith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Roger Hostetler has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Howard White has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Godwin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Oliver has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Kern has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Erik Perkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jerald Koch has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fletcher Watkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alberto Williams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Buford Collins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Mcdougall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brenton Barney has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Hollins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Barry Marshall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joshua Hyman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Fink has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bret Thompson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Byron Truitt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Juan Loomis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Hinton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Willie Hardy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wesley Torrence has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Blalock has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Stoker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Hawkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wesley Gray has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tre'Shaun Mendez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dillon Austin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kevin Carpenter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Angel Fellows has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Philip Steed has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Clemons has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ezequiel Smith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeramy Haggerty has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Barnes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dale Ogden has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Norman Richie has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brady Shin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marion Newberry has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dennis Diaz has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Luna has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Burnside has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Troy Anderson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hubert Holbrook has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Denton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raymond Adams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Nesbitt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Dodd has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nicholas Swann has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ricky Whitmore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jaquan Sanchez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tyler Frasier has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Edmond Adkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Neil Sherman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ramon Marlow has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Blake Coughlin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kim Fernandez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Moore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Henry Burkholder has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wallace Mcmillen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Matthew Osborn has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Caleb Champagne has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kevin Irby has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gerardo Jackson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Steinberg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hamsah Meyers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wayne Sprague has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mitchell James has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Chester Hickman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Johnston has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Noel Langer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brittain Baumgartner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Galbraith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clayton Montague has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mitchell Krueger has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Barry Fuentes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Vandiver has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David South has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Claudio Lewis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Coggins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Merritt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Victor Thornburg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Vance Powell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Montemayor has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Walter Grimes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Martin Gallo has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Craig Samples has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Barrett Robinson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Villegas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Harold Tyler has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Conley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Guy Purdy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terence Hawkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jacob Faulk has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Todd Barrett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tracy Leonard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Felix Boss has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jimmie Call has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Rouse has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leandro Gann has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scott Hannan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eugene Thomas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Lilley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Herbert Wylie has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brendan Dixon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alexis Laplante has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Sandberg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Larry Dyson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Montero has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Ford has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terrell Phillips has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wilbur Williams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Tillman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Archie Evans has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Grady West has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clifford Dunlap has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dale John has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Gray has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rolando Franks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bruce Conley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gerald Hunter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Davidson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: George Epstein has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Lankford has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carlos Martinson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leroy Hyde has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nathaniel Weems has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Vidal has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leonel Allen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alfred Keller has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alan Danner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Payne has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Stuart Childs has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Osborn has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Earl Bridges has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Boston Longoria has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Emerson Culp has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scott Vaughan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Norman Cockrell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nathaniel McClure has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gino Bryan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joel Busby has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Haywood has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Robbins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jamari Grossman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Oswaldo Douglas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hugo Cahill has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leonardo Ahmed has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Kish has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Keen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Earl Jorgensen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Mckenzie has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Melvin O'Brien has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jaren Ayala has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Francisco Wimberly has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Elliott Petersen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Moses Morrison has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Martin Frank has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Mcgrath has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Fox has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Ochs has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bruce Griswold has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ricky Zuniga has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Peralta has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Drake has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Carter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Timmy Brown has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Kim has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ty Webster has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Forsyth has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Floyd Wingate has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Santos Ostrander has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Mcknight has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Derick Pickering has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Colon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Samuel Leighton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Crocker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Dawson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Doty has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raymond Bates has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alan Brown has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Orville Neal has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Vincenzo Hildreth has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lawrence Early has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Stephen Cochrane has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Maurice Davison has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ronald Fountain has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Max Brogan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Comstock has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Merle Booker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Sheehan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Jernigan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Wilbanks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clayton Morse has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Aaron Carvalho has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bobby Royster has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Boyd has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Byron Shanks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wallace Tackett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alex Hong has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eldridge Corley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Roy Wright has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Shull has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Chad Easley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lloyd Luther has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Sanders has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian McBride has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Sanchez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Shepard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Darrell Ybarra has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Howard Jones has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bob Tubbs has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Andrew Parker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Louis Keeton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Krug has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Russell Scott has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lee Carl has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Douglas Lange has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marc Mcfarlane has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mike Levine has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Gifford has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Arthur Ruiz has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Waylon Cothran has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Thayer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Phillip Battaglia has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Bowman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jay Dill has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jean Lai has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Matthew Hendrick has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brandon Lin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rogelio Fernandez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Benjamin Ford has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Berg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Troy Swann has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Harris has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeremy Chavez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clifford Mcewen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kim Daugherty has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wayne Hooker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jerry Cook has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dennis Gates has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ashley Wilson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Moises Hamilton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Abe Carden has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Harold Mackey has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Joiner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Armand Moore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nicholas Delatorre has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Page has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Douglas Tan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bryant Peck has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Timothy Lucero has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Woody has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Craig McCool has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Norton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Reynaldo Helm has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Martino has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Harry Rivera has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Van Montgomery has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas James has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Windham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Caudle has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dwight Canady has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scotty Sharpe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rodney Parson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Kiefer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Calvin Williams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Cecil Patterson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steve Keene has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Elkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jay Blackman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clarence Mitchell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Christmas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeremy Doss has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alex Bankston has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michale Catron has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Sean Beckham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Kenny has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Mckay has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Haas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Sal Carpenter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wm Lindquist has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Adrian Chance has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rich Blue has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: George Wild has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Osorio has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Billie Bohn has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Adolph Ledesma has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Ryan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alan Rodriguez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jonathan Stokes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Neal Porter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ramon Wells has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Damien Wickham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ainias Gleason has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Hutchins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scot Ewing has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lee Jackson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kevin Cothran has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Webb has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jose Criswell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Blake has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Calvin Morrow has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Taber has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marvin Murillo has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ricardo Cyr has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Keeton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dominick Keeler has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Troy Morgan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nolan Holloman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Horton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raymond Seeley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Angel Sturdivant has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Loyd Bess has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jonathan Hayes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jose Baugh has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brice Mckee has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raul Negron has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ray Dudley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kevin Crisp has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffery Tucker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Falcon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Christian has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Ford has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: George Simpson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Chesser has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terence Ruffin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ronald Rains has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Ison has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Keith Moore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lee Hall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenny Ho has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alan Nagel has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Adam Ring has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Gooding has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nicholas Baumann has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Randy Perreault has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Love has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dale Hamby has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Provost has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gregg Elrod has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeff Riley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Solis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Aaron Nieto has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Byron Miller has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Snider has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lyndon Whitman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Candelaria has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Winston Banda has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Gragg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Hester has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carl Shah has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Augustine Wade has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Laverne Jones has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kelly Fleming has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lawrence Luke has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donald Pfeiffer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gregg Coates has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Howard Eaton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Gonzalez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Snipes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gilbert Harmon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gregory Adams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Sonny Blake has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Chalmers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Mott has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jimmy Purdy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marvin Woodward has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Sherwood Lemmon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clarence Boyd has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jerry Mazza has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Derrick Puckett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Scott Marcum has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Theodore Gresham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bobbie Bernard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Galarza has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Koontz has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frankie Weatherly has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Armando Bravo has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jody Ashley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kerry Canales has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Dow has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Grady Hawkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ryan Mendoza has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ernest Donnelly has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Durham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John McCune has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Adrian Nieves has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brent Barbee has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clint Barden has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Glen Lucero has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Darryl Marlowe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Matthew Velazquez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kevin Haskell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Levine has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Herrick has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wayne Staley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terrence Bruns has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Funderburk has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marvin Owens has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Schmid has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Honeycutt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Farias has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Nall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kirby Ruiz has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Danny Mace has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Allard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mauro Wong has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Francisco Jude has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Julian Marlowe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Sage has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jordan Reynolds has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Sturgeon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jack Allard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Davenport has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Cromer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Albert Carr has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lowell Beall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Quintin Gray has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Santos Harrison has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Boothe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Damron has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Eller has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Weller has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Vigil has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Willie Brinkman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Arlen Warren has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Isom has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Courtney Gardner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Parker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terry Munson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Andrew Wade has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Travin Butcher has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wilson Young has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Deon Vincent has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daron Mcgrew has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Apodaca has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Demetric O'Neil has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Moreland has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rodney Castro has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Edwin Hunter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carl Schrader has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Harold Curley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Toa Kelley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Justin Diaz has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Rangel has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Danny White has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Guillermo Epperson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hong Steffen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Lachance has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carlos Hawkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert McCloud has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Barry Brown has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Peter Morris has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Soriano has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Foster Barron has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Brantley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Cooper Thorpe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brice Peralta has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donald Broyles has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul McCollum has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dee Brown has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jc Leeper has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marvin Perry has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lloyd Evans has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Crabtree has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Cecil Swisher has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wm Walls has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carl Graham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Samual Lewis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Teddy Tobias has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Albert Brenner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Matthew Villa has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Tinsley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Benjamin Scribner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Otis Lujan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Benny Ziegler has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Poulin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tyreek Davenport has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Johnathan Davis has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Najee Kiser has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Phillip Wicker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raymond Worsham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Emilio Miles has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mike Hoyle has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Atkinson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Juan Fennell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Delvalle has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Wiseman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donn Rogers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Sam has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Hanes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bradford Sparks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Schaefer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brandon Naquin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Bateman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Mcdougall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Wayne Mcvay has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Glover has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ronny Turpin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Simon Atkinson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dalton Pena has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Alfonso Dickerson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Kent has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Greiner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Manuel Hite has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jacob Mcwhorter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Austin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Cantu has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Terrance Barrows has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Hickson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gus Wilkins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Christopher Park has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brandon Alexander has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Anthony Boyles has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Roberto Cardenas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ryan Leone has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jesus Mcnally has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Roy West has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Howard Peters has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Aaron Harris has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Willie Mckenzie has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Russell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Staggs has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Simon Hernandez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Douglas Stone has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leonard Jewell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jordon Roe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Hayward has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Welsh has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Peter Fonseca has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Orta has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carl Quinones has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Josiah Smith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Lee Barker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Sauls has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Paul Marin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Federico Hoskins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Loya has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Farr has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Eric Higginbotham has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Scroggins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Phillip Galvin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Stephen Whittle has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Justin Coker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: M.J. White has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Luis Guerrero has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Andrew Beach has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clifford Valdes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenton Kimmel has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Philip Esparza has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jody Hammett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Shi Keener has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffery Henley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Victor Marshall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Harvey Yeager has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Patino has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Strother has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jerry Turner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bruce Arnett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ernest Frame has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gene Honeycutt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Thomas Naylor has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marcos Bray has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frederick Spaulding has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jayson Forney has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Nolan Cordova has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Erik Flores has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Smothers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dave England has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Clinton Riley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Trevor Montague has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Chad Hogue has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Sammy Hicks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Russell Sizemore has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Darell Pinkerton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Handy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ryan Bronson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Devin Conley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: David Lopez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Felix Welch has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jack Dugan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Rey Diamond has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Adrian Carney has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Barajas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Vines has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joshua Caldwell has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Frank Enriquez has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Beaudoin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carl Howe has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carroll Callender has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Manuel Cornish has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Stephen Winter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Freddy Layman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ray-Ray Rice has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ronald Witt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mickey Galloway has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Spears has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Corey Turner has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Herbert Schweitzer has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mary Scott has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Joseph Shumaker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Staten has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Dix has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jason Stinson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donald Bentley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Colson has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Donnie Pittman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Welch has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Herbert Keeney has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Marc Knight has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Brian Wiley has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Vern Sisk has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Travis Limon has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gary Reichert has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jerry Camp has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Michael Rankin has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Timothy Mackenzie has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Philip Reyes has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tuan Lyons has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Stanton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gerardo Hamilton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Mabry has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Back has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Karl Worthy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Robert Mcqueen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Galarza has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Shane Heck has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Margarito Clayton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Raheem Cardenas has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ren Keith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Welch has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Randy Derosa has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Norman Stegall has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gene Flores has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Steven Gaston has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Emmett Handy has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Mark Hartman has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bradley Busby has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeremy Crump has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Johnny Harris has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Franklin Leonard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: John Clemmons has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Patrick Seal has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Walter Banks has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Burton Wick has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gene Schmid has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Leroy Hale has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: James Pedersen has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Ross Williams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tim Mosher has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Gerald Walker has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Hugh Akers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Pape has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Erik Keaton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tony Holt has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Carey Eldridge has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Daniel Looney has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dale Neal has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Salvador Beers has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Tony Granados has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Deandre Goldsmith has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Herbert Dupre has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Fred Newton has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dale Jones has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jarrett Krieger has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jim Kellogg has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Douglas Stinnett has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Kenneth Ballard has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Temple has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Larry Stephens has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Shane Scroggins has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Richard Townsend has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: William Egan has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Benedict Lomax has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Jonathan Vang has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Micheal Pond has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Stephen Gainey has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Edward Lawrence has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Dean Bird has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Bobby Trotter has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Walter Mcwilliams has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Charles Butler has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Derek Odum has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Freddie Laplante has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Henry Rivera has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Samuel Nakamura has decided to transfer.
Offseason 2060: Glenn Wilson has decided to transfer.
Week 16, 2060: Dylan Smoot has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Kenneth Parkinson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Patrick Barnette has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Donald Burton has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Brian Dejesus has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Ryan Malloy has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Willie Leary has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Guy McBee has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: David Mendez has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Frank Mcvay has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Paul Henry has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Edmund Summers has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Ronald Stern has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Peter Crowder has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Bobby Hunt has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: James Holguin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Donald Beatty has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Julian Morgan has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Ted James has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Mark Craig has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Marc Steed has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Joe Sanders has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Basil Warren has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Bruce Daniels has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: James Clapp has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Michael Coyne has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Riley Elliott has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Jerry Sun has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: William Swanson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Normand Shin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Raymond Hedrick has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Johnnie Holiday has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Antonio Hart has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Carlos Spain has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Miguel Gaddy has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Quinton Jenkins has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Leon Woods has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Oliver Miles has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: John Haynes has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Tyrion Ramsey has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Alfonso Robertson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Roger Carnahan has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: George Ware has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Daryl Mckeown has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Waylon Beaty has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Patrick Naquin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Randall Artis has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Eugene Ring has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Henry Rodgers has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Juan Schell has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Michael Tapp has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Margarito Byrd has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Michael Gibbs has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Jim Land has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Gale Armstrong has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Paul Benjamin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Noe Brock has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Kenneth Hughes has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Lucius Montano has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Lewis Gill has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Alex Devine has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: John Hollingsworth has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Marcus Grant has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Jim Donnell has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Robert Loving has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Andres Bradley has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Victor Temple has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Gary Epps has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Terry Castillo has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Sylvester Walden has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Hunter Abner has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Jesse Norman has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: David Mckenzie has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: John Bryant has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Gerald Everett has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Theodore Zaragoza has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Eric Shelly has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Melvin Aguilar has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Wayne Kelley has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Week 16, 2060: Kevin Mata has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft.
Recruiting Week 3: Roderick Lee - DT (4 Star / Rank: 205) committed to Clemson Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Steve Mitchell - G (2 Star / Rank: 2937) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Robert Creamer - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1552) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 3: Paul Seibert - LB (3 Star / Rank: 960) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Recruiting Week 3: Ryan Saldana - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2398) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 3: Leonard Morris - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1968) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Thomas Babin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2136) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 3: James Manns - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1322) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 3: Preston Isom - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2329) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 3: Martin Mchugh - G (2 Star / Rank: 2802) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 3: Keith Krieger - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2695) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Recruiting Week 3: Royce Grace - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1284) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 3: Jerry Wills - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2206) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Lawerence Marvin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2140) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Henry Hermann - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2240) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Loren Colon - G (2 Star / Rank: 2280) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 3: Earl Sowell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 867) committed to Washington State Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Kerry Wester - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1026) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Daniel Mcdougal - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1396) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 3: Edmund Aguirre - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2075) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 3: Judson Jones - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2077) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 3: Scott Boling - P (1 Star / Rank: 3733) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Theodore Rutledge - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3514) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 3: Alexander Cummings - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1673) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 3: Harry Duncan - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2461) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 3: William Rousseau - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2617) committed to Akron Zips
Recruiting Week 3: William Jankowski - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2015) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Salvador Little - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2016) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Recruiting Week 3: Larry Joyner - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2017) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 3: Howard Macklin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1599) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Evan Pearson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1839) committed to Boise State Broncos
Recruiting Week 3: Brandon Baldwin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1601) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Recruiting Week 3: Kenneth Echevarria - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1717) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Maurice Straub - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1941) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Recruiting Week 3: Carl Shephard - K (1 Star / Rank: 3616) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Monte Stanley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2247) committed to Florida Gators
Recruiting Week 3: Reyes Vazquez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2248) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Ross Guzman - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1290) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 3: Eric Woodward - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2289) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Jose Carney - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1682) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 3: Paul Mercer - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1721) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Kendall Sanderson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1881) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 3: Nathaniel Pryor - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1804) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Recruiting Week 3: Martin Dykes - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1030) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Recruiting Week 3: Peter Slone - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1916) committed to Toledo Rockets
Recruiting Week 3: Elden Forest - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1760) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Recruiting Week 3: Boogie Schneider - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1265) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Carey Field - C (3 Star / Rank: 1723) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Recruiting Week 3: Don Mckeever - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1066) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Recruiting Week 3: Virgil Monaco - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1988) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 3: Michael Blanchard - G (3 Star / Rank: 2117) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Daren Edge - G (3 Star / Rank: 1989) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Paul Mason - DT (3 Star / Rank: 874) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 3: Terry Hand - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2951) committed to Akron Zips
Recruiting Week 3: Amare Arrington - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1157) committed to Washington State Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Mark Marks - T (2 Star / Rank: 2342) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 3: Hipolito Smith - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1127) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Recruiting Week 3: Bryan Gaston - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2120) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Rogelio Clevenger - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1159) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 3: Buford Flowers - T (3 Star / Rank: 1335) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Salvador Miles - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2092) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Mark Kroll - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1492) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 3: Kennith Sizemore - K (2 Star / Rank: 3020) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Recruiting Week 3: William Sheehan - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1692) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Recruiting Week 3: Henry Wells - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3681) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Recruiting Week 3: Arturo Denson - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1850) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 3: Austin Ledbetter - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2626) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 3: Jesus Martin - T (3 Star / Rank: 2226) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Recruiting Week 3: Walter Mayfield - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2160) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 3: Justin Allen - C (3 Star / Rank: 1647) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 3: Alexander Mays - P (3 Star / Rank: 1855) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 3: William Aponte - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3656) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Recruiting Week 3: Ronald Roby - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2386) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Recruiting Week 3: Shane Loera - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2227) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 3: Vicente Estrada - C (3 Star / Rank: 2066) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 3: Eric Renner - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1302) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 3: Lavern Mcintire - C (3 Star / Rank: 1732) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 3: Jerome Castleberry - LB (3 Star / Rank: 823) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Amad Newkirk - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1382) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 3: Robert Sloan - SS (3 Star / Rank: 737) committed to Washington State Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Carlos Perkins - DE (3 Star / Rank: 763) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Jason Reed - C (2 Star / Rank: 3051) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Ruben Preston - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1244) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 3: Aldo Carpenter - G (3 Star / Rank: 854) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Recruiting Week 3: Jesus Zambrano - RB (3 Star / Rank: 827) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Recruiting Week 3: Harold Bishop - RB (3 Star / Rank: 685) committed to UCLA Bruins
Recruiting Week 3: Charles Kline - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3717) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Recruiting Week 3: Anthony Vitale - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1275) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Recruiting Week 3: Tim Labbe - P (3 Star / Rank: 2197) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 3: Bryan Ham - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2552) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 3: Tom Isom - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2324) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 3: Rodney Serrano - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1958) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Recruiting Week 3: Elroy Richard - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1309) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 3: Ahmad Keenan - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1115) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 3: John Loftin - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1657) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Recruiting Week 3: Steven Roundtree - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1347) committed to Texas Longhorns
Recruiting Week 3: William Bustos - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2583) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 3: David Roberson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1055) committed to California Golden Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Larry Fernandez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1547) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 3: Dennis Bivins - G (3 Star / Rank: 1311) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Recruiting Week 3: Gerald Guerra - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1737) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Recruiting Week 3: Kyle Quinn - LB (4 Star / Rank: 149) transferred from Florida State to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Recruiting Week 3: Fred Sauer - WR (4 Star / Rank: 220) transferred from Florida State to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Recruiting Week 3: Russell Travers - DE (4 Star / Rank: 262) transferred from Clemson to California Golden Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Raymond Goodwin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 533) transferred from Duke to UCLA Bruins
Recruiting Week 3: Jeramy Haggerty - WR (3 Star / Rank: 833) transferred from Central Florida to Georgia Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 3: Norman Richie - DT (3 Star / Rank: 623) transferred from Central Florida to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 3: Kevin Irby - K (3 Star / Rank: 1937) transferred from South Florida to Western Michigan Broncos
Recruiting Week 3: Craig Samples - P (2 Star / Rank: 2832) transferred from Houston to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Bruce Conley - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1525) transferred from Baylor to Boise State Broncos
Recruiting Week 3: Lawrence Early - QB (4 Star / Rank: 244) transferred from Maryland to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Recruiting Week 3: Max Brogan - DE (4 Star / Rank: 151) transferred from Maryland to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Recruiting Week 3: Robert Jernigan - LB (4 Star / Rank: 96) transferred from Michigan to Clemson Tigers
Recruiting Week 3: Alex Hong - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1661) transferred from Rutgers to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 3: Howard Jones - WR (3 Star / Rank: 859) transferred from Indiana to California Golden Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Russell Scott - CB (3 Star / Rank: 825) transferred from Indiana to Western Michigan Broncos
Recruiting Week 3: Brandon Lin - QB (4 Star / Rank: 287) transferred from Nebraska to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 3: Benjamin Ford - P (3 Star / Rank: 2033) transferred from Illinois to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 3: Douglas Tan - T (2 Star / Rank: 3197) transferred from Purdue to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 3: Cecil Patterson - QB (3 Star / Rank: 944) transferred from UTEP to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 3: Michale Catron - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1021) transferred from North Texas to Old Dominion Monarchs
Recruiting Week 3: John Hutchins - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2447) transferred from Marshall to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 3: David Mott - SS (4 Star / Rank: 202) transferred from Western Michigan to California Golden Bears
Recruiting Week 3: Brice Peralta - K (3 Star / Rank: 2198) transferred from San Diego State to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 3: Donald Broyles - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1201) transferred from San Diego State to Kent State Golden Flashes
Recruiting Week 3: Luis Guerrero - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1104) transferred from UCLA to Duke Blue Devils
Recruiting Week 3: Andrew Beach - T (3 Star / Rank: 734) transferred from USC to Texas Longhorns
Recruiting Week 3: Clifford Valdes - RB (3 Star / Rank: 311) transferred from USC to Michigan Wolverines
Recruiting Week 3: Harvey Yeager - G (3 Star / Rank: 783) transferred from Utah to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 3: Joseph Beaudoin - T (4 Star / Rank: 63) transferred from Louisiana Monroe to Nevada Wolf Pack
Recruiting Week 3: Mickey Galloway - DT (3 Star / Rank: 399) transferred from Georgia to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Recruiting Week 3: Corey Turner - G (3 Star / Rank: 412) transferred from Florida to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 2: Jimmie Numbers - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2736) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 2: Nick Vargas - T (3 Star / Rank: 2169) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 2: James Neal - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2003) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Recruiting Week 2: James Gutierrez - G (1 Star / Rank: 3718) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Angelo Brown - T (2 Star / Rank: 2481) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Tripp - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1964) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Joe Peoples - T (3 Star / Rank: 1781) committed to Toledo Rockets
Recruiting Week 2: Mark Fox - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1828) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 2: Wm Evans - G (3 Star / Rank: 1707) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Recruiting Week 2: Donald Dahl - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2135) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 2: Truman Parker - DE (3 Star / Rank: 545) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Recruiting Week 2: Michael Yu - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3114) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Ronnie Pickett - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2560) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Mchugh - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1553) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 2: Marcos Holland - P (1 Star / Rank: 3829) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 2: Donald Simone - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1934) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Deshawn Polanco - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2520) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Edward Boudreaux - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2039) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Michael Bateman - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2357) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Recruiting Week 2: Donald King - T (2 Star / Rank: 2455) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Brad Howell - T (3 Star / Rank: 1935) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Rick Kilgore - G (2 Star / Rank: 2939) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Mel Boyce - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1710) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Jaime Pemberton - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2399) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 2: Mark Gass - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1786) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Recruiting Week 2: Wayne Wright - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1589) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 2: Rafael Castro - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1787) committed to Florida Gators
Recruiting Week 2: Jacob Law - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2041) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 2: Cecil Perreault - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3082) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 2: David Goodman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1971) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Fred Dugas - T (3 Star / Rank: 1058) committed to Toledo Rockets
Recruiting Week 2: Raymond Caraballo - C (3 Star / Rank: 1555) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Phillip Crayton - TE (3 Star / Rank: 316) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 2: Tory Lopez - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3256) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Jessie Hardaway - G (3 Star / Rank: 1790) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Recruiting Week 2: Houston Forbes - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2873) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Bradley Fogarty - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1529) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 2: Eugene Roth - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2563) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Manuel Ingle - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2207) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 2: Christopher Gough - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1059) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Recruiting Week 2: Isaiah Pearson - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2404) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 2: Javier Curry - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1937) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Kenneth Mckinney - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3205) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Isaiah Rupp - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1907) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Blalock - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1669) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 2: Steven Jacques - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1832) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Recruiting Week 2: Pasquale Keating - FS (2 Star / Rank: 3061) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Myles Vanwinkle - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2959) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Recruiting Week 2: Steven Pruitt - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1531) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Recruiting Week 2: John Hudson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1476) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Recruiting Week 2: Barney Patton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1557) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 2: Kenneth Graf - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1399) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Bradley Kent - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1122) committed to UNLV Rebels
Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Williams - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2143) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Brian Valenzuela - G (2 Star / Rank: 2827) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 2: Jonathan Wheeler - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2177) committed to Boise State Broncos
Recruiting Week 2: Marcos Travis - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2046) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Gregory - G (2 Star / Rank: 2595) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 2: John Cloutier - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3041) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Howard Elliot - G (2 Star / Rank: 2804) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Robinson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1402) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Wilbur Stephenson - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3818) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Recruiting Week 2: Andreas Strong - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3342) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 2: John Carlos - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1910) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 2: Mark Marvin - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2493) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Dean Gifford - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1716) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Shelby Aguayo - T (3 Star / Rank: 1746) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 2: Johnny Osteen - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1224) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 2: Christopher McCue - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2335) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Andrew Chen - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2407) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Recruiting Week 2: Basil Griffin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1534) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Velazquez - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2596) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Recruiting Week 2: Isaac York - RB (3 Star / Rank: 937) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 2: Richard Sanches - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2148) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Evan Jones - K (1 Star / Rank: 3280) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Rockwell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 966) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Mesa - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1749) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 2: George Farias - T (2 Star / Rank: 2336) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Colson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2178) committed to James Madison Dukes
Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Hoover - RB (2 Star / Rank: 3228) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Mark Watts - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1913) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Recruiting Week 2: Charles Mims - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1914) committed to Boise State Broncos
Recruiting Week 2: Mitch Woo - K (2 Star / Rank: 2890) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 2: Jack Chavez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2082) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 2: Lamont Kelley - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2598) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: Charles Earls - RB (3 Star / Rank: 938) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Recruiting Week 2: James Mclain - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1751) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Brian Cameron - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1095) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Christopher Corwin - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1330) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 2: Omer Galvez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1754) committed to Utah Utes
Recruiting Week 2: Kurtis Willard - FS (3 Star / Rank: 816) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Recruiting Week 2: Eddie Dickinson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1755) committed to Florida Gators
Recruiting Week 2: Allan Heinrich - LB (3 Star / Rank: 818) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Recruiting Week 2: Roy Fenner - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2085) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Fitzpatrick - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1001) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 2: Michael Aguayo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 598) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Recruiting Week 2: L.J. Sibley - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1292) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Recruiting Week 2: Dannie Hill - T (3 Star / Rank: 940) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Recruiting Week 2: Roscoe Frasier - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2152) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 2: Joel Sampson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1805) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 2: Antonio Levy - G (2 Star / Rank: 2645) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Sean Alvarez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1882) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Milton Whitley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1565) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 2: Joshua Webster - C (3 Star / Rank: 2180) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 2: Vernon Berman - T (3 Star / Rank: 1154) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Manual Uribe - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2807) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Randell Coffman - RB (3 Star / Rank: 706) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 2: Dustin Monaco - T (3 Star / Rank: 1065) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Quinlan - K (1 Star / Rank: 3408) committed to Toledo Rockets
Recruiting Week 2: Jack Adkins - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1451) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 2: Dominic Walker - G (2 Star / Rank: 2534) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Recruiting Week 2: George Knapp - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2216) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 2: Ted Fay - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2536) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Ross McAdams - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1233) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Willie Warren - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2026) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 2: Jose Bailey - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3147) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 2: Benjamin Sledge - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2467) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Recruiting Week 2: Toney Smith - K (2 Star / Rank: 3104) committed to James Madison Dukes
Recruiting Week 2: Steven Doe - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1764) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Recruiting Week 2: Dorsey Reuter - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2119) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 2: Will Heath - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1517) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Recruiting Week 2: Victor Pappas - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2503) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 2: Stevie Davis - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2538) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Charlie Holguin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1918) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 2: Stanley Hoyle - T (3 Star / Rank: 1004) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 2: Adam Leonard - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1847) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Recruiting Week 2: Allen Wharton - G (2 Star / Rank: 2702) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Recruiting Week 2: Anthony Greene - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2468) committed to Akron Zips
Recruiting Week 2: Marc Bible - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1198) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 2: Houston Beasley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 797) committed to Clemson Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Ali Ayala - K (2 Star / Rank: 3105) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Recruiting Week 2: David Parra - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1851) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 2: Joseph Hollenbeck - K (1 Star / Rank: 3410) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Scott Graham - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1614) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: Larry Gregory - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1422) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Recruiting Week 2: Blaine Zambrano - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1769) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Mar'Keise Barker - T (2 Star / Rank: 2437) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Recruiting Week 2: Silas Skaggs - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1615) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: Richard Patrick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1013) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Jason Haggard - K (1 Star / Rank: 3362) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Danny Varner - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2439) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Juan Stratton - K (1 Star / Rank: 3610) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Recruiting Week 2: Ronald Bartels - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2034) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: Anthony Hyde - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2387) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Recruiting Week 2: Fred Cherry - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2097) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 2: O'Shaan Reedy - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1341) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 2: Jason Christiansen - G (1 Star / Rank: 3697) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Richard Winters - LB (3 Star / Rank: 824) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 2: Donte Ross - K (2 Star / Rank: 3199) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Recruiting Week 2: Brenton Martin - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3322) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 2: Van Gregory - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2999) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Cardenas - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1703) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: John Manuel - G (3 Star / Rank: 898) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Recruiting Week 2: Reginald Porter - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1817) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Porter - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2232) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Recruiting Week 2: Jospeh Spearman - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1620) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Gregorio Myrick - G (3 Star / Rank: 1014) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: George Rush - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2128) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Willis Earl - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2978) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Jacob Rocha - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1654) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 2: Jarred Burkholder - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1386) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Coleman - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2817) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Mario Sallee - P (2 Star / Rank: 2901) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Paul Thurston - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3698) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Ronald Ramirez - G (3 Star / Rank: 1864) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Recruiting Week 2: Cleveland Farmer - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3399) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Javier Bradshaw - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1212) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: Robert Moniz - G (3 Star / Rank: 881) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Recruiting Week 2: James Crow - DT (3 Star / Rank: 770) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Murphy - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3483) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Edward Schwarz - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1655) committed to Colorado State Rams
Recruiting Week 2: Arthur Ortega - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1431) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Ryan Kelleher - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2168) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Recruiting Week 2: Shawn Loera - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1250) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Eddie Settle - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3324) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 2: Calvin Cassell - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1658) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Recruiting Week 2: Monroe Bliss - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2421) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Hummel - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2394) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Fleck - P (2 Star / Rank: 3180) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 2: Michael Samson - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2201) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Geoffrey Rangel - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3449) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 2: Raymond Fabian - LB (2 Star / Rank: 3181) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 2: Roscoe Epperson - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3824) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Recruiting Week 2: Chadwick Whatley - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1391) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Edwin Dunham - LB (3 Star / Rank: 957) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 2: John Pierce - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3135) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Recruiting Week 2: Timothy Whited - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1251) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 2: Bruce Rushing - C (3 Star / Rank: 463) transferred from North Carolina State to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 2: Eric Van - QB (4 Star / Rank: 117) transferred from Duke to California Golden Bears
Recruiting Week 2: John Ferguson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 798) transferred from Duke to Western Michigan Broncos
Recruiting Week 2: Buford Collins - FS (4 Star / Rank: 250) transferred from Miami (FL) to Duke Blue Devils
Recruiting Week 2: Wesley Torrence - QB (4 Star / Rank: 288) transferred from Virginia to Clemson Tigers
Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Hawkins - LB (4 Star / Rank: 153) transferred from Cincinnati to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 2: Brittain Baumgartner - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1938) transferred from Memphis to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Recruiting Week 2: Joseph Kim - RB (3 Star / Rank: 498) transferred from Iowa State to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Recruiting Week 2: James Forsyth - DT (3 Star / Rank: 622) transferred from Brigham Young to Virginia Tech Hokies
Recruiting Week 2: Vincenzo Hildreth - DE (4 Star / Rank: 126) transferred from Maryland to Cincinnati Bearcats
Recruiting Week 2: Bobby Royster - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1118) transferred from Rutgers to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Recruiting Week 2: Steven Norton - FS (3 Star / Rank: 447) transferred from Louisiana Tech to Duke Blue Devils
Recruiting Week 2: Damien Wickham - C (3 Star / Rank: 1538) transferred from Marshall to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 2: Steven Chalmers - FS (3 Star / Rank: 627) transferred from Western Michigan to UCLA Bruins
Recruiting Week 2: Terrance Barrows - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1294) transferred from Washington to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 2: Jesus Mcnally - P (2 Star / Rank: 2582) transferred from California to Georgia Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: M.J. White - RB (5 Star / Rank: 37) transferred from UCLA to Georgia Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 2: Joshua Caldwell - T (4 Star / Rank: 206) transferred from Louisiana Monroe to Auburn Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: Michael Totten - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2902) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 1: Juan Hahn - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2480) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: Robert Markham - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2659) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 1: Ernie Gonsalves - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1869) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 1: Seth Mendoza - P (1 Star / Rank: 3337) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 1: James Whited - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2936) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Damon Pitre - RB (3 Star / Rank: 862) committed to Missouri Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: Garry Crews - K (1 Star / Rank: 3833) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 1: Eldon Craig - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1281) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: David Holt - G (3 Star / Rank: 1784) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 1: John Dell - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3530) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Harrison - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2662) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 1: Johnathon Robinson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1901) committed to Florida Gators
Recruiting Week 1: Timothy Schafer - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1969) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 1: Morris Connolly - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1741) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 1: Ra'Shaun Barham - T (3 Star / Rank: 1664) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Recruiting Week 1: Pierre Heflin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1439) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 1: Jerry Elrod - RB (3 Star / Rank: 835) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 1: Owen Rowe - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2458) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Raymond Chambliss - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2486) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Lee Orr - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2277) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 1: Daniel Guerra - T (3 Star / Rank: 2238) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: Donald Holiday - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1829) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: Edward Glass - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2693) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: Paul Curley - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2773) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Robert Wagoner - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3774) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 1: Doyle Casey - G (2 Star / Rank: 2742) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Recruiting Week 1: Pedro Peacock - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2487) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: Hollis High - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1788) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 1: Kevin Lantz - G (3 Star / Rank: 1179) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Boyd - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1742) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Recruiting Week 1: Angel Lake - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3255) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Jerry Jensen - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3832) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: Dillon Erwin - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3276) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 1: Russell Archuleta - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3564) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 1: John Jennings - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3541) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 1: George Gates - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1510) committed to Toledo Rockets
Recruiting Week 1: Richard Gilmore - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1511) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 1: Ronald Silver - T (3 Star / Rank: 1871) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Kyle Walker - P (1 Star / Rank: 3768) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Recruiting Week 1: Franklin Haag - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2283) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Recruiting Week 1: Christopher Fine - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2489) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Clifton Kuykendall - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2745) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 1: Benson Willoughby - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2074) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Recruiting Week 1: Tony Mayo - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1973) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 1: Edward Jackson - RB (3 Star / Rank: 782) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Recruiting Week 1: Mark Simone - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2242) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Todd Coggins - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2243) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 1: Jose Ellis - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2012) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 1: Donald Barrett - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1359) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 1: Steve Phipps - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2175) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 1: Keith Dahl - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1793) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Recruiting Week 1: Andrew Martinez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1834) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 1: Morris Mcrae - K (2 Star / Rank: 2616) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Recruiting Week 1: Frank Hodges - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2526) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: Roberto Brown - K (1 Star / Rank: 3808) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Bruce Johnson - K (1 Star / Rank: 3701) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 1: Wade Johnson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 648) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Recruiting Week 1: Steve Roybal - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2331) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Brian Haugen - G (2 Star / Rank: 2943) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 1: Ira Huston - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1221) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Recruiting Week 1: Eugene Weinberg - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1062) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 1: Robert Ives - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1326) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: William McClelland - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3369) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 1: Bobby Nielsen - P (1 Star / Rank: 3475) committed to Oregon Ducks
Recruiting Week 1: Henry Newsom - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1560) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Recruiting Week 1: Jacob Pettis - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3772) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 1: Timothy Maxfield - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2048) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 1: James Schulz - WR (3 Star / Rank: 699) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Robert Dias - LB (3 Star / Rank: 908) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Recruiting Week 1: Jack Worley - G (2 Star / Rank: 3063) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Michael Potts - P (1 Star / Rank: 3555) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Tarron Gomez - G (2 Star / Rank: 2672) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Bret Jordon - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2362) committed to Akron Zips
Recruiting Week 1: Randall Sims - K (2 Star / Rank: 3098) committed to Houston Cougars
Recruiting Week 1: Jack Nixon - G (2 Star / Rank: 2724) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Recruiting Week 1: Jerome Nixon - T (3 Star / Rank: 1481) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Matthew Forest - K (1 Star / Rank: 3502) committed to UTEP Miners
Recruiting Week 1: Fritz Michaud - G (2 Star / Rank: 2781) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Recruiting Week 1: John Damico - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1561) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 1: Shaun Medina - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2363) committed to Boise State Broncos
Recruiting Week 1: Philip Zamora - G (3 Star / Rank: 1598) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Recruiting Week 1: Wilfred Wilkins - G (2 Star / Rank: 3015) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: Jame Serrano - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1261) committed to Troy Trojans
Recruiting Week 1: Oscar Smith - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3576) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Richard Calhoun - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2619) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 1: Calvin Blevins - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1092) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 1: Ira Andrews - G (1 Star / Rank: 3428) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Marquis Paredes - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2429) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Erick Ortiz - T (3 Star / Rank: 2150) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Recruiting Week 1: Noble Tomlin - P (2 Star / Rank: 3229) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Recruiting Week 1: Felipe Smothers - G (2 Star / Rank: 2875) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: Warren Phillips - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2020) committed to Akron Zips
Recruiting Week 1: Morton Blake - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1718) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 1: Roquan Willis - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1536) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Recruiting Week 1: Bob Castellanos - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1190) committed to Utah Utes
Recruiting Week 1: Frederick Swift - K (1 Star / Rank: 3546) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Recruiting Week 1: Gerardo Carter - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1151) committed to Texas Longhorns
Recruiting Week 1: Randy Bullock - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2211) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Brandon Ratliff - G (2 Star / Rank: 2369) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Darrel Lovelace - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1368) committed to Baylor Bears
Recruiting Week 1: Jeremy Owens - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2966) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Juan Mulkey - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2022) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: James Harr - T (3 Star / Rank: 1484) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 1: Clarence Bryan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1982) committed to UNLV Rebels
Recruiting Week 1: Jeffrey Judge - T (3 Star / Rank: 1803) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Samuel Kaplan - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3345) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Recruiting Week 1: John Barclay - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2947) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Recruiting Week 1: James Martindale - T (3 Star / Rank: 1153) committed to USC Trojans
Recruiting Week 1: Taylor Rhodes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 792) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Recruiting Week 1: Gavin Anglin - K (2 Star / Rank: 3146) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Recruiting Week 1: Alexander Holbrook - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2087) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 1: Arthur Craig - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1450) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Bernal - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3518) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Alvin Gallegos - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3714) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Ron Dinkins - G (3 Star / Rank: 1985) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Recruiting Week 1: Roger Hoover - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2315) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Recruiting Week 1: Willard Chapin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1759) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Recruiting Week 1: William Ragsdale - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1685) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Recruiting Week 1: Elmer Peter - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2498) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Gary Hurt - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1412) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Recruiting Week 1: Wilmer Stoker - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3233) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Jonas Cruz - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2339) committed to Temple Owls
Recruiting Week 1: Thomas Smalley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1987) committed to Colorado State Rams
Recruiting Week 1: Jessie Romano - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1640) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Recruiting Week 1: Benjamin Doan - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3724) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 1: Jimmy Battles - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1488) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: Ed Connelly - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1945) committed to Memphis Tigers
Recruiting Week 1: Willie Boone - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2861) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: David Flowers - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2809) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: Robert Aquino - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2603) committed to Rice Owls
Recruiting Week 1: Raymond Comstock - T (2 Star / Rank: 2500) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Recruiting Week 1: Jarrin Witt - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2414) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Recruiting Week 1: Jason Skidmore - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3103) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Recruiting Week 1: Jarrod Palmer - P (2 Star / Rank: 2433) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 1: Leonard Mahaffey - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1489) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Recruiting Week 1: Tayvion Hartman - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3215) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: Rodney Click - C (2 Star / Rank: 2378) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Recruiting Week 1: Willard Will - K (2 Star / Rank: 2838) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Recruiting Week 1: Gene Denney - C (2 Star / Rank: 2623) committed to Central Florida Knights
Recruiting Week 1: David Moreland - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2343) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Denny Rojas - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1809) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 1: Herbert Kurtz - K (1 Star / Rank: 3675) committed to Air Force Falcons
Recruiting Week 1: Daniel Power - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1373) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Recruiting Week 1: Nicholas Conrad - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3461) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Recruiting Week 1: Courtney Mckinney - T (3 Star / Rank: 1158) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Jevyon Sears - P (1 Star / Rank: 3765) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Recruiting Week 1: Brent Pepper - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2293) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Recruiting Week 1: Kevin Hacker - P (1 Star / Rank: 3305) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Recruiting Week 1: Louis Crawford - T (2 Star / Rank: 3172) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Tom Owens - T (2 Star / Rank: 2880) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 1: Joe Horan - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3127) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Terrance Valdez - K (1 Star / Rank: 3549) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 1: David Oswald - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2381) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Jeffery Logsdon - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3288) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Recruiting Week 1: Thomas Morrison - DE (2 Star / Rank: 3218) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 1: Mark Oswald - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1040) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Quinton Franklin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 715) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 1: Ivan Crosby - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3568) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Recruiting Week 1: Alvin Warfield - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2121) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Recruiting Week 1: Gilbert White - T (3 Star / Rank: 2224) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: John Stevens - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1993) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Recruiting Week 1: Sheldon Taylor - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3306) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Recruiting Week 1: Brandon Browne - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2032) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Recruiting Week 1: Trent Duckett - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2541) committed to James Madison Dukes
Recruiting Week 1: Ismael Cox - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3504) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: Amos Duncan - P (2 Star / Rank: 3128) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 1: Roberto Wilde - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2471) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: Earl Austin - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3197) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Recruiting Week 1: Glenn Yarbrough - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1043) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Recruiting Week 1: William Damon - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3021) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Michael Arroyo - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2607) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Recruiting Week 1: Riley Nash - K (1 Star / Rank: 3363) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Recruiting Week 1: Tom Harlan - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1541) committed to Colorado State Rams
Recruiting Week 1: Fredrick Barone - P (1 Star / Rank: 3466) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Recruiting Week 1: Paul Knight - K (1 Star / Rank: 3569) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: John Longo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1425) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Roger Appleton - P (1 Star / Rank: 3625) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Recruiting Week 1: Pat Hampton - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1495) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Eric Bell - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2577) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Kyle Goodwin - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2579) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: William Howard - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1618) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Recruiting Week 1: Pedro Magnuson - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2767) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Stanley Mitchell - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3252) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Ortega - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3767) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Recruiting Week 1: James Back - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3365) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 1: Stephen Nance - DE (3 Star / Rank: 828) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Pope - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3619) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Recruiting Week 1: Wilbert Sims - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1818) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 1: Joel Bennett - K (2 Star / Rank: 3178) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Recruiting Week 1: Deon Richardson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1052) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Recruiting Week 1: William Weed - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2547) committed to Washington Huskies
Recruiting Week 1: Leo Gaither - C (3 Star / Rank: 1927) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Recruiting Week 1: Adam Devine - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1704) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Recruiting Week 1: Louis Bunch - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1776) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Recruiting Week 1: Kennith Doan - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2549) committed to Army Black Knights
Recruiting Week 1: Edgar Molina - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3350) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Recruiting Week 1: Charles Guy - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3745) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Ronald Layman - P (2 Star / Rank: 2445) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 1: James Lees - G (2 Star / Rank: 2513) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Johnny Payne - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1135) committed to Boston College Eagles
Recruiting Week 1: Jeremy Slattery - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3665) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 1: Matthew Crayton - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2798) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Stuart Santos - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1525) committed to South Florida Bulls
Recruiting Week 1: Brett Melvin - T (2 Star / Rank: 3134) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Recruiting Week 1: Justin Comer - P (1 Star / Rank: 3823) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Recruiting Week 1: Howard Schultz - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1896) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Recruiting Week 1: K.J. Willis - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3507) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Recruiting Week 1: Leo Smoot - C (1 Star / Rank: 3788) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: Johnny Woods - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2867) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Recruiting Week 1: William Busby - DT (3 Star / Rank: 741) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Recruiting Week 1: Seth Teel - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1468) committed to Colorado State Rams
Recruiting Week 1: Gerald Lanham - G (1 Star / Rank: 3509) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Recruiting Week 1: Kenneth Drake - QB (3 Star / Rank: 384) transferred from Iowa State to Brigham Young Cougars
Recruiting Week 1: Richard Sheehan - SS (3 Star / Rank: 352) transferred from Michigan to Western Michigan Broncos
Recruiting Week 1: Douglas Lange - K (3 Star / Rank: 2207) transferred from Wisconsin to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Gragg - DE (3 Star / Rank: 845) transferred from Massachusetts to Maryland Terrapins
Recruiting Week 1: Eric Crabtree - C (3 Star / Rank: 768) transferred from Hawaii to Maryland Terrapins
Week 1, 2061: Petty, W. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Ross, F. - QB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Haley, D. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Stanton, W. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Wood, J. - DT won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Moore, E. - QB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Ybarra, A. - DT won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: St. Pierre, R. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Ruiz, K. - DT won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Floyd, K. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Blocker, A. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Rockwell, J. - RB won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Sherrod, O. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Stewart, A. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Norman, J. - LB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Crayton, J. - FS won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Brewer, G. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Stallworth, R. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Danner, J. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Castillo, R. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Keck, D. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 1, 2061: Joshua Ladner has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Albert Giles has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: James Lockwood has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Jeffery Bishop has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: William Whyte has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Kevin Otto has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Shannon Lees has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 7 years.
Week 1, 2061: Harry Lightfoot has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Herbert Mendez has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Ruben Southerland has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Ryan Hagan has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Robert Rawlins has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: Toby Mcgill has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Todd Jernigan has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Winston Allard has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years.
Week 1, 2061: Todd Mendez has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: William Dillard has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years.
Week 1, 2061: Paul Albright has signed a contract extension for $5,000,000 over 2 years.
Week 1, 2061: Kyle Wells has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: Art O'Neil has signed a contract extension for $3,000,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: James Schofield has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years.
Week 1, 2061: Philip Montgomery has signed a contract extension for $5,000,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Barry Weathers has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: Leland Watson has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 7 years.
Week 1, 2061: Justin Calkins has signed a contract extension for $5,500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Richard Schwartz has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Richard Palacios has signed a contract extension for $800,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Gregory Henry has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Richard Foster has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Ernest Stewart has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Kurtis Houle has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: Jeremy Storey has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years.
Week 1, 2061: Archie Villanueva has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Jack Vinson has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years.
Week 1, 2061: Robert Eldridge has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years.
Week 1, 2061: Frederick Nicholas - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2234) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Ron Meeker - K (2 Star / Rank: 3010) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 1, 2061: James Martell - T (3 Star / Rank: 1477) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 1, 2061: Antonio Gunther - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1977) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 1, 2061: Jorge Cook - K (1 Star / Rank: 3750) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 1, 2061: Ned Durham - DT (3 Star / Rank: 965) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Thomas Horne - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1364) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 1, 2061: Jimmy Malone - T (3 Star / Rank: 2080) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 1, 2061: Charlie Rader - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3144) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 1, 2061: Sammy Henry - T (3 Star / Rank: 1879) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 1, 2061: Mario Yarbrough - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2430) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 1, 2061: Juan McCartney - T (3 Star / Rank: 1986) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 1, 2061: Brice Grimes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1032) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Thomas Riggins - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2949) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 1, 2061: Richard Norris - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1687) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Phillip Hicks - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1886) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 1, 2061: Alfonso Landrum - T (3 Star / Rank: 1419) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 1, 2061: Ryan Martens - LB (1 Star / Rank: 3579) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: John Jewell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1294) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Joshua Emerson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1990) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: Jerry Vanwinkle - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1946) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Matthew Lindsay - SS (3 Star / Rank: 945) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 1, 2061: Joseph Mitchell - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1947) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 1, 2061: Harold Holley - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1607) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Anthony Robb - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2219) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Jose Boyle - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2059) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Sean Alvarado - RB (3 Star / Rank: 875) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Anthony Homer - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1645) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Bernard Anderson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 974) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Jeffrey Hull - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1919) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Mark Yates - C (3 Star / Rank: 1457) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 1, 2061: Roger Boatwright - T (3 Star / Rank: 975) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Kermit Davis - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1036) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Rogelio Lay - DT (3 Star / Rank: 917) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Buddy Hamilton - T (3 Star / Rank: 1199) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 1, 2061: Leslie Faulk - C (3 Star / Rank: 2156) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Ross Turner - WR (3 Star / Rank: 822) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Steven Gee - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1950) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: James Blankenship - G (3 Star / Rank: 947) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Roger Phillips - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3694) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Raymond Pope - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1458) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: George Stahl - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1646) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: Stephen Lindberg - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1299) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Eric Macleod - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1994) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: C.J. Castillo - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1922) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Timothy Espinoza - T (3 Star / Rank: 1459) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Shaka Hunter - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2033) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Jack Caraballo - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2096) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Ronny Hudson - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1106) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Larry Gomez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 756) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 1, 2061: Douglas Tarver - WR (3 Star / Rank: 658) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Todd Russell - T (3 Star / Rank: 897) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Hunter Rivers - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1339) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Joseph Hoskins - DE (3 Star / Rank: 659) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Jeff Norman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 800) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 1, 2061: Kevin Peltier - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1044) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: Roy Frame - FS (3 Star / Rank: 877) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: John Barnett - P (2 Star / Rank: 3048) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Newton Slattery - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1242) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Alexander Hwang - FS (3 Star / Rank: 801) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: Clyde Sandoval - DE (3 Star / Rank: 682) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 1, 2061: Edward Kern - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1460) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 1, 2061: George Hiatt - WR (3 Star / Rank: 661) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 1, 2061: Roger Wampler - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1379) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 1, 2061: Anthony Koonce - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1773) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Glen Kelly - T (3 Star / Rank: 2229) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Thad Mcdaniel - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1272) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Richard Sanderson - G (3 Star / Rank: 853) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 1, 2061: George Walter - T (3 Star / Rank: 1733) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: Christopher Foy - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1206) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 1, 2061: Theodore Avalos - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1342) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 1, 2061: Bob Harlan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 683) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Juan Churchill - LB (3 Star / Rank: 920) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: William Scholl - WR (3 Star / Rank: 921) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Robert Shivers - DT (3 Star / Rank: 878) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Randy Lutz - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1956) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Jimmie Simone - T (3 Star / Rank: 825) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 1, 2061: Phillip Carr - T (3 Star / Rank: 762) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: Scott Bautista - T (3 Star / Rank: 1463) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Jackie Early - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2101) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 1, 2061: Kelley Walsh - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3269) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 1, 2061: James Boudreau - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1924) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Joshua Major - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2163) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Dalton Bryant - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1702) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 1, 2061: Zachary Sams - G (2 Star / Rank: 2389) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 1, 2061: Harry Winston - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1305) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 1, 2061: Darryl Stratton - C (3 Star / Rank: 2193) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Rick Chan - T (3 Star / Rank: 1524) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Al Pierce - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1890) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Van Gossett - DT (3 Star / Rank: 923) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 1, 2061: Israel Barkley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 855) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Frankie Dietrich - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1306) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: Robert Sommer - G (3 Star / Rank: 804) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 1, 2061: David Kasper - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1208) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Danny Leak - K (2 Star / Rank: 3024) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Donald Payne - G (3 Star / Rank: 2102) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Casey Howe - G (3 Star / Rank: 1050) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Clifton Harman - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1077) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Harold Flores - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2511) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Angel Hunt - DE (3 Star / Rank: 985) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Alfred Jensen - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2582) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Fritz Rios - DE (3 Star / Rank: 768) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Isaac Byers - LB (3 Star / Rank: 899) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 1, 2061: Jared Doughty - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2001) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Matthew Simone - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2391) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 1, 2061: Earnest Johnson - C (3 Star / Rank: 1429) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Maximo Lyons - T (3 Star / Rank: 686) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 1, 2061: Arnold Riggins - LB (3 Star / Rank: 879) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 1, 2061: Calvin McClure - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2796) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 1, 2061: Burt Parks - G (3 Star / Rank: 2103) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Stephen Mcfarland - P (1 Star / Rank: 3292) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Hans Corey - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1249) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Dylan Richardson - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2352) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Scott O'Brien - LB (3 Star / Rank: 954) committed to Akron Zips
Week 1, 2061: Gary Callaghan - G (3 Star / Rank: 1211) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Lavern Juarez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2199) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: John Wakefield - T (3 Star / Rank: 2167) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 1, 2061: Jeffrey Machado - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1016) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Jose Hair - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1432) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: Oscar Tinsley - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2516) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Blaine Potter - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2325) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 1, 2061: Ramon Hollenbeck - LB (3 Star / Rank: 771) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Gavin Martin - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1137) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Alan Sweat - C (3 Star / Rank: 1779) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Arnold Adkins - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3836) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Jeffrey Rush - T (3 Star / Rank: 882) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Christopher Santana - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1526) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Louis Madrigal - T (3 Star / Rank: 901) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 1, 2061: Brian Nieves - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2449) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 1, 2061: Eloy Galvan - T (3 Star / Rank: 1434) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Jeff Wade - T (3 Star / Rank: 2203) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Charles Sawyer - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1350) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: James Masterson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1314) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 1, 2061: Claude Kenyon - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1020) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 1, 2061: Roberto Israel - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1780) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 1, 2061: Dee Chapa - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1252) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 1, 2061: Elton Rocha - LB (4 Star / Rank: 247) transferred from Clemson to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 1, 2061: Cody Lee - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2525) transferred from Boston College to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Reginald Jeter - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1298) transferred from Georgia Tech to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Alberto Williams - DE (4 Star / Rank: 262) transferred from Miami (FL) to Texas Longhorns
Week 1, 2061: Daniel Mcdougall - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1668) transferred from Miami (FL) to Syracuse Orange
Week 1, 2061: Joshua Hyman - SS (3 Star / Rank: 784) transferred from Virginia Tech to Central Florida Knights
Week 1, 2061: Wesley Gray - SS (3 Star / Rank: 763) transferred from Cincinnati to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 1, 2061: Angel Fellows - SS (3 Star / Rank: 917) transferred from Central Florida to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 1, 2061: Dale Ogden - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1488) transferred from Central Florida to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 1, 2061: Brady Shin - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1455) transferred from East Carolina to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 1, 2061: Walter Grimes - DE (3 Star / Rank: 600) transferred from Houston to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 1, 2061: Martin Gallo - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1212) transferred from Houston to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Robert Villegas - DE (3 Star / Rank: 612) transferred from Tulane to Texas Longhorns
Week 1, 2061: Dale John - TE (3 Star / Rank: 732) transferred from Baylor to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 1, 2061: Gerald Hunter - P (3 Star / Rank: 1497) transferred from Baylor to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 1, 2061: Nathaniel Weems - QB (3 Star / Rank: 949) transferred from Colorado to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Scott Vaughan - QB (3 Star / Rank: 661) transferred from Texas to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Melvin O'Brien - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2128) transferred from Texas Tech to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Jaren Ayala - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2395) transferred from Texas Tech to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Daniel Ochs - LB (2 Star / Rank: 3236) transferred from Kansas to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 1, 2061: Stephen Cochrane - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1221) transferred from Maryland to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 1, 2061: Merle Booker - QB (3 Star / Rank: 428) transferred from Michigan to Duke Blue Devils
Week 1, 2061: Anthony Wilbanks - LB (3 Star / Rank: 570) transferred from Michigan to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 1, 2061: Lee Carl - QB (4 Star / Rank: 53) transferred from Wisconsin to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Sal Carpenter - K (2 Star / Rank: 2333) transferred from Southern Mississippi to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 1, 2061: Marvin Woodward - WR (3 Star / Rank: 339) transferred from Western Michigan to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Sherwood Lemmon - FS (4 Star / Rank: 91) transferred from Western Michigan to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 1, 2061: Adrian Nieves - T (4 Star / Rank: 199) transferred from Bowling Green to Texas Longhorns
Week 1, 2061: Julian Marlowe - QB (5 Star / Rank: 23) transferred from Kent State to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 1, 2061: David Sturgeon - RB (3 Star / Rank: 560) transferred from Kent State to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 1, 2061: Guillermo Epperson - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2674) transferred from Wyoming to USC Trojans
Week 1, 2061: Cooper Thorpe - DE (3 Star / Rank: 683) transferred from San Diego State to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 1, 2061: Roberto Cardenas - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1264) transferred from California to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 1, 2061: Ryan Leone - DE (3 Star / Rank: 554) transferred from California to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 1, 2061: Philip Esparza - T (3 Star / Rank: 490) transferred from USC to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 1, 2061: Frank Enriquez - LB (4 Star / Rank: 185) transferred from Louisiana Monroe to Michigan Wolverines
Week 1, 2061: Ronald Witt - TE (3 Star / Rank: 432) transferred from Georgia to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 1, 2061: Gary Reichert - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1605) transferred from Kentucky to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 1, 2061: Richard Mabry - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1761) transferred from Vanderbilt to USC Trojans
Week 1, 2061: Herbert Dupre - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3745) transferred from Texas State to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 1, 2061: Walter Mcwilliams - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2219) transferred from New Mexico State to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 1, 2061: Herbert Harris has signed a contract extension for $5,500,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Bill Burton has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 5 years.
Week 1, 2061: Bradley Geary has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 8 years.
Week 1, 2061: William Talley has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 6 years.
Week 1, 2061: Lino Ryan has signed a contract extension for $1,500,000 over 4 years.
 Week 2, 2061: Elvis Whyte has recovered from his injury
 Week 2, 2061: Norbert Guillory has recovered from his injury
 Week 2, 2061: Philip Stanley has been injured. Status: Out (12-16 weeks)
 Week 2, 2061: Ronald Keith has recovered from his injury
Week 2, 2061: Turman, B. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: French, D. - QB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Beauchamp, E. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Mackey, K. - WR won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Chaffin, W. - FS won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Lapointe, L. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Herman, M. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Drummond, P. - SS won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Mcmullen, G. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Bowden, G. - DT won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Morris, J. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Gooding, J. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Barnes, L. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Travers, G. - DT won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Michaud, T. - LB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Leavitt, R. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Jolley, J. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Danner, J. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Bowen, C. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 2, 2061: Carl, L. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 3, 2061: Ryan Farrington has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Adam Dennis has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: William Navarro has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Kenneth Edwards has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Dale Douglas has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Robert Atkinson has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Wilford Nye has recovered from his injury
 Week 3, 2061: Arnold Riggins has recovered from his injury
Week 3, 2061: Guess, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Gavin, C. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Spencer, J. - DE won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Ladner, G. - WR won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Farrington, R. - DE won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Osburn, M. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: St. Pierre, R. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Marvin, M. - FS won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Mcghee, G. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Mcrae, J. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Stevenson, A. - RB won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Francisco, M. - LB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Horvath, M. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Sparks, W. - LB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Howard, W. - SS won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Brewer, G. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Robinson, G. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Ashley, B. - WR won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Davis, K. - SS won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 3, 2061: Chang, J. - RB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 4, 2061: Jerry Xiong has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Darrell Crespo has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Daniel Martinez has recovered from his injury
Week 4, 2061: Guess, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Ross, F. - QB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Buss, S. - LB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Barlow, B. - RB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Jones, N. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Fish, S. - WR won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Peacock, P. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: May, D. - WR won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Cupp, G. - LB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Justice, F. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Metcalf, R. - DE won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Stevenson, A. - RB won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Haskins, R. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Easter, S. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Doherty, E. - SS won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Marler, W. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Garrett, W. - RB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Moreno, J. - DT won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Lindberg, C. - WR won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Graham, M. - FS won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Naylor, J. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 4, 2061: Joseph Shrader - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3311) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 4, 2061: Michael Eason - LB (3 Star / Rank: 573) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 4, 2061: David Lugo - LB (4 Star / Rank: 73) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 4, 2061: Mike Martin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 511) committed to Florida Gators
Week 4, 2061: Shawn Townsend - RB (5 Star / Rank: 5) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 4, 2061: Cecil Humes - T (3 Star / Rank: 450) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 4, 2061: Patrick Severson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 674) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 4, 2061: Matthew Jolley - SS (4 Star / Rank: 212) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 4, 2061: Karl Williams - SS (3 Star / Rank: 758) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 4, 2061: Jorge Delaney - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1238) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 4, 2061: Miguel Davenport - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1202) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 4, 2061: Jose Ashworth - G (4 Star / Rank: 213) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 4, 2061: Ronald Castro - DE (3 Star / Rank: 420) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 4, 2061: Christopher Turk - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1043) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 4, 2061: Daniel Stroud - CB (3 Star / Rank: 340) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 4, 2061: Benjamin Garland - RB (4 Star / Rank: 190) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 4, 2061: Thomas Sparrow - DE (4 Star / Rank: 286) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 4, 2061: Gonzalo Butler - SS (3 Star / Rank: 634) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 4, 2061: Javier Stuckey - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1308) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 4, 2061: Julian Condon - QB (5 Star / Rank: 2) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 4, 2061: Woodrow Kellogg - RB (3 Star / Rank: 736) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 4, 2061: Romeo Burgos - FS (3 Star / Rank: 703) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 4, 2061: Vicente Overton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1017) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 4, 2061: Darius Bowens - QB (4 Star / Rank: 174) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 4, 2061: Thomas Zavala - G (3 Star / Rank: 314) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 4, 2061: Allan Rogers - DE (4 Star / Rank: 117) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 4, 2061: Pedro Ramsay - SS (3 Star / Rank: 864) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 4, 2061: Jerome Whitehead - QB (3 Star / Rank: 686) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 4, 2061: Jaime Mcfarlane - DE (5 Star / Rank: 4) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 4, 2061: Joshua Neville - CB (4 Star / Rank: 74) committed to Auburn Tigers
Week 4, 2061: Jerrod Cone - T (4 Star / Rank: 154) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 4, 2061: Craig Shin - P (2 Star / Rank: 2749) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 4, 2061: Ernesto Moreno - LB (3 Star / Rank: 582) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 4, 2061: Peter Frazer - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1918) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 4, 2061: Jesse Victor - CB (3 Star / Rank: 318) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 4, 2061: Tommy Woodard - RB (4 Star / Rank: 291) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 4, 2061: Gary Jones - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1134) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 4, 2061: Richard Kenny - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1606) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 4, 2061: Darren Smith - WR (5 Star / Rank: 1) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 4, 2061: Chevan Glass - P (3 Star / Rank: 1400) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 4, 2061: Delbert Radford - FS (5 Star / Rank: 12) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 4, 2061: Thomas Underwood - LB (4 Star / Rank: 292) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 4, 2061: Abel Eagle - RB (4 Star / Rank: 107) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 4, 2061: Charles Hong - T (4 Star / Rank: 230) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 4, 2061: Willie Bauer - T (4 Star / Rank: 75) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 4, 2061: Mark Skaggs - DE (4 Star / Rank: 87) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 4, 2061: Rick Mcdermott - DT (4 Star / Rank: 108) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 4, 2061: William Gould - SS (4 Star / Rank: 145) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 4, 2061: Earl Nunn - TE (4 Star / Rank: 220) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 4, 2061: Arthur Hyman - C (3 Star / Rank: 808) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 4, 2061: Michael Kearns - DT (3 Star / Rank: 386) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 4, 2061: Terrell Daugherty - K (3 Star / Rank: 1657) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 4, 2061: Charles Crane - RB (3 Star / Rank: 975) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 4, 2061: Peter Knox - DE (4 Star / Rank: 83) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 4, 2061: Paul Trevino - SS (5 Star / Rank: 9) committed to Maryland Terrapins
 Week 4, 2061: Chet Dell has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: David Whittaker has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Carl Roth has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Lewis Joyner has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Andre Rogers has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Charley Folsom has recovered from his injury
 Week 4, 2061: Reid Peeples has recovered from his injury
Week 5, 2061: Richard Domingo - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1364) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 5, 2061: Karl Ward - LB (4 Star / Rank: 236) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 5, 2061: Jose Tyree - LB (3 Star / Rank: 362) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 5, 2061: Kenneth Thorpe - CB (5 Star / Rank: 49) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 5, 2061: Patrick Singleton - FS (3 Star / Rank: 492) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 5, 2061: Phillip Manning - C (3 Star / Rank: 918) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 5, 2061: Jason Lemke - SS (3 Star / Rank: 659) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 5, 2061: Leon Ashmore - DE (3 Star / Rank: 602) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 5, 2061: Herman Bratton - DT (3 Star / Rank: 392) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 5, 2061: Williams Tompkins - LB (3 Star / Rank: 732) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 5, 2061: Dewitt Adams - WR (4 Star / Rank: 152) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 5, 2061: Lester Hager - FS (3 Star / Rank: 699) committed to Florida Gators
Week 5, 2061: Antony Chavarria - LB (4 Star / Rank: 91) committed to Auburn Tigers
Week 5, 2061: Eugene Frye - P (3 Star / Rank: 1999) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 5, 2061: Travis Cannon - G (3 Star / Rank: 1118) committed to Akron Zips
Week 5, 2061: Keith Eddy - P (3 Star / Rank: 2035) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 5, 2061: Stephen Dexter - DE (4 Star / Rank: 113) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 5, 2061: Charles Forney - CB (3 Star / Rank: 330) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 5, 2061: Leroy Hughes - TE (3 Star / Rank: 472) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 5, 2061: Stan Ortiz - FS (3 Star / Rank: 514) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 5, 2061: Roger Whelan - T (3 Star / Rank: 636) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 5, 2061: Timothy Leary - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2258) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 5, 2061: Edward Hester - T (4 Star / Rank: 43) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 5, 2061: George Hughes - CB (3 Star / Rank: 890) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 5, 2061: Raymond Sumner - QB (4 Star / Rank: 193) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 5, 2061: Charles Babin - CB (3 Star / Rank: 738) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 5, 2061: Timothy Brown - CB (5 Star / Rank: 6) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 5, 2061: Ricky Marlow - T (4 Star / Rank: 116) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 5, 2061: Leopoldo Sanchez - P (2 Star / Rank: 2441) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 5, 2061: Tony Gaines - T (4 Star / Rank: 194) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 5, 2061: Jeramy Marr - CB (3 Star / Rank: 711) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 5, 2061: Louis Toro - CB (4 Star / Rank: 131) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 5, 2061: Anthony Parks - K (3 Star / Rank: 2167) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 5, 2061: Cody O'Donnell - DT (3 Star / Rank: 520) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 5, 2061: Otis Keeling - SS (3 Star / Rank: 740) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 5, 2061: Leonard Carter - P (3 Star / Rank: 1398) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 5, 2061: Michel Green - DE (5 Star / Rank: 10) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 5, 2061: Javier Fox - DE (4 Star / Rank: 251) committed to Florida Gators
Week 5, 2061: Joseph Friedman - C (3 Star / Rank: 799) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 5, 2061: John Pagan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1604) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 5, 2061: Harvey Alvarez - C (3 Star / Rank: 317) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 5, 2061: Willie Nation - T (3 Star / Rank: 584) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 5, 2061: Bruce Eason - T (3 Star / Rank: 801) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 5, 2061: Shawn Feliciano - G (3 Star / Rank: 435) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 5, 2061: Erik Gregory - RB (4 Star / Rank: 195) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 5, 2061: Jimmy Benton - P (3 Star / Rank: 1762) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 5, 2061: Adam Diamond - C (3 Star / Rank: 1438) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 5, 2061: Aaron Crow - G (3 Star / Rank: 647) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 5, 2061: Owen Becker - G (3 Star / Rank: 558) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 5, 2061: Jewell Moss - C (5 Star / Rank: 18) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 5, 2061: Reynaldo Stack - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1258) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 5, 2061: Juan Williams - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1142) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 5, 2061: Wm Schofield - SS (5 Star / Rank: 32) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 5, 2061: Noel Fahey - K (2 Star / Rank: 2271) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 5, 2061: Matthew Edwards - C (3 Star / Rank: 1978) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 5, 2061: Stephen Lawrence - G (3 Star / Rank: 1479) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 5, 2061: Chad Acker - G (4 Star / Rank: 122) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 5, 2061: William Stinson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1577) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 5, 2061: Paul Tapp - K (2 Star / Rank: 2761) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 5, 2061: Clifton Felder - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1197) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 5, 2061: Kurt Clay - QB (4 Star / Rank: 233) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 5, 2061: Perry Shipp - RB (4 Star / Rank: 95) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 5, 2061: Mark Jaeger - DE (3 Star / Rank: 750) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 5, 2061: Rene Sayers - WR (4 Star / Rank: 277) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 5, 2061: Dick Holland - K (3 Star / Rank: 1706) committed to James Madison Dukes
 Week 5, 2061: Henry Casas has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Lawrence Estes has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Jimmy Walton has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Steven Lomax has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Charles Atherton has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Adrian Hurst has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Dick Bachman has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Jay Miller has recovered from his injury
 Week 5, 2061: Gregg Wooley has recovered from his injury
Week 5, 2061: Boudreau, W. - LB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Overton, L. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Rodrigue, G. - DE won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Allen, M. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Cook, L. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Bertrand, S. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: McCauley, C. - FS won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Newman, J. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Guy, C. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Justice, F. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Heflin, J. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Harper, T. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Vogel, R. - DT won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Sorrell, A. - RB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Johnson, G. - DT won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Colburn, C. - RB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Morin, A. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Olivo, H. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Gregory, D. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: McCarthy, A. - RB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Willard, D. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 5, 2061: Greene, C. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 6, 2061: Nelson Martinez has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Benjamin Cook has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Carlos Garland has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: William Wade has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Jerry Washington has been injured. Status: Out (12-16 weeks)
 Week 6, 2061: Bret Foley has recovered from his injury
Week 6, 2061: Knudsen, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Carr, D. - QB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Walton, R. - DT won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: McCarthy, M. - RB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Petrie, P. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Carswell, D. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Chavez, J. - DT won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Burton, L. - WR won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Witt, A. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Crowell, L. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Duran, C. - FS won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Kim, N. - QB won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Maples, F. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Webb, A. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Davison, T. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Buckner, J. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Christmas, D. - DE won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Welch, W. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Blake, W. - SS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Winn, L. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Norfleet, R. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Marlowe, J. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 6, 2061: Earl Reichert - C (3 Star / Rank: 599) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 6, 2061: John Haskins - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1876) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 6, 2061: Marco Roberts - LB (4 Star / Rank: 127) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 6, 2061: Jonas Gaskins - DT (3 Star / Rank: 755) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Guillermo Hill - DE (3 Star / Rank: 538) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 6, 2061: Fredrick Brown - G (3 Star / Rank: 790) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 6, 2061: Darren Redmond - C (3 Star / Rank: 1082) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 6, 2061: Lawrence Mclean - DE (3 Star / Rank: 731) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 6, 2061: David Denson - K (2 Star / Rank: 2906) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 6, 2061: Mack Olivo - DT (3 Star / Rank: 759) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 6, 2061: Wayne Flanders - DT (4 Star / Rank: 104) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 6, 2061: Leo Winters - LB (4 Star / Rank: 201) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 6, 2061: Carlos Blevins - G (3 Star / Rank: 943) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 6, 2061: Jakobi Gonzalez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 660) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 6, 2061: Charles Kimbrell - LB (4 Star / Rank: 189) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 6, 2061: Paul Scoggins - T (3 Star / Rank: 604) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 6, 2061: Travis Wood - DE (4 Star / Rank: 264) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 6, 2061: Victor Handley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 310) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 6, 2061: Thomas Juarez - T (1 Star / Rank: 3421) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 6, 2061: Raymon Parkinson - TE (3 Star / Rank: 452) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 6, 2061: Ernesto Browne - DT (4 Star / Rank: 128) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 6, 2061: Ronald Otto - QB (3 Star / Rank: 888) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 6, 2061: Jeffrey Colon - RB (3 Star / Rank: 542) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 6, 2061: Leonardo Blanchard - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1306) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 6, 2061: Keith Gregory - G (3 Star / Rank: 394) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 6, 2061: Jack Johnson - C (3 Star / Rank: 1340) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 6, 2061: Jerome Evers - T (3 Star / Rank: 822) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Frank Abel - FB (3 Star / Rank: 345) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 6, 2061: Jason Burns - G (3 Star / Rank: 635) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 6, 2061: Allen Wooten - RB (4 Star / Rank: 80) committed to Florida Gators
Week 6, 2061: Robert Gould - LB (3 Star / Rank: 607) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 6, 2061: Anthony Veal - WR (3 Star / Rank: 311) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 6, 2061: Jeff Muniz - T (3 Star / Rank: 367) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 6, 2061: Richard Jessup - K (3 Star / Rank: 1848) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 6, 2061: Axel Macdonald - QB (3 Star / Rank: 312) committed to Florida Gators
Week 6, 2061: Mark Rasmussen - WR (5 Star / Rank: 8) committed to Auburn Tigers
Week 6, 2061: Harley Day - TE (3 Star / Rank: 681) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Tyler Seward - T (3 Star / Rank: 395) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 6, 2061: Manuel Thomas - G (3 Star / Rank: 380) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Charles Rupp - DT (5 Star / Rank: 17) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Luis Register - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1020) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 6, 2061: Fernando Mosley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 704) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Bill Boren - QB (3 Star / Rank: 516) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 6, 2061: Donald Ochs - T (3 Star / Rank: 611) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 6, 2061: Gary Whitlow - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1344) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 6, 2061: Andrew Gallagher - G (3 Star / Rank: 706) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 6, 2061: Ryan Doe - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1248) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 6, 2061: Shon Hill - C (3 Star / Rank: 1312) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 6, 2061: Steven Larose - DT (3 Star / Rank: 739) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 6, 2061: William Reis - C (3 Star / Rank: 708) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: David Holton - C (3 Star / Rank: 685) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 6, 2061: Paul Neff - FS (3 Star / Rank: 956) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 6, 2061: Phillip Melancon - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1089) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 6, 2061: Charles Macleod - TE (3 Star / Rank: 957) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 6, 2061: Kenneth Reddick - G (4 Star / Rank: 140) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 6, 2061: John Alves - FB (3 Star / Rank: 985) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Garry Somers - LB (3 Star / Rank: 827) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 6, 2061: Norman Martin - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1250) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 6, 2061: Doyle Conaway - FS (3 Star / Rank: 578) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 6, 2061: Mike Sumpter - FS (4 Star / Rank: 84) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 6, 2061: David Brock - CB (4 Star / Rank: 164) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 6, 2061: Thomas Stevens - C (4 Star / Rank: 217) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 6, 2061: Marco Easter - LB (4 Star / Rank: 218) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 6, 2061: Daniel Evans - WR (4 Star / Rank: 119) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 6, 2061: Nickolas Shores - SS (3 Star / Rank: 800) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Michael Serrano - QB (3 Star / Rank: 402) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 6, 2061: Thaddeus Stine - WR (4 Star / Rank: 229) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 6, 2061: Arthur Rodriquez - LB (4 Star / Rank: 58) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 6, 2061: Ray Evans - CB (3 Star / Rank: 553) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 6, 2061: Matthew Means - DE (3 Star / Rank: 744) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 6, 2061: Benjamin Turner - CB (3 Star / Rank: 903) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 6, 2061: Matthew Elam - LB (4 Star / Rank: 240) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 6, 2061: Earl Campos - DE (3 Star / Rank: 644) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 6, 2061: David Bone - C (3 Star / Rank: 1165) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 6, 2061: Alejandro Workman - CB (3 Star / Rank: 479) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 6, 2061: Eric Reid - DT (3 Star / Rank: 370) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 6, 2061: Tucker Acosta - G (3 Star / Rank: 645) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 6, 2061: David Sledge - G (4 Star / Rank: 166) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 6, 2061: Adolph Gay - T (5 Star / Rank: 31) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 6, 2061: Carlos Teague - LB (4 Star / Rank: 71) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 6, 2061: Jose Morales - TE (3 Star / Rank: 963) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 6, 2061: Terry Nagle - TE (4 Star / Rank: 38) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 6, 2061: Leonard Kinsey - SS (3 Star / Rank: 324) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 6, 2061: Warren Collins - LB (3 Star / Rank: 526) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 6, 2061: Arthur Walker - TE (3 Star / Rank: 563) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 6, 2061: Jeffrey Lebron - FS (3 Star / Rank: 406) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 6, 2061: Nathan Pickett - LB (4 Star / Rank: 158) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 6, 2061: Raymond Mcnutt - CB (4 Star / Rank: 256) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 6, 2061: Les Johnson - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1291) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 6, 2061: Rakim Brooks - G (3 Star / Rank: 411) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 6, 2061: Todd Thurman - T (3 Star / Rank: 844) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 6, 2061: Brian Asher - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1107) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 6, 2061: Richard Yang - LB (3 Star / Rank: 414) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 6, 2061: Richard Conaway - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1485) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 6, 2061: Joseph Lopez - T (4 Star / Rank: 66) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 6, 2061: Edward Hodgson - T (4 Star / Rank: 124) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 6, 2061: James Betz - WR (5 Star / Rank: 27) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 6, 2061: Ricky Brooks - RB (4 Star / Rank: 169) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
 Week 6, 2061: Clement Walker has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Alan Enright has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Ralph Clary has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Clyde Edward has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Elias Bivins has recovered from his injury
 Week 6, 2061: Paris Marino has recovered from his injury
Week 7, 2061: Tim Sepulveda - QB (3 Star / Rank: 978) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 7, 2061: Christopher Larkin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 729) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 7, 2061: Lawrence Castro - CB (3 Star / Rank: 449) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Jaylan Vue - DE (3 Star / Rank: 600) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 7, 2061: Albert Jackson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 789) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 7, 2061: Robert Huang - DT (3 Star / Rank: 941) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 7, 2061: Kasey Henson - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1838) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 7, 2061: Ernesto Howell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1630) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Brice Schwartz - WR (3 Star / Rank: 697) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 7, 2061: Ronald Rodriguez - QB (3 Star / Rank: 493) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Genaro Kovach - T (4 Star / Rank: 188) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 7, 2061: Larry Roman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 792) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 7, 2061: Robert Cooper - CB (4 Star / Rank: 97) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 7, 2061: Bernard Wren - DT (3 Star / Rank: 574) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 7, 2061: Bryan Watkins - G (3 Star / Rank: 540) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 7, 2061: Clayton Russell - TE (4 Star / Rank: 214) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 7, 2061: Jerry Bradford - CB (3 Star / Rank: 344) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 7, 2061: Robert Carr - K (3 Star / Rank: 1156) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Chad Garcia - LB (3 Star / Rank: 680) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 7, 2061: Leonard Bullard - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1636) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 7, 2061: Jack Wilson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 497) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 7, 2061: Gregory Cheek - DE (3 Star / Rank: 455) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 7, 2061: Joseph Hanson - P (2 Star / Rank: 2621) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 7, 2061: Rickey Lay - LB (4 Star / Rank: 226) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Danilo Patterson - SS (4 Star / Rank: 105) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 7, 2061: Gary Hickson - C (3 Star / Rank: 423) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 7, 2061: Jamey O'Reilly - K (2 Star / Rank: 2697) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 7, 2061: Mark Montes - DE (4 Star / Rank: 192) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 7, 2061: Steven Roberge - CB (4 Star / Rank: 204) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 7, 2061: Charles Fong - DE (3 Star / Rank: 662) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 7, 2061: Paul Cramer - CB (3 Star / Rank: 474) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Kevin Conley - DE (4 Star / Rank: 287) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 7, 2061: Nathan Ivey - FS (3 Star / Rank: 427) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 7, 2061: Emory James - QB (3 Star / Rank: 548) committed to Florida Gators
Week 7, 2061: Manuel Swanson - RB (4 Star / Rank: 247) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 7, 2061: Paul Sauer - WR (3 Star / Rank: 517) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 7, 2061: Jaime Ellsworth - SS (3 Star / Rank: 300) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 7, 2061: Patrick Carlson - P (2 Star / Rank: 2442) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 7, 2061: Jeffrey Foster - DT (4 Star / Rank: 139) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 7, 2061: Carlton Phillips - G (3 Star / Rank: 550) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 7, 2061: Alex Baez - RB (5 Star / Rank: 20) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 7, 2061: Alfred Cagle - TE (3 Star / Rank: 400) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 7, 2061: Leroy Holloway - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1215) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 7, 2061: Alexander Isbell - DE (3 Star / Rank: 642) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 7, 2061: Roger Douglas - TE (3 Star / Rank: 315) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 7, 2061: Sean Hutson - FB (4 Star / Rank: 132) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 7, 2061: Hank Strickland - CB (3 Star / Rank: 460) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 7, 2061: Robert Cothran - T (3 Star / Rank: 1253) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 7, 2061: Donald Donnelly - T (4 Star / Rank: 289) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 7, 2061: Steven Smart - LB (3 Star / Rank: 521) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 7, 2061: Jeffrey Bailey - C (4 Star / Rank: 37) committed to Auburn Tigers
Week 7, 2061: Brady Abreu - QB (3 Star / Rank: 522) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 7, 2061: Daniel Rockwell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 403) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Gerald Abell - G (3 Star / Rank: 1219) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 7, 2061: Raymond Shipp - DE (3 Star / Rank: 501) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 7, 2061: Doyle Forest - QB (3 Star / Rank: 436) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Leighton McCloskey - QB (4 Star / Rank: 54) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 7, 2061: Roland Putman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1057) committed to Akron Zips
Week 7, 2061: Jose Rowland - K (3 Star / Rank: 2104) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Rudolph Medlin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 302) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 7, 2061: Phillip George - CB (3 Star / Rank: 872) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Edward Ferrell - DT (3 Star / Rank: 405) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 7, 2061: Herman Mason - WR (4 Star / Rank: 156) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 7, 2061: Jose Barnes - DT (5 Star / Rank: 19) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 7, 2061: Tobias Rizzo - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1225) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 7, 2061: David Ayers - DT (4 Star / Rank: 231) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 7, 2061: Ethan Schaeffer - G (2 Star / Rank: 2687) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 7, 2061: Christopher Pope - CB (4 Star / Rank: 198) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 7, 2061: Robert Phelan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 413) committed to Temple Owls
Week 7, 2061: John Chapman - LB (5 Star / Rank: 7) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 7, 2061: John Augustine - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1586) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
 Week 7, 2061: James Whitson has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: William Batts has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Thomas Leroy has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Francisco Santiago has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Ezequiel Rigsby has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Scott Vaughan has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: John Watson has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Ervin Davis has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Edward Heck has recovered from his injury
 Week 7, 2061: Martin Royal has recovered from his injury
Week 7, 2061: Willingham, L. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Hensley, R. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Leeper, A. - FS won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Stanton, W. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Skaggs, K. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Fish, S. - WR won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Stacy, D. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Herman, M. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Pettit, D. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Justice, R. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Wagoner, J. - DE won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Locke, V. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Lipscomb, R. - LB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Easter, S. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Gonzalez, L. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Boettcher, A. - DE won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Brewer, G. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Espinosa, R. - LB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Bui, W. - RB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Schoonover, P. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 7, 2061: Harlan, B. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 8, 2061: Justin Reyes - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Cortez Rodriguez - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Anthony Delatorre - WR has recovered from his injury
Week 8, 2061: Krauss, T. - FS won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Watson, J. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Richardson, W. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Stanton, W. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Wayne, O. - DE won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Ayres, T. - QB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Donato, J. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Self, R. - RB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Cousins, D. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Foust, N. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Steed, P. - LB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Adcock, D. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Berg, A. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Chaney, L. - RB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Bottoms, R. - LB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Shepherd, E. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Bonner, R. - RB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Toler, C. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Holland, J. - RB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Nolan, W. - DT won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Weems, N. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 8, 2061: Alvaro Burge - K (3 Star / Rank: 1491) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 8, 2061: Wiley Coker - T (3 Star / Rank: 377) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Jonathan Hicks - C (4 Star / Rank: 235) committed to Florida Gators
Week 8, 2061: Frank Person - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1710) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 8, 2061: Walter Mchugh - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1812) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 8, 2061: Garry Thompson - WR (4 Star / Rank: 200) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Adam Caro - LB (4 Star / Rank: 52) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Thomas Gutierrez - G (4 Star / Rank: 151) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 8, 2061: Stanley Goodwin - QB (4 Star / Rank: 262) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 8, 2061: Chung Renner - LB (3 Star / Rank: 419) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 8, 2061: Saivion Warren - SS (3 Star / Rank: 658) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 8, 2061: Leandro Hammonds - SS (3 Star / Rank: 601) committed to Florida Gators
Week 8, 2061: Lynn Bell - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1993) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 8, 2061: Mike Nickel - K (3 Star / Rank: 1040) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 8, 2061: Keshunn House - DT (4 Star / Rank: 187) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Dustin Williams - P (2 Star / Rank: 2398) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 8, 2061: Clyde Connell - T (3 Star / Rank: 761) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 8, 2061: Felipe Maes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1338) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 8, 2061: Thomas Sides - DT (3 Star / Rank: 944) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 8, 2061: Charles Landon - FS (3 Star / Rank: 309) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 8, 2061: Timothy Steffen - LB (3 Star / Rank: 820) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 8, 2061: Jason Carroll - LB (4 Star / Rank: 42) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 8, 2061: Charles Allan - G (3 Star / Rank: 2033) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 8, 2061: Mark Broughton - G (3 Star / Rank: 854) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 8, 2061: Aaron Akers - TE (4 Star / Rank: 265) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 8, 2061: Kelley Pickens - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1182) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Thad Williams - G (3 Star / Rank: 795) committed to Florida Gators
Week 8, 2061: Kelly Brumfield - G (3 Star / Rank: 343) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 8, 2061: William Gilbert - WR (3 Star / Rank: 393) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Melvin Crabtree - K (3 Star / Rank: 948) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 8, 2061: Lyle Kelly - DE (4 Star / Rank: 98) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Harry Carroll - DE (3 Star / Rank: 495) committed to Florida Gators
Week 8, 2061: Thomas Beam - LB (4 Star / Rank: 225) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Chuck Woodson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 922) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 8, 2061: Carmine Eddy - G (3 Star / Rank: 329) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 8, 2061: Kevin Royster - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1339) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 8, 2061: Roland Bowman - LB (5 Star / Rank: 40) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Antonio Duckworth - G (3 Star / Rank: 366) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 8, 2061: Martin Martin - CB (3 Star / Rank: 858) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 8, 2061: Orlando Hernandez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1157) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 8, 2061: Dustin Grant - WR (4 Star / Rank: 68) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 8, 2061: John Hess - WR (3 Star / Rank: 513) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 8, 2061: Andreas Keck - CB (4 Star / Rank: 99) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 8, 2061: Brent Shapiro - G (3 Star / Rank: 823) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 8, 2061: Warren Breen - WR (3 Star / Rank: 766) committed to Akron Zips
Week 8, 2061: Matt Smith - C (3 Star / Rank: 1847) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 8, 2061: Kenneth Adams - G (5 Star / Rank: 35) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Brian Palmer - P (3 Star / Rank: 2223) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Christopher Talley - FB (3 Star / Rank: 637) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Brandon Byrnes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 331) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Mitchell Keeling - DE (3 Star / Rank: 426) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 8, 2061: Marvin McCoy - G (5 Star / Rank: 16) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 8, 2061: Shad Warren - QB (4 Star / Rank: 41) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 8, 2061: James Campos - C (3 Star / Rank: 396) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 8, 2061: Gary Grissom - DE (5 Star / Rank: 14) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Marc Moore - LB (4 Star / Rank: 69) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 8, 2061: Troy Sharpe - SS (3 Star / Rank: 682) committed to Florida Gators
Week 8, 2061: James Bartholomew - FS (4 Star / Rank: 173) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Fredric Meredith - G (4 Star / Rank: 114) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 8, 2061: Juan Trotter - K (3 Star / Rank: 1675) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 8, 2061: Richard Drury - DE (4 Star / Rank: 288) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 8, 2061: Cristobal Burke - WR (3 Star / Rank: 798) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Steven Chew - TE (3 Star / Rank: 428) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 8, 2061: Michael Bauman - G (3 Star / Rank: 707) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 8, 2061: Jack Alford - T (3 Star / Rank: 576) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 8, 2061: Kieth Dickens - TE (4 Star / Rank: 61) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 8, 2061: Diego Saunders - P (3 Star / Rank: 1914) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 8, 2061: Fernando Andrews - DE (3 Star / Rank: 431) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 8, 2061: Todd Bloom - TE (4 Star / Rank: 130) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 8, 2061: Gale Fink - FB (3 Star / Rank: 986) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 8, 2061: William Pierce - DT (4 Star / Rank: 57) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 8, 2061: Jerry Carpenter - QB (4 Star / Rank: 118) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 8, 2061: Daniel Phillips - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1023) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 8, 2061: John Cobb - DE (3 Star / Rank: 581) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 8, 2061: Dan Matthews - RB (3 Star / Rank: 316) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 8, 2061: Ronald Kelleher - SS (3 Star / Rank: 900) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 8, 2061: John Boles - QB (3 Star / Rank: 382) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 8, 2061: Danny Bone - CB (3 Star / Rank: 433) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 8, 2061: Jerome Leblanc - DE (3 Star / Rank: 616) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 8, 2061: Gregory Prescott - DE (4 Star / Rank: 155) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Christopher Wylie - DT (3 Star / Rank: 401) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Anthony Hilton - T (3 Star / Rank: 829) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 8, 2061: Roger Davis - DT (3 Star / Rank: 830) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 8, 2061: Raymond Ashby - TE (3 Star / Rank: 666) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 8, 2061: Dustin Moss - LB (3 Star / Rank: 667) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 8, 2061: David Hannah - FB (3 Star / Rank: 461) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 8, 2061: Horacio Tobin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1095) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Don Rocha - DE (3 Star / Rank: 802) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 8, 2061: Eugene Nagel - RB (3 Star / Rank: 434) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 8, 2061: Stuart McCleary - DE (3 Star / Rank: 552) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 8, 2061: Ronan East - DE (4 Star / Rank: 82) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 8, 2061: Harold Trahan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1133) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 8, 2061: Frank Dickey - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1643) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 8, 2061: William Schulte - G (4 Star / Rank: 59) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Danny Meyers - G (4 Star / Rank: 241) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 8, 2061: Leon Harris - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1473) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Tony Rutledge - RB (3 Star / Rank: 866) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 8, 2061: Jared Kingsley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 554) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Lane Tipton - DT (3 Star / Rank: 586) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Joseph Howard - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1137) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 8, 2061: Jamal Kruger - RB (4 Star / Rank: 85) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 8, 2061: Tyrice Ingram - CB (3 Star / Rank: 462) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Mel Lebron - DE (3 Star / Rank: 646) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Phillip Miller - CB (4 Star / Rank: 50) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 8, 2061: Cory Shearer - DE (3 Star / Rank: 464) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 8, 2061: Eugene Martinez - LB (3 Star / Rank: 557) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 8, 2061: Alex Beckham - G (4 Star / Rank: 270) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 8, 2061: Stantley Muniz - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1570) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 8, 2061: Carmen Carson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 384) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 8, 2061: Scott Porter - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1353) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 8, 2061: Doyle Thomas - G (4 Star / Rank: 293) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 8, 2061: Curtis Teal - K (3 Star / Rank: 1731) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 8, 2061: Murray Miller - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1170) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 8, 2061: Zachery Roderick - TE (4 Star / Rank: 209) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 8, 2061: Kobe Webster - T (4 Star / Rank: 245) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 8, 2061: Francis Watson - RB (5 Star / Rank: 29) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 8, 2061: Alan Blunt - WR (4 Star / Rank: 123) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 8, 2061: Jeffrey Andrews - T (3 Star / Rank: 443) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 8, 2061: Jesus Myers - C (4 Star / Rank: 295) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Jose Bess - C (4 Star / Rank: 55) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 8, 2061: Lowell Walsh - QB (4 Star / Rank: 147) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 8, 2061: Benjamin Tanner - LB (4 Star / Rank: 179) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 8, 2061: Stephan Carlin - K (3 Star / Rank: 1868) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 8, 2061: Wilmer Quinn - DE (3 Star / Rank: 509) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 8, 2061: Ferdinand Chatman - DE (3 Star / Rank: 971) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 8, 2061: Billy Perez - T (4 Star / Rank: 278) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 8, 2061: Leslie Mcmahan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 972) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 8, 2061: Shayne Dickerson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 531) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 8, 2061: Mar'Keise Quinn - CB (3 Star / Rank: 629) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 8, 2061: Eugene Chambers - DE (5 Star / Rank: 25) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 8, 2061: Anthony Miller - G (4 Star / Rank: 281) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 8, 2061: Robert Pepper - FS (4 Star / Rank: 48) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 8, 2061: Christopher Phan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 728) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 8, 2061: David Bivens - LB (4 Star / Rank: 261) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 8, 2061: Alan Burgess - FS (5 Star / Rank: 3) committed to Michigan Wolverines
 Week 8, 2061: David Carr has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Jeffrey Temple has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: James Mcnutt has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: William Ballard has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Rickey Bruno has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Juan Donato has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Bryan Farr has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Mariano Cothran has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Danial Way has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Gerald Wells has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Bernard Swanson has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Tim Cano has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: William Francisco has recovered from his injury
 Week 8, 2061: Tod Kaufman has recovered from his injury
Week 9, 2061: Michael Paine - FS (4 Star / Rank: 298) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 9, 2061: Michael Kasper - G (3 Star / Rank: 1006) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 9, 2061: Daniel Schreiber - WR (3 Star / Rank: 536) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Deionte Harris - QB (3 Star / Rank: 469) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 9, 2061: Ronald Reyes - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1459) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Allan Valentine - DT (3 Star / Rank: 885) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Raymond Raney - SS (3 Star / Rank: 470) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 9, 2061: James Gordon - CB (4 Star / Rank: 111) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 9, 2061: Allen Ostrander - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1665) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 9, 2061: Erik Wells - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1181) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Jesse Mckee - K (1 Star / Rank: 3570) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Bernard Johnson - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1237) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Van Doan - DE (3 Star / Rank: 537) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Ernesto Nielsen - SS (3 Star / Rank: 730) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Kevin Kunkel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 451) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 9, 2061: Ronald Lopez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 818) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 9, 2061: Chester Bohannon - K (2 Star / Rank: 2714) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Gaston Kearney - DT (3 Star / Rank: 942) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 9, 2061: Walton Bostick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1008) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 9, 2061: Glenn Lucas - T (3 Star / Rank: 1153) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Mark Atchison - DE (3 Star / Rank: 676) committed to USC Trojans
Week 9, 2061: Adam Millard - C (3 Star / Rank: 1879) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 9, 2061: Jason Yost - T (3 Star / Rank: 603) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 9, 2061: Darin Conti - T (3 Star / Rank: 1553) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 9, 2061: Brandon Thayer - G (3 Star / Rank: 677) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 9, 2061: Chris Martinez - T (3 Star / Rank: 632) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Leo Southard - FS (5 Star / Rank: 39) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Jason Dunham - LB (3 Star / Rank: 698) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 9, 2061: Christopher Callaway - DE (3 Star / Rank: 421) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 9, 2061: George Kaufman - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1042) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 9, 2061: Paul Gilman - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1422) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: James Andre - P (3 Star / Rank: 1947) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 9, 2061: Abram Pritchett - T (3 Star / Rank: 1303) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Zack Martin - G (3 Star / Rank: 512) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Sean Dejesus - DE (3 Star / Rank: 363) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Charles Dowdy - T (3 Star / Rank: 422) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Joel Clark - DE (4 Star / Rank: 170) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 9, 2061: Craig Bello - G (3 Star / Rank: 364) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Thomas Osborne - P (3 Star / Rank: 1668) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 9, 2061: Jamie Lane - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1496) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Michael Means - T (3 Star / Rank: 1589) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 9, 2061: George Leger - RB (5 Star / Rank: 34) committed to Florida Gators
Week 9, 2061: Ralph Jung - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1044) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Michael Worthington - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1388) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Alonzo Mull - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1787) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Stephen Rogers - QB (3 Star / Rank: 947) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 9, 2061: Lindsey Ha - RB (3 Star / Rank: 821) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 9, 2061: Sandy Byers - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1155) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Week 9, 2061: Donald Rea - G (3 Star / Rank: 1117) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 9, 2061: Noah Cable - DE (3 Star / Rank: 633) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Matthew Flanigan - G (3 Star / Rank: 661) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Steven Giroux - C (3 Star / Rank: 541) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 9, 2061: Jackie Monk - DT (3 Star / Rank: 543) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Edward McClintock - LB (4 Star / Rank: 153) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Minh Bender - FB (3 Star / Rank: 453) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Shi Torres - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1086) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 9, 2061: Justin Bush - T (3 Star / Rank: 544) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 9, 2061: Daniel McCartney - CB (4 Star / Rank: 171) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 9, 2061: Alfredo Amaya - CB (3 Star / Rank: 982) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Antony Dudley - WR (3 Star / Rank: 456) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 9, 2061: Nathan Austin - T (4 Star / Rank: 172) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 9, 2061: Douglas Leon - TE (3 Star / Rank: 606) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Frank Berube - CB (3 Star / Rank: 765) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Pedro Cole - QB (3 Star / Rank: 424) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Cesar Nunes - QB (3 Star / Rank: 473) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 9, 2061: Cliff Griswold - G (3 Star / Rank: 1119) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Robert Rico - P (2 Star / Rank: 2409) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Rutherford - C (3 Star / Rank: 546) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 9, 2061: Todd Briggs - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1390) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 9, 2061: Eno Whitfield - QB (3 Star / Rank: 515) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Paul Wheeler - K (2 Star / Rank: 2884) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Randall Payne - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1717) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 9, 2061: Willis Parker - T (3 Star / Rank: 737) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 9, 2061: Jame Harmon - DT (4 Star / Rank: 163) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Richard Boland - P (1 Star / Rank: 3815) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 9, 2061: Lamar Bentley - QB (3 Star / Rank: 923) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 9, 2061: Owen Bain - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1019) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 9, 2061: Roberto Nelson - P (2 Star / Rank: 3125) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Lynn Hill - T (3 Star / Rank: 1049) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 9, 2061: Ian Kozlowski - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1088) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 9, 2061: Craig Martin - WR (4 Star / Rank: 115) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 9, 2061: Travis Derrick - QB (4 Star / Rank: 180) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 9, 2061: Julian Carlin - C (4 Star / Rank: 267) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 9, 2061: Alex Frye - CB (4 Star / Rank: 129) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Charles Arroyo - P (2 Star / Rank: 2298) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 9, 2061: Jaren Baggett - CB (3 Star / Rank: 499) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 9, 2061: Kristofer Noe - LB (3 Star / Rank: 951) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 9, 2061: Gary Vu - P (2 Star / Rank: 2541) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 9, 2061: George Dorman - DE (4 Star / Rank: 36) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 9, 2061: Mark Marlowe - T (3 Star / Rank: 863) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Terrell Conte - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1720) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Michael Macdonald - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1394) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Jefferson - P (3 Star / Rank: 1595) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 9, 2061: Theodore Frantz - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1247) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 9, 2061: Warren Leigh - DE (3 Star / Rank: 476) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 9, 2061: Travis Luna - TE (3 Star / Rank: 348) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 9, 2061: Ronald Chappell - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1757) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Otto Noll - T (3 Star / Rank: 518) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 9, 2061: Joseph Kirkpatrick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 458) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 9, 2061: Richard Antonio - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2166) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Sylvester - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1021) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Oscar Iverson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 891) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Virgil Hernandez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 710) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 9, 2061: Michael Naquin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 519) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 9, 2061: Charles Durand - QB (3 Star / Rank: 893) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Thomas Caballero - WR (3 Star / Rank: 665) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Jeffrey Carney - T (3 Star / Rank: 577) committed to Temple Owls
Week 9, 2061: Salvador Colwell - DT (4 Star / Rank: 228) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Ronnie Kidd - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1851) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 9, 2061: Merlin Kelly - DE (3 Star / Rank: 349) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 9, 2061: Christopher Mcinnis - K (2 Star / Rank: 2942) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Ryan Bays - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1314) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Robert Forman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 459) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 9, 2061: Dennis Hahn - FB (3 Star / Rank: 894) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 9, 2061: Jacob Johnson - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1214) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Michael Calvin - C (3 Star / Rank: 2100) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Henry Ledbetter - G (3 Star / Rank: 399) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Harold Gragg - G (3 Star / Rank: 579) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 9, 2061: Brandon Rosen - DT (3 Star / Rank: 640) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 9, 2061: Steven Santiago - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1368) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Cody McCutcheon - WR (3 Star / Rank: 432) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 9, 2061: Eugene Lawson - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1316) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Frias - RB (4 Star / Rank: 250) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Charles Marcum - G (3 Star / Rank: 1216) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Ricky Hicks - LB (3 Star / Rank: 615) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 9, 2061: Max Pacheco - WR (3 Star / Rank: 687) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Aaron Meade - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1130) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 9, 2061: Louis Rollins - CB (3 Star / Rank: 551) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Glen Perryman - K (2 Star / Rank: 2721) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 9, 2061: Christopher Malley - WR (4 Star / Rank: 106) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Wendell Cruz - DT (3 Star / Rank: 688) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Todd Quezada - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1131) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Simmons - G (3 Star / Rank: 617) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Edward Wenger - FS (3 Star / Rank: 770) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 9, 2061: Titus Rocha - FS (4 Star / Rank: 100) committed to Florida Gators
Week 9, 2061: Stephen Quinn - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1132) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Ricky Cherry - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1568) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 9, 2061: Charlie Ellis - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1192) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Alex Merrick - DE (3 Star / Rank: 618) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 9, 2061: Jerry Cavazos - DT (3 Star / Rank: 771) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Herbert Guerrero - FS (3 Star / Rank: 619) committed to Temple Owls
Week 9, 2061: Leo Bostic - K (3 Star / Rank: 1858) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 9, 2061: Billy Bertram - SS (3 Star / Rank: 929) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 9, 2061: Paul Byers - K (2 Star / Rank: 2888) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 9, 2061: Antonio Eaves - G (3 Star / Rank: 1254) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Thomas Matheson - QB (3 Star / Rank: 369) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Teodoro Vanburen - FB (4 Star / Rank: 184) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 9, 2061: Dameon Schultz - K (2 Star / Rank: 2630) committed to USC Trojans
Week 9, 2061: Rodney Cardona - P (3 Star / Rank: 2043) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Eddie Flores - G (4 Star / Rank: 269) committed to USC Trojans
Week 9, 2061: Scottie Robinson - T (3 Star / Rank: 1136) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Eldon Nelson - LB (4 Star / Rank: 206) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 9, 2061: Loren Long - LB (3 Star / Rank: 930) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 9, 2061: Joesph Keegan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 834) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 9, 2061: Greg Smith - T (3 Star / Rank: 804) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Kevin Hoyt - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1402) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 9, 2061: Calvin Gonzalez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 351) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 9, 2061: Harry Speed - WR (4 Star / Rank: 207) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Alfred Sharkey - G (4 Star / Rank: 196) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Steven Page - DT (4 Star / Rank: 252) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 9, 2061: Michal Reyes - CB (3 Star / Rank: 555) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Willie Campbell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1167) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 9, 2061: Reid Bagley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 774) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 9, 2061: Jared Baker - DT (4 Star / Rank: 175) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Lamar Smart - QB (4 Star / Rank: 253) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 9, 2061: Ali Irons - RB (3 Star / Rank: 556) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 9, 2061: Steven Alford - RB (4 Star / Rank: 242) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Hollis Ayers - QB (4 Star / Rank: 44) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Terry Carl - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1801) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 9, 2061: Jerry Cable - DE (4 Star / Rank: 86) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 9, 2061: Bret Anderson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1439) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: John Dexter - G (3 Star / Rank: 1475) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 9, 2061: Steven Spinks - LB (3 Star / Rank: 989) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Cleveland Dix - FS (3 Star / Rank: 837) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 9, 2061: David Moreno - CB (3 Star / Rank: 620) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 9, 2061: Fred Mclendon - QB (3 Star / Rank: 383) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 9, 2061: Robert Waller - LB (3 Star / Rank: 669) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Patrick Conner - DT (4 Star / Rank: 243) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 9, 2061: Sang Menendez - FB (3 Star / Rank: 907) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 9, 2061: Steve Martinez - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1441) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Stacey Lambert - DT (3 Star / Rank: 621) committed to Temple Owls
Week 9, 2061: Herschel Edwards - DE (3 Star / Rank: 648) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Adolfo Campbell - G (3 Star / Rank: 353) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 9, 2061: Lucas Macdonald - TE (3 Star / Rank: 482) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 9, 2061: Philip Townsend - RB (4 Star / Rank: 94) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Enrique Peck - G (3 Star / Rank: 776) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Anthony Blanco - CB (3 Star / Rank: 321) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Benson Robinson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1354) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Micheal Ernst - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1613) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Jame Sullivan - DE (3 Star / Rank: 523) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 9, 2061: John Lemke - T (3 Star / Rank: 991) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Michael Archie - T (3 Star / Rank: 964) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 9, 2061: Leslie Vinson - C (3 Star / Rank: 323) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Berry Mcgraw - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1064) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Charles George - C (4 Star / Rank: 143) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 9, 2061: Terry McClellan - T (3 Star / Rank: 650) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Ike Allred - P (3 Star / Rank: 2204) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 9, 2061: Allen Montgomery - K (3 Star / Rank: 1226) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Jonathan Kincaid - LB (3 Star / Rank: 747) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 9, 2061: Randall Hunter - WR (4 Star / Rank: 76) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 9, 2061: Tony Shearer - T (3 Star / Rank: 1976) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 9, 2061: Wayne Cannon - WR (4 Star / Rank: 109) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 9, 2061: Mark Rodriguez - P (3 Star / Rank: 1066) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 9, 2061: Allen Lyons - G (4 Star / Rank: 255) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Jacob Bauer - G (4 Star / Rank: 144) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 9, 2061: Pasquale Whittington - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1545) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Robert Davison - FS (4 Star / Rank: 232) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Robert Skinner - CB (3 Star / Rank: 748) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 9, 2061: Benjamin Fitzgerald - CB (3 Star / Rank: 408) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Michael Carmichael - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1576) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 9, 2061: Javier Norfleet - QB (3 Star / Rank: 335) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 9, 2061: Charles Rafferty - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1068) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 9, 2061: Michael Brockman - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2018) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Khaleke Roland - FS (4 Star / Rank: 157) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 9, 2061: Gary Ross - P (2 Star / Rank: 2425) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Nicholas Davis - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1357) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 9, 2061: Daren Nestor - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1446) committed to Utah Utes
Week 9, 2061: Gerald Cambell - WR (4 Star / Rank: 47) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 9, 2061: Rafael Wilson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1227) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 9, 2061: Andrew Lamb - T (3 Star / Rank: 1376) committed to Akron Zips
Week 9, 2061: Joshua Wooden - TE (4 Star / Rank: 276) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Calvin Adams - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1929) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Micheal Briones - G (3 Star / Rank: 840) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 9, 2061: Paul Petty - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2242) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Devin Velez - C (3 Star / Rank: 385) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 9, 2061: Christopher Haugen - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1867) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 9, 2061: Garland Angel - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1895) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 9, 2061: Jon Jenkins - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1292) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 9, 2061: Oscar Hood - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1482) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Jeffrey Elrod - CB (3 Star / Rank: 878) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Kevin Roper - FS (3 Star / Rank: 593) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 9, 2061: Marshall Sinclair - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1519) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 9, 2061: Steve Alfaro - TE (3 Star / Rank: 446) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 9, 2061: Philip Olson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 694) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Paul Gilmore - DE (3 Star / Rank: 508) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 9, 2061: Wayne Longo - G (4 Star / Rank: 296) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 9, 2061: Alvin Hopkins - DT (4 Star / Rank: 148) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 9, 2061: Raymond Owens - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1145) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Scott Abbott - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1294) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 9, 2061: Ryan Pendleton - T (3 Star / Rank: 2080) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Dale Ahern - T (3 Star / Rank: 1000) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 9, 2061: Chang Carroll - FS (3 Star / Rank: 336) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 9, 2061: Steven Rogers - WR (3 Star / Rank: 510) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 9, 2061: Jeffery Serrano - C (3 Star / Rank: 1582) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Jack Barney - K (3 Star / Rank: 652) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 9, 2061: Eldon Spalding - T (3 Star / Rank: 725) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: William Alford - WR (3 Star / Rank: 653) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 9, 2061: Randal Crawford - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1295) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 9, 2061: Raphael Toro - K (2 Star / Rank: 2310) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 9, 2061: Steven Bruno - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1623) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 9, 2061: John Swope - RB (3 Star / Rank: 783) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Hal Rucker - T (4 Star / Rank: 260) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 9, 2061: Jarrod Layne - TE (4 Star / Rank: 72) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 9, 2061: Kris Johnson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1262) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 9, 2061: Ralph Norton - C (3 Star / Rank: 1937) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 9, 2061: David Massey - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1523) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 9, 2061: Kendre Huynh - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1149) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 9, 2061: Robert Olivo - G (3 Star / Rank: 305) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 9, 2061: Olasunkanmi Woods - DE (3 Star / Rank: 914) committed to Utah Utes
Week 9, 2061: Jeffrey Mackie - CB (3 Star / Rank: 447) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Lucien Lara - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1362) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 9, 2061: Cesar Brock - DE (4 Star / Rank: 90) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 9, 2061: Larry Caraway - LB (3 Star / Rank: 630) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 9, 2061: David Higdon - CB (3 Star / Rank: 570) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Keith Badillo - CB (3 Star / Rank: 696) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 9, 2061: Malcolm King - WR (4 Star / Rank: 199) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 9, 2061: Roderick Duran - DE (3 Star / Rank: 882) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 9, 2061: Van Cruz - P (3 Star / Rank: 1744) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 9, 2061: Hiram Fountain - WR (4 Star / Rank: 45) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 9, 2061: George Orta - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1627) committed to Rice Owls
Week 9, 2061: Dale McClung - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1199) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 9, 2061: Mark Burrow - LB (3 Star / Rank: 468) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 9, 2061: Robert Shelly - K (1 Star / Rank: 3484) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 9, 2061: Robert Garland - DE (3 Star / Rank: 788) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 9, 2061: Fredrick Hicks - P (2 Star / Rank: 2568) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 9, 2061: Donald Nunes - WR (4 Star / Rank: 56) committed to UCLA Bruins
 Week 9, 2061: Rasheen Self - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Thomas Tilton - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Lee Dodd - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Patrick Vann - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Wilson Mclemore - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Bobby Steed - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Marcus Baker - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Kenneth Campbell - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Derek Marshall - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 9, 2061: Brain Houck - LB has recovered from his injury
Week 9, 2061: Thurston, N. - LB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Erickson, S. - RB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Miranda, J. - DE won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Stanton, W. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Rios, A. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Mcafee, M. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Ramirez, J. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: St. Pierre, R. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Cousins, D. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Mancini, J. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Bernier, C. - SS won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Harper, T. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Enright, J. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Williams, F. - RB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Krauss, B. - SS won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Adamson, J. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Bronson, G. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Ryan, M. - WR won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Robinson, G. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Bui, W. - RB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Conte, G. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 9, 2061: Weems, N. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 10, 2061: Barry Lugo - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: John Watson has been injured. Status: Out (8-12 weeks)
 Week 10, 2061: Alexander Stevenson - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: David Guest - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Oliver Davila - LB has recovered from his injury
Week 10, 2061: Guess, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Gomez, E. - RB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Miranda, J. - DE won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Stanton, W. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Petrie, P. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Solano, B. - QB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Robinson, B. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: May, D. - WR won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Benson, K. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Puckett, C. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Boren, E. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Harper, T. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Darnell, P. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Malley, C. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Ellison, W. - FS won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Aldridge, M. - WR won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Bronson, G. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Koonce, J. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Jolley, J. - CB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Bui, W. - RB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Freeman, C. - SS won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Turner, R. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 10, 2061: Parker Cole - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1078) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Anthony Glenn - DT (4 Star / Rank: 283) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 10, 2061: Lester Wooley - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1299) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 10, 2061: John Monaco - T (3 Star / Rank: 919) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 10, 2061: Peter Wooden - P (2 Star / Rank: 2671) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 10, 2061: Gary Lovell - QB (3 Star / Rank: 378) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 10, 2061: Son Amaral - DE (3 Star / Rank: 757) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 10, 2061: Payton Capps - WR (3 Star / Rank: 852) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 10, 2061: Dustin Rodriguez - QB (4 Star / Rank: 299) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 10, 2061: Jeffrey Whitt - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1271) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: Dorsey Donald - K (2 Star / Rank: 2736) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 10, 2061: Tyree Herman - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1041) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 10, 2061: Daniel Fuentes - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1300) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 10, 2061: Lee Freeman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 886) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 10, 2061: Rob Embry - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2032) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 10, 2061: Jeromy Miller - K (2 Star / Rank: 3161) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 10, 2061: Charles Hannon - K (2 Star / Rank: 3041) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 10, 2061: Richard Thibodeaux - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1554) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 10, 2061: David Regan - G (3 Star / Rank: 1239) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Jerry Heredia - RB (3 Star / Rank: 339) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 10, 2061: Anthony Atwell - WR (3 Star / Rank: 887) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 10, 2061: Victor Bradford - DT (3 Star / Rank: 341) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 10, 2061: Robert Elmore - G (3 Star / Rank: 1084) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 10, 2061: Charles Horowitz - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2221) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 10, 2061: Alonso Gomez - WR (4 Star / Rank: 162) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 10, 2061: Terry Spearman - DT (3 Star / Rank: 494) committed to Utah Utes
Week 10, 2061: Andrew Delaney - SS (3 Star / Rank: 700) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 10, 2061: Thomas Kyle - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1555) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 10, 2061: Michael Dillard - QB (3 Star / Rank: 471) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 10, 2061: Gary Doss - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2675) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 10, 2061: Russel Varela - K (3 Star / Rank: 2034) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 10, 2061: Sam Newell - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1949) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 10, 2061: Martin Sims - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1183) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 10, 2061: Maurice Hodges - LB (3 Star / Rank: 921) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: Steven Keith - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1012) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Joshua Davis - DT (3 Star / Rank: 454) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 10, 2061: Carl Arias - RB (3 Star / Rank: 575) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 10, 2061: Jeffrey Conley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 365) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 10, 2061: Albert Sweet - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1046) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 10, 2061: James Hamilton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 857) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 10, 2061: Randy Diehl - QB (3 Star / Rank: 545) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 10, 2061: Daniel Fitzgerald - K (2 Star / Rank: 2853) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 10, 2061: Anthony Gilbreath - WR (3 Star / Rank: 764) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Eric Banks - TE (3 Star / Rank: 860) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 10, 2061: Tommy Blackwood - T (3 Star / Rank: 889) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Bruce Lusk - G (3 Star / Rank: 1558) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 10, 2061: Dak Brunson - RB (3 Star / Rank: 457) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 10, 2061: Scott Jenkins - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1501) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 10, 2061: Jerome Abney - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2189) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Sean Marion - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1244) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 10, 2061: Gordon Cornett - CB (3 Star / Rank: 735) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Charles Grant - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1311) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 10, 2061: Reginald Haas - G (3 Star / Rank: 1560) committed to Florida Gators
Week 10, 2061: Claudio Ali - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1123) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 10, 2061: Donald Fisher - T (3 Star / Rank: 924) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Charles Boyd - FS (3 Star / Rank: 609) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 10, 2061: Willie Maloney - DE (3 Star / Rank: 313) committed to Florida Gators
Week 10, 2061: Marshall Bays - DT (3 Star / Rank: 683) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 10, 2061: Joe Snell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 663) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 10, 2061: Kevin Foster - WR (3 Star / Rank: 612) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 10, 2061: William Stack - SS (3 Star / Rank: 368) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 10, 2061: David Damon - WR (3 Star / Rank: 953) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 10, 2061: Andrew Coles - CB (3 Star / Rank: 705) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Mike Kraft - RB (3 Star / Rank: 684) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 10, 2061: Dewayne Mathis - FB (3 Star / Rank: 397) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 10, 2061: Casey Slade - LB (4 Star / Rank: 216) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 10, 2061: Alan Demers - K (1 Star / Rank: 3547) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 10, 2061: Irvin Roland - TE (3 Star / Rank: 638) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 10, 2061: Carroll Beauchamp - C (3 Star / Rank: 825) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Boris Baldwin - T (3 Star / Rank: 398) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: Theodore Beard - WR (3 Star / Rank: 664) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 10, 2061: Linwood Lindquist - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1126) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 10, 2061: Dominic Kelleher - DE (4 Star / Rank: 238) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Luciano Boggs - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1090) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Sean Hawk - DE (3 Star / Rank: 709) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 10, 2061: Jessie Smith - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1052) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 10, 2061: Timothy Barnette - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1505) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Joseph Shore - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1127) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 10, 2061: Jacob Fay - WR (3 Star / Rank: 712) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 10, 2061: David Button - K (3 Star / Rank: 1677) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 10, 2061: Hobert Cote - CB (3 Star / Rank: 614) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 10, 2061: Warren Tripp - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1278) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 10, 2061: Theodore White - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1563) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Ernest Rudolph - SS (3 Star / Rank: 958) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 10, 2061: Dexter Chambers - K (3 Star / Rank: 713) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 10, 2061: Cesar Lively - G (3 Star / Rank: 580) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Charles Stone - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1963) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 10, 2061: Rafael Oswald - DT (3 Star / Rank: 897) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: Derrick Lee - G (3 Star / Rank: 1093) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 10, 2061: Allan Whelan - DE (3 Star / Rank: 927) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 10, 2061: Larry Spears - DE (3 Star / Rank: 828) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 10, 2061: Howard Doyle - RB (4 Star / Rank: 46) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Eddie Prescott - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1163) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Week 10, 2061: Joe Becnel - T (3 Star / Rank: 332) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Robert Agee - SS (3 Star / Rank: 583) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Don Chaney - K (1 Star / Rank: 3724) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 10, 2061: Jimmy Vaughan - RB (3 Star / Rank: 643) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 10, 2061: Charles Pomeroy - WR (3 Star / Rank: 350) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 10, 2061: Carlos Edmondson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1054) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: Jason Hwang - G (3 Star / Rank: 1317) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Clemente Alexander - QB (4 Star / Rank: 120) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 10, 2061: Harry Griffin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 803) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Carl Bayne - C (2 Star / Rank: 2303) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 10, 2061: Christopher True - CB (4 Star / Rank: 219) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 10, 2061: Bret Kovach - LB (3 Star / Rank: 478) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 10, 2061: Raphael Montgomery - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1436) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 10, 2061: Michael Roach - WR (4 Star / Rank: 92) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 10, 2061: William Medina - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2349) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Jesus Fredericks - WR (3 Star / Rank: 714) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 10, 2061: David Shields - TE (3 Star / Rank: 301) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 10, 2061: Phillip Gates - C (4 Star / Rank: 141) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 10, 2061: Philip Guerra - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1284) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 10, 2061: Max Gabriel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 868) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 10, 2061: Calvin Covert - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1221) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 10, 2061: Johnathan Moody - K (1 Star / Rank: 3270) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Richard Mcfall - C (3 Star / Rank: 1826) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Keith Madera - T (3 Star / Rank: 960) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 10, 2061: Ricardo Lewis - LB (3 Star / Rank: 871) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Sean Oates - LB (3 Star / Rank: 904) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 10, 2061: Lyle Williams - DT (4 Star / Rank: 133) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Kevin Jefferson - DE (5 Star / Rank: 11) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Floyd Briscoe - LB (3 Star / Rank: 835) committed to Washington State Cougars
Week 10, 2061: Bobby Garner - G (3 Star / Rank: 1569) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 10, 2061: Benedict Fulton - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1097) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 10, 2061: Harold Longo - CB (3 Star / Rank: 670) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 10, 2061: Troy Spencer - CB (3 Star / Rank: 438) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Charles Blakely - TE (3 Star / Rank: 805) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 10, 2061: Thomas Plunkett - G (3 Star / Rank: 1889) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 10, 2061: George Henke - SS (3 Star / Rank: 441) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 10, 2061: Peter Fowler - C (3 Star / Rank: 1612) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 10, 2061: Jeffery Conklin - G (3 Star / Rank: 1442) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Thomas Horn - RB (4 Star / Rank: 176) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 10, 2061: David Woods - T (4 Star / Rank: 254) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 10, 2061: Adam Canada - FS (4 Star / Rank: 197) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 10, 2061: Ryan Donaldson - WR (4 Star / Rank: 167) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 10, 2061: Pierre Piper - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1223) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Fernando Thomas - T (3 Star / Rank: 371) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 10, 2061: Henry Morrow - G (3 Star / Rank: 525) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 10, 2061: Daniel Renfro - C (3 Star / Rank: 806) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 10, 2061: Homer Teel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1288) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 10, 2061: Jerold Heffner - CB (3 Star / Rank: 354) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Shi Stewart - WR (3 Star / Rank: 649) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 10, 2061: Donald Griswold - CB (4 Star / Rank: 135) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 10, 2061: Robert Goodman - T (3 Star / Rank: 562) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 10, 2061: Jose Speer - FS (3 Star / Rank: 910) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 10, 2061: Matthew Malley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2146) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 10, 2061: Kirk Hurley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 334) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 10, 2061: Arlen Delgado - QB (3 Star / Rank: 838) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 10, 2061: Barry Gabriel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 839) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 10, 2061: Dean Ramsey - P (3 Star / Rank: 1143) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 10, 2061: Walter Poling - DT (3 Star / Rank: 565) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 10, 2061: George Moe - G (3 Star / Rank: 1770) committed to Akron Zips
Week 10, 2061: Shawn Sanchez - T (4 Star / Rank: 221) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 10, 2061: Scott Simonson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2241) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 10, 2061: Justin Moya - WR (5 Star / Rank: 24) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 10, 2061: Donald Conn - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1326) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 10, 2061: Roscoe Jones - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1807) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 10, 2061: William Houston - TE (3 Star / Rank: 809) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 10, 2061: Mathew Flanagan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1069) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 10, 2061: Harley Jackson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1808) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Brian Moody - SS (3 Star / Rank: 485) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 10, 2061: Bryan Lanham - DE (3 Star / Rank: 875) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 10, 2061: Ronnie Barr - FB (3 Star / Rank: 966) committed to Akron Zips
Week 10, 2061: Israel White - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1070) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 10, 2061: Lee Berry - WR (4 Star / Rank: 88) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 10, 2061: Raymond Barbee - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2108) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 10, 2061: Gregory Rocha - WR (3 Star / Rank: 566) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 10, 2061: Francisco Trevino - T (5 Star / Rank: 13) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Robert Bassett - TE (3 Star / Rank: 412) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 10, 2061: William Streeter - FS (4 Star / Rank: 78) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 10, 2061: Boris Windham - FS (3 Star / Rank: 594) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 10, 2061: Keric Greenberg - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2896) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 10, 2061: Teodoro Nguyen - P (2 Star / Rank: 3068) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 10, 2061: Roberto Dolan - C (3 Star / Rank: 2112) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 10, 2061: Marshon Murillo - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2078) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 10, 2061: Edward Meyer - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1106) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 10, 2061: Anthony Beard - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3387) committed to Rice Owls
Week 10, 2061: Gary Simonson - T (3 Star / Rank: 303) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 10, 2061: Shaun Shaver - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1144) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 10, 2061: Lawrence Kramer - DE (3 Star / Rank: 781) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Kevin Boucher - K (3 Star / Rank: 2079) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 10, 2061: Woodrow Nix - LB (4 Star / Rank: 160) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 10, 2061: Gerald Henson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1655) committed to Rice Owls
Week 10, 2061: Eugene Kelly - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1108) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 10, 2061: Rodolfo Mattison - DT (4 Star / Rank: 223) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 10, 2061: Elijah Yee - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1449) committed to Utah Utes
Week 10, 2061: David Rowell - DT (5 Star / Rank: 33) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 10, 2061: Carlo Schroeder - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1412) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Ronald Elam - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2463) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Michael Mcdaniel - K (3 Star / Rank: 2245) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Denny Kruse - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2182) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Patrick Porter - RB (4 Star / Rank: 224) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 10, 2061: Bobby Lopez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1036) committed to Rice Owls
Week 10, 2061: Ramon McCune - CB (5 Star / Rank: 26) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 10, 2061: Joseph Roe - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1659) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 10, 2061: George Hardin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 488) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Joseph Wetzel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1903) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 10, 2061: Eric Seals - WR (3 Star / Rank: 848) committed to Rice Owls
Week 10, 2061: Thomas Armstead - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1297) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 10, 2061: Keith Maness - G (3 Star / Rank: 597) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 10, 2061: Donald Slattery - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2763) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: Troy Kinard - QB (3 Star / Rank: 727) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 10, 2061: Harry Cagle - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2395) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 10, 2061: Brandon Kaufman - LB (4 Star / Rank: 161) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 10, 2061: Richard Runyon - WR (3 Star / Rank: 360) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 10, 2061: Roosevelt Villarreal - DT (3 Star / Rank: 418) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 10, 2061: Scotty Valenzuela - G (3 Star / Rank: 1111) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Kenneth Gaffney - TE (3 Star / Rank: 390) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 10, 2061: Rene Armenta - G (3 Star / Rank: 671) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 10, 2061: Patrick Bowser - C (3 Star / Rank: 816) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 10, 2061: James Wisniewski - DT (4 Star / Rank: 103) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 10, 2061: Jesus Platt - WR (3 Star / Rank: 787) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 10, 2061: Walter Chandler - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2084) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 10, 2061: Alexander Najera - K (2 Star / Rank: 3074) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 10, 2061: Luther Garmon - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1113) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 10, 2061: Bennett Johnson - SS (3 Star / Rank: 572) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 10, 2061: Clifton Morin - FS (3 Star / Rank: 361) committed to Akron Zips
 Week 10, 2061: Edmund Tabor - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Darryl Bradley - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Victor Park - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Milan Ackley - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: David Whittaker - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Derek Heredia - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Bill Southerland - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Joe Thurston - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Willie Clay - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Stephen Lilly - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 10, 2061: Richard Nunes - TE has recovered from his injury
Week 11, 2061: Noah Christy - DT (3 Star / Rank: 817) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Jerry Stone - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1151) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 11, 2061: Micheal Costa - T (3 Star / Rank: 1813) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 11, 2061: Ryan Chatman - RB (4 Star / Rank: 67) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 11, 2061: Charles Warren - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1269) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 11, 2061: Doyle Winters - WR (3 Star / Rank: 979) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 11, 2061: John Kaminski - WR (3 Star / Rank: 672) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 11, 2061: Howard Fry - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1530) committed to Temple Owls
Week 11, 2061: Richard Culp - DT (3 Star / Rank: 673) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 11, 2061: Arlie Giordano - SS (3 Star / Rank: 756) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 11, 2061: Michael McCurry - K (1 Star / Rank: 3687) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Week 11, 2061: Dameon Haynes - DT (4 Star / Rank: 53) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 11, 2061: Franklin Gardner - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1910) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 11, 2061: Jonathan Burke - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1152) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 11, 2061: Bill Hutson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1115) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 11, 2061: Gary Gagnon - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1461) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 11, 2061: Steve Brown - FS (3 Star / Rank: 853) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 11, 2061: Sean Foster - RB (3 Star / Rank: 539) committed to Temple Owls
Week 11, 2061: Maurice Kovach - T (3 Star / Rank: 1203) committed to Florida Gators
Week 11, 2061: Curtis Crews - DE (4 Star / Rank: 112) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 11, 2061: Ronald Cardona - G (3 Star / Rank: 1385) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 11, 2061: Gerry Hunt - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1205) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 11, 2061: Grover Burk - K (1 Star / Rank: 3312) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 11, 2061: David Whiting - SS (3 Star / Rank: 733) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 11, 2061: Rudolph Radford - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1011) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 11, 2061: Hilton Henning - CB (3 Star / Rank: 342) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Ax Davis - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1840) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: David Waldron - QB (5 Star / Rank: 21) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 11, 2061: Scot Cox - T (3 Star / Rank: 980) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 11, 2061: Luis Sisson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1841) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 11, 2061: Robin James - LB (4 Star / Rank: 202) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 11, 2061: Daniel Lindsay - T (3 Star / Rank: 1085) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 11, 2061: Gary Carver - K (1 Star / Rank: 3335) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 11, 2061: Christopher Ramirez - T (3 Star / Rank: 1389) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 11, 2061: Prince Barnes - RB (4 Star / Rank: 60) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 11, 2061: Orval Kiefer - RB (3 Star / Rank: 496) committed to USC Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Louis Jenkins - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1013) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 11, 2061: Richard Farrar - T (3 Star / Rank: 1014) committed to Akron Zips
Week 11, 2061: Merle Lockett - C (3 Star / Rank: 1843) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Sylvester Sutherland - FB (4 Star / Rank: 203) committed to Central Florida Knights
Week 11, 2061: Jason Horton - DT (3 Star / Rank: 859) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 11, 2061: Archie Beach - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1820) committed to USC Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Jeremy Kilpatrick - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2093) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 11, 2061: Refugio Gallo - T (3 Star / Rank: 702) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 11, 2061: Hipolito Tallent - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1275) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 11, 2061: Melvin Farrington - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1950) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 11, 2061: Marty Farley - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1121) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 11, 2061: Timothy Montalvo - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1016) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 11, 2061: Elmer Sanchez - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1718) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 11, 2061: Alexander Bandy - CB (4 Star / Rank: 215) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 11, 2061: Juan Jackson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1122) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 11, 2061: Leonard Bailey - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1018) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 11, 2061: Geraldo Hatfield - DE (3 Star / Rank: 347) committed to Florida Gators
Week 11, 2061: Charles Razo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 498) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 11, 2061: Cecil Moreno - LB (3 Star / Rank: 862) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 11, 2061: Robert Ramey - G (3 Star / Rank: 1756) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 11, 2061: Maurice Jones - QB (3 Star / Rank: 475) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Gabriel Payton - T (4 Star / Rank: 227) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 11, 2061: Christopher Clark - C (3 Star / Rank: 2228) committed to USC Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Darren Sanchez - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1956) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Toby Kincaid - C (3 Star / Rank: 955) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 11, 2061: Adan Becker - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1249) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 11, 2061: James Carlisle - QB (3 Star / Rank: 430) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Michael Ely - T (3 Star / Rank: 892) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 11, 2061: Larry Stamper - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1599) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 11, 2061: Gene Hynes - DT (3 Star / Rank: 925) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 11, 2061: Richard Bryant - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1022) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 11, 2061: Ramon Hanlon - K (2 Star / Rank: 2299) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 11, 2061: Herbert Lanning - FB (3 Star / Rank: 896) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Justin Hickman - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1128) committed to Indiana Hoosiers
Week 11, 2061: Kenneth Hassell - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2010) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 11, 2061: Jonathan Hastings - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1251) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 11, 2061: Lindsay Albert - K (1 Star / Rank: 3768) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 11, 2061: Kenneth Fay - WR (3 Star / Rank: 381) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Bruce Henley - T (3 Star / Rank: 1281) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 11, 2061: Richard Valles - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1797) committed to Utah Utes
Week 11, 2061: Curtis Martin - G (3 Star / Rank: 1856) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 11, 2061: Dustin Carson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 500) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 11, 2061: Jim Hicks - K (2 Star / Rank: 3111) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Joe Yarbrough - P (1 Star / Rank: 3408) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 11, 2061: Elvin Cabral - DE (3 Star / Rank: 742) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 11, 2061: Walter Richardson - QB (4 Star / Rank: 183) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 11, 2061: Marlon Muller - WR (3 Star / Rank: 585) committed to USC Trojans
Week 11, 2061: Darell Green - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1217) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 11, 2061: Fred Cox - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1728) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 11, 2061: Joey Vogt - G (3 Star / Rank: 1825) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Donald Oliva - LB (4 Star / Rank: 290) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 11, 2061: Gregory Rawls - C (3 Star / Rank: 668) committed to Temple Owls
Week 11, 2061: Ray Wiggins - DT (3 Star / Rank: 404) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 11, 2061: Scott Peak - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1220) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 11, 2061: John Winfield - T (3 Star / Rank: 1352) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 11, 2061: Larry East - WR (3 Star / Rank: 961) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 11, 2061: Jason Douglas - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1096) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 11, 2061: Jared Phillips - T (3 Star / Rank: 463) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 11, 2061: Leon Shore - WR (3 Star / Rank: 481) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Ross Gross - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1059) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Samuel Costa - C (3 Star / Rank: 1222) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 11, 2061: James Kellogg - DT (3 Star / Rank: 352) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 11, 2061: Miles Campbell - QB (4 Star / Rank: 101) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 11, 2061: Ronald Caron - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1973) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 11, 2061: Anthony Lehman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 906) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 11, 2061: Mathew Fontenot - T (3 Star / Rank: 439) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 11, 2061: Lester Song - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2385) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 11, 2061: Rusty Doherty - RB (3 Star / Rank: 559) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 11, 2061: Moses Simpson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 990) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 11, 2061: Shawn Valencia - WR (3 Star / Rank: 962) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 11, 2061: David Fitzpatrick - QB (3 Star / Rank: 716) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 11, 2061: Willie Reynolds - DE (3 Star / Rank: 524) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 11, 2061: Patrick Mcewen - WR (4 Star / Rank: 134) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide
Week 11, 2061: Andrew Villasenor - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2143) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 11, 2061: Wan'Dale Mintz - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1063) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 11, 2061: Jerry Trotter - SS (5 Star / Rank: 28) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 11, 2061: Robert Dubois - P (2 Star / Rank: 2813) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 11, 2061: Peter Bandy - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1892) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Dennis Fitzpatrick - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1980) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 11, 2061: George Hadley - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1372) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 11, 2061: Nathanial Cox - DT (3 Star / Rank: 778) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 11, 2061: Shane Lowry - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2685) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 11, 2061: Willis Luna - T (4 Star / Rank: 110) committed to Florida Gators
Week 11, 2061: Christopher Sparrow - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1650) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 11, 2061: Fred Darnell - DT (4 Star / Rank: 136) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 11, 2061: Mark Kenyon - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1772) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 11, 2061: Eric Ocasio - CB (3 Star / Rank: 749) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 11, 2061: Daniel Cortes - LB (4 Star / Rank: 275) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 11, 2061: Michael Bear - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1100) committed to Tulane Green Wave
Week 11, 2061: Peter Wolfe - WR (3 Star / Rank: 780) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 11, 2061: Orville Hayes - P (3 Star / Rank: 2206) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 11, 2061: Jackie Wood - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1407) committed to Temple Owls
Week 11, 2061: Michael Sutton - T (3 Star / Rank: 410) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 11, 2061: Zack Whaley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 486) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 11, 2061: Glenn Patton - TE (3 Star / Rank: 445) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 11, 2061: Anthony Medley - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1031) committed to Georgia State Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Pharaoh Acuna - G (3 Star / Rank: 1104) committed to Rice Owls
Week 11, 2061: Allen Sample - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2689) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 11, 2061: Steven Murray - CB (3 Star / Rank: 375) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 11, 2061: Arnold Aponte - DE (4 Star / Rank: 259) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 11, 2061: Eric Duvall - CB (3 Star / Rank: 304) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 11, 2061: Lionel Silvers - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1033) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 11, 2061: Aaron Andre - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1836) committed to Akron Zips
Week 11, 2061: Jesse Britt - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1584) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 11, 2061: David Benedict - DE (4 Star / Rank: 89) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 11, 2061: Michael Crawford - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2464) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 11, 2061: Charles Reinhardt - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1451) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 11, 2061: Victor Lipscomb - K (1 Star / Rank: 3256) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 11, 2061: Joey Henderson - QB (3 Star / Rank: 654) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 11, 2061: Zay Castillo - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2899) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 11, 2061: Israel Hogan - K (3 Star / Rank: 1703) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 11, 2061: Ja'Marr Hinojosa - G (3 Star / Rank: 1452) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 11, 2061: David Prather - T (3 Star / Rank: 489) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 11, 2061: Micheal Latham - K (2 Star / Rank: 3073) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 11, 2061: John Canady - K (2 Star / Rank: 3095) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 11, 2061: Jeff Boudreaux - SS (3 Star / Rank: 569) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 11, 2061: Johnnie Oliver - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1901) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 11, 2061: Deven Keys - FS (3 Star / Rank: 359) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 11, 2061: Howard Farnsworth - P (1 Star / Rank: 3468) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 11, 2061: Chas Webber - T (4 Star / Rank: 280) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 11, 2061: Christopher Childs - TE (3 Star / Rank: 388) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 11, 2061: Buck Parker - CB (4 Star / Rank: 210) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 11, 2061: Ronald Terrell - DE (4 Star / Rank: 126) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 11, 2061: Sidney Ivey - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1177) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 11, 2061: Juan Rea - RB (3 Star / Rank: 850) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 11, 2061: Kirk Kim - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1268) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 11, 2061: Michael Schumacher - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1236) committed to Tulane Green Wave
 Week 11, 2061: James Whitson - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Nathaniel Castillo - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Frank Sims - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Teddy Charlton - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Samuel Booth - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: William Benjamin - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Steven Lomax - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Mark Hornsby - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Bobby Bull - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Trevor Knight - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Dominic Lewis - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Marco Poirier - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: John Schneider - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Carlos Colson - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Gerald Pena - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 11, 2061: Leonard Perry - WR has recovered from his injury
Week 11, 2061: Redding, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Main, J. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Puckett, M. - FS won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Currie, L. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Bowers, J. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Furr, S. - QB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Howard, A. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Herman, M. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Phillips, J. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Mancini, J. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Heflin, J. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Locke, V. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Evers, S. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Hayes, C. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Bennett, B. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Madsen, T. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Morgan, D. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Bobbitt, C. - RB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Roth, J. - DE won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Peterson, L. - WR won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Conte, G. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 11, 2061: Chang, J. - RB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Patrick Capps - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1079) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 12, 2061: Alfredo Smith - LB (5 Star / Rank: 30) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 12, 2061: Jason Devries - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1038) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 12, 2061: Douglas Ault - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1629) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 12, 2061: Donald Mcdermott - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1551) committed to USC Trojans
Week 12, 2061: Brandon Leonard - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3076) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Michael Coley - G (3 Star / Rank: 1081) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 12, 2061: Darnell Boone - FS (5 Star / Rank: 15) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 12, 2061: Edward Joseph - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1460) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 12, 2061: Collin Loy - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1552) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 12, 2061: Brice Jones - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2061) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 12, 2061: Shon Woodard - K (1 Star / Rank: 3649) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 12, 2061: Tuan Stockton - LB (3 Star / Rank: 819) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 12, 2061: Clifford Dowell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1877) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 12, 2061: Reed Ford - K (1 Star / Rank: 3781) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 12, 2061: Joseph Thorpe - T (3 Star / Rank: 1747) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 12, 2061: Roger Swope - RB (3 Star / Rank: 760) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 12, 2061: Larry Kinder - T (3 Star / Rank: 1714) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 12, 2061: Herbert Singleton - T (3 Star / Rank: 1009) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 12, 2061: Aaron Toney - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1534) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 12, 2061: Jerry Moore - SS (4 Star / Rank: 284) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Melvin Bracken - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1204) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 12, 2061: Arthur Mcdermott - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1464) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 12, 2061: Albert Archer - T (3 Star / Rank: 1748) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Corey Pearson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 678) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 12, 2061: Billy Jenkins - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1749) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 12, 2061: Lloyd Amundson - K (1 Star / Rank: 3616) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 12, 2061: William Cone - G (3 Star / Rank: 1785) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 12, 2061: Tavion Morgan - DT (3 Star / Rank: 605) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 12, 2061: Timothy Skelton - SS (3 Star / Rank: 793) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 12, 2061: Joseph Rodriguez - T (3 Star / Rank: 1305) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 12, 2061: Louis Mueller - WR (3 Star / Rank: 946) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Junior Richey - RB (3 Star / Rank: 855) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 12, 2061: Edward Blais - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2091) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 12, 2061: Adrian Sheehan - K (1 Star / Rank: 3373) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 12, 2061: Edward Lawrence - C (3 Star / Rank: 1207) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 12, 2061: Donnie Wingate - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1307) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 12, 2061: Leo Andrews - LB (4 Star / Rank: 191) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 12, 2061: John Simpson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1158) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 12, 2061: Charleston Yu - LB (4 Star / Rank: 138) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 12, 2061: Steve Dietz - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2124) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 12, 2061: Steven Gough - T (3 Star / Rank: 1670) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Martin Chin - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1671) committed to Utah Utes
Week 12, 2061: Marvin Adams - CB (3 Star / Rank: 608) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Michael Ault - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1047) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 12, 2061: Jean Atwood - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1672) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 12, 2061: Francisco Harmon - WR (3 Star / Rank: 767) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 12, 2061: Domingo Carter - K (1 Star / Rank: 3267) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 12, 2061: Tommy Kelly - FS (3 Star / Rank: 346) committed to Tennessee Volunteers
Week 12, 2061: James Stoddard - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1186) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Charles Calabrese - LB (3 Star / Rank: 425) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 12, 2061: Gene Mayers - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2003) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 12, 2061: Nicholas Longo - FB (3 Star / Rank: 547) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Glen Otto - CB (4 Star / Rank: 149) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 12, 2061: Franklyn Moreland - TE (3 Star / Rank: 379) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Carter Bridges - WR (4 Star / Rank: 266) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 12, 2061: Jeffrey Bates - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1791) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Christopher Odom - T (3 Star / Rank: 1212) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 12, 2061: Erik Murray - QB (3 Star / Rank: 861) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Jose Oliver - LB (4 Star / Rank: 205) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 12, 2061: Dennis Levine - CB (3 Star / Rank: 950) committed to Florida Gators
Week 12, 2061: Paul Mendenhall - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1428) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 12, 2061: Alfred Billingsley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2070) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 12, 2061: Brian Morales - P (3 Star / Rank: 1050) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 12, 2061: Cornelius Shipley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1955) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 12, 2061: Eugenio Dobbins - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2096) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 12, 2061: Henry Creamer - FS (3 Star / Rank: 954) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 12, 2061: Steven Key - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1246) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 12, 2061: Daniel Reaves - K (1 Star / Rank: 3755) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 12, 2061: Antonio East - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2826) committed to USC Trojans
Week 12, 2061: James Pate - K (1 Star / Rank: 3489) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 12, 2061: Robert Fletcher - T (3 Star / Rank: 1597) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 12, 2061: William Kennedy - G (3 Star / Rank: 1189) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 12, 2061: Anthony Beauregard - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1959) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 12, 2061: Thomas Quinn - DT (3 Star / Rank: 639) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 12, 2061: Matthew Green - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1091) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Eric Harvey - K (2 Star / Rank: 2746) committed to USC Trojans
Week 12, 2061: Nelson Miller - WR (3 Star / Rank: 895) committed to Temple Owls
Week 12, 2061: Paul Wisniewski - T (3 Star / Rank: 926) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 12, 2061: Joe Lee - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2379) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 12, 2061: Jeremy Parra - LB (3 Star / Rank: 898) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Roy Dale - G (4 Star / Rank: 165) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 12, 2061: Newton Duffy - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1964) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 12, 2061: Osvaldo Tamayo - RB (4 Star / Rank: 81) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 12, 2061: Robert Marroquin - LB (4 Star / Rank: 239) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 12, 2061: Melvin Nesmith - K (1 Star / Rank: 3804) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 12, 2061: Gregory Stevens - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2198) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 12, 2061: Michael Snyder - K (1 Star / Rank: 3300) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 12, 2061: Bobby Macklin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 959) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 12, 2061: Daniel Garner - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2830) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 12, 2061: Javelin Nix - C (2 Star / Rank: 2263) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 12, 2061: Aaron Hernandez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1055) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Kasey Cuevas - DE (3 Star / Rank: 772) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Robert Stacy - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1727) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 12, 2061: Andrew Pearson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1683) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 12, 2061: Nick Henley - K (2 Star / Rank: 2914) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 12, 2061: Owen Howell - DE (3 Star / Rank: 831) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 12, 2061: Salvador Adame - WR (3 Star / Rank: 773) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 12, 2061: George Lilly - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1318) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 12, 2061: Trevor Brown - G (4 Star / Rank: 121) committed to Florida Gators
Week 12, 2061: Humberto Carr - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1399) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Don Zamora - CB (3 Star / Rank: 988) committed to Rice Owls
Week 12, 2061: Perry Fincher - RB (3 Star / Rank: 745) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Kevin Dobbs - T (3 Star / Rank: 1026) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Ryan Ramirez - RB (3 Star / Rank: 480) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Patrick Quinlan - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1922) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 12, 2061: Erwin Dillon - FS (3 Star / Rank: 320) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Juan Self - G (3 Star / Rank: 836) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 12, 2061: Loyd Noriega - G (3 Star / Rank: 587) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 12, 2061: Robert McCollum - RB (3 Star / Rank: 333) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 12, 2061: Clinton Sacco - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1139) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 12, 2061: Austin White - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1060) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 12, 2061: Michale Hildreth - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1440) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 12, 2061: Dennis Heinrich - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1098) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Travis Kent - CB (3 Star / Rank: 746) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 12, 2061: George Mckinney - LB (3 Star / Rank: 440) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 12, 2061: Steven Hamby - DT (4 Star / Rank: 185) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 12, 2061: Keke Bunnell - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2105) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 12, 2061: Stuart Teeter - G (4 Star / Rank: 93) committed to Georgia Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Jose Meza - DT (4 Star / Rank: 150) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 12, 2061: Kevin Aguayo - LB (3 Star / Rank: 908) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 12, 2061: Abram John - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1257) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 12, 2061: Timothy Samples - FS (3 Star / Rank: 560) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Carl Barnett - WR (4 Star / Rank: 208) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 12, 2061: William Herron - G (3 Star / Rank: 1062) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Andrew Nye - RB (4 Star / Rank: 272) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 12, 2061: John Herr - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1646) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 12, 2061: Mark Barnhill - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1890) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 12, 2061: Jon Lopez - CB (4 Star / Rank: 77) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 12, 2061: Jerry Toth - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2015) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 12, 2061: Earnest Guenther - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1803) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Kelly Xiong - K (2 Star / Rank: 3030) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 12, 2061: Wilmer Duval - K (1 Star / Rank: 3325) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 12, 2061: Antonio McClellan - RB (3 Star / Rank: 623) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 12, 2061: Sean Brown - DE (3 Star / Rank: 624) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 12, 2061: Donald Fogle - DT (4 Star / Rank: 168) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 12, 2061: Kenneth Partridge - T (4 Star / Rank: 62) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Raymond Brody - K (2 Star / Rank: 2978) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 12, 2061: Scott Lewandowski - FB (3 Star / Rank: 932) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 12, 2061: Joseph Littleton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1260) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 12, 2061: Todd Wade - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2727) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 12, 2061: Kim Hartwell - DT (4 Star / Rank: 146) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Armando Chapin - QB (3 Star / Rank: 357) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 12, 2061: James Robison - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1516) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 12, 2061: Tyler Pemberton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1518) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 12, 2061: Wayne Chang - CB (4 Star / Rank: 234) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 12, 2061: Evan Sheffield - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2461) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 12, 2061: Ernie Brunson - DT (4 Star / Rank: 159) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 12, 2061: Benjamin Bowling - P (1 Star / Rank: 3351) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 12, 2061: Sidney Skaggs - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1378) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 12, 2061: Roy Jefferson - LB (4 Star / Rank: 222) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 12, 2061: Robert Sandoval - G (3 Star / Rank: 999) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 12, 2061: Wilbert Rojas - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2559) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 12, 2061: Peter Longo - G (3 Star / Rank: 1739) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Arthur Carden - WR (3 Star / Rank: 695) committed to Rice Owls
Week 12, 2061: George Aguirre - RB (3 Star / Rank: 358) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 12, 2061: Michael Duggan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 847) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 12, 2061: Wayne Moen - T (3 Star / Rank: 1380) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 12, 2061: Kenneth Lawson - T (3 Star / Rank: 2053) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 12, 2061: Anthony Bunker - T (3 Star / Rank: 784) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Vincent Bolton - FS (4 Star / Rank: 125) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Robert Daniels - K (2 Star / Rank: 2561) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 12, 2061: Levi Bowden - G (4 Star / Rank: 246) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 12, 2061: Jose Kidd - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1416) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 12, 2061: Chandler Howard - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2026) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 12, 2061: Ronald Templeton - FS (3 Star / Rank: 306) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 12, 2061: Ralph Kurtz - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1705) committed to Army Black Knights
Week 12, 2061: Bernard Moore - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1663) committed to East Carolina Pirates
Week 12, 2061: Sean Villareal - DT (4 Star / Rank: 211) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs
Week 12, 2061: Florentino Brownell - G (3 Star / Rank: 1528) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 12, 2061: William Sparkman - C (1 Star / Rank: 3759) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 12, 2061: Blessuan Goble - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1992) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 12, 2061: Wm Espino - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2154) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 12, 2061: Rodolfo Conroy - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1707) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 12, 2061: Gregorio Dorn - P (3 Star / Rank: 1942) committed to Ohio Bobcats
 Week 12, 2061: Tyler Bailey - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Rodney Durkin - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Oswaldo Barrientos - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: David Vogel - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Stephen Roland - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Douglas Libby - SS has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Clyde Edward - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Quincy Knight - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Jeffery Britton - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Wayne Linn - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Lee Carl - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Keith Briones - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Dont'a Bell - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Alfredo Davis - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 12, 2061: Alfredo Davis has been injured. Status: Out (8-12 weeks)
 Week 12, 2061: Steven Wiese - WR has recovered from his injury
Week 12, 2061: Carpenter, K. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: George, R. - QB won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Richardson, W. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Frantz, S. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Wenger, J. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Headley, M. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: McCullough, J. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Woodall, K. - DE won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Crowell, L. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Heath, J. - FS won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Chacon, M. - K won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Darnell, P. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Saxon, L. - RB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Lind, J. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Long, M. - LB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Vaughn, T. - RB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Masterson, J. - SS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Jacobs, R. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Royster, B. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 12, 2061: Israel, A. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 13, 2061: Derek Heredia - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Jame Carlisle - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Robert Monaco - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: William Holliday - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Michel Richards - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Laverne Winn - QB has recovered from his injury
Week 13, 2061: Billups, I. - DE won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Bourque, W. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Whitmire, R. - FS won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Batts, W. - RB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Schiller, M. - DE won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Valdez, M. - WR won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Osburn, M. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Herman, M. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Donnell, T. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Batten, B. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Blocker, A. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Brand, A. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Higgins, A. - FS won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Pugh, M. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Diaz, G. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Murry, P. - LB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Burdick, M. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Lilly, S. - LB won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Ashley, B. - WR won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Davis, D. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Keck, D. - WR won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 13, 2061: Edward Moreno - G (2 Star / Rank: 2902) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Chritauskie Wells - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2591) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: John Haller - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1873) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Stanford McCray - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1550) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: Clayton McCarty - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2532) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Gary Keys - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3238) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 13, 2061: Christopher Parks - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2470) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Douglas Concepcion - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2765) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Larry Settle - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2334) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Alvin Hickman - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2846) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Alva Armstrong - K (2 Star / Rank: 2508) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Dean Bland - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3009) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Hector Freed - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1745) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Ryan Burks - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3217) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Michael Strickland - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2793) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini
Week 13, 2061: William Stump - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2058) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Scot Horne - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3218) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Kevin Gruber - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3290) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Gary Musser - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1943) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Peter Guthrie - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2248) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Fenner - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2433) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Mark Qualls - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3075) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: James Minor - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1814) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 13, 2061: Ryan Pinkerton - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3219) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Craig Simon - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2876) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: David Pridgen - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2086) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Donte Isbell - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2435) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: John Mcgriff - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1816) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 13, 2061: Kris Parks - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1909) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Brice Brown - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2361) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Paul Mcdonald - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1494) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Willian Luther - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3368) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Brett Goff - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3159) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Jorge Wiggins - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2473) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Paul Costa - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2289) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: James Sweeney - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1781) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Solomon Brandon - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1945) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 13, 2061: Robert Rockwell - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2533) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 13, 2061: Norris Diaz - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3135) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Stephen Latham - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2928) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Alan Billings - T (2 Star / Rank: 2509) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Carl Kaufman - T (3 Star / Rank: 1366) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 13, 2061: Anthony Lloyd - G (3 Star / Rank: 1201) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Eddie Gillespie - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1531) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Jeremiah Callaghan - P (2 Star / Rank: 2252) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Stan Santos - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2618) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Mario Carlson - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2397) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Dale Crane - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3241) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 13, 2061: Stephen Camarillo - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3334) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Archer - T (2 Star / Rank: 3137) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Emilio Gonzalez - T (2 Star / Rank: 2511) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Eduardo Elmore - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2185) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Samuel Shah - P (1 Star / Rank: 3776) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 13, 2061: Andres Howard - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1384) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Antonio Pickering - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1532) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Stephen Hogan - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2769) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Bobby Madsen - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2930) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Gerardo Peck - C (2 Star / Rank: 2737) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Todd Carman - T (3 Star / Rank: 1337) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Ronald Farmer - LB (4 Star / Rank: 137) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 13, 2061: Jay Murray - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3042) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Raymond Hagen - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1010) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Keyvone Seymore - K (1 Star / Rank: 3716) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Mike Moore - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1272) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Sutton - T (2 Star / Rank: 2715) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Alvin Wesley - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2253) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Roberto King - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2337) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 13, 2061: Brian Burnside - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2254) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: Harry Adcock - DE (3 Star / Rank: 945) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Michael Wiseman - G (2 Star / Rank: 2850) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 13, 2061: Barrett Hartwell - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3406) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Brian Montes - C (2 Star / Rank: 3198) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Billy Nguyen - T (3 Star / Rank: 1497) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 13, 2061: Ralph Haller - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1498) committed to Temple Owls
Week 13, 2061: John Dangelo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1634) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Jeffrey Abney - P (1 Star / Rank: 3627) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Matt Craven - CB (3 Star / Rank: 794) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 13, 2061: Scott Bennett - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2907) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Kenneth Franco - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2256) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Leon Pate - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2771) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: James Vasquez - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1423) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Derrick Fishman - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2338) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Paul Fair - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2880) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Anthony Steele - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3372) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Oswaldo Charles - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2158) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Matheny - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2822) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Week 13, 2061: Douglas Lawrence - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1911) committed to Temple Owls
Week 13, 2061: Lawrence Ramos - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2595) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Yusuf Conley - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2882) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Roy Ragland - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3013) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Samuel Beverly - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3688) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: James Newby - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2852) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Vern Simmons - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1842) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack
Week 13, 2061: Michael Hines - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1499) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Fritz Peck - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3313) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Donnie Lindstrom - G (2 Star / Rank: 2538) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 13, 2061: Lane Ellis - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2739) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Kelly Howell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 762) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Earl Gillis - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2515) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Kenneth Borders - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2318) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: George Gladney - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2404) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: John Saxon - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2063) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Collin Edge - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3374) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Tim Laster - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1500) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: John Goolsby - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2798) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 13, 2061: Andrew Skipper - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1242) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 13, 2061: William Harman - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3375) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: James Terrill - LB (3 Star / Rank: 763) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 13, 2061: Steven Dupre - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1637) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 13, 2061: Charles Swanson - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2935) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Enrique Johnson - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3787) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Rodney Kovach - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1243) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Rolando Ford - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3438) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Grady Cardenas - LB (3 Star / Rank: 701) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 13, 2061: James Orlando - G (2 Star / Rank: 2478) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Darian Gonzales - P (1 Star / Rank: 3754) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Gary Littlefield - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2257) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Dixon - T (2 Star / Rank: 2993) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Alphonso Patterson - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3314) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Jerry Gunderson - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2741) committed to Rice Owls
Week 13, 2061: Drew Hawkins - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2371) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Milton Moses - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2372) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Thomas Houston - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1789) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Clay Medina - P (1 Star / Rank: 3454) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: Harold Riley - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1341) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 13, 2061: Stephen Foreman - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1048) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: Robbie Gabriel - T (2 Star / Rank: 2479) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Bernard Hornsby - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3572) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: William Weatherford - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2801) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: Harry Torres - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2938) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Lupe Dixon - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1160) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Anthony Wu - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3439) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Mark Juarez - G (3 Star / Rank: 1591) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Jerome Harrison - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1823) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Garrett Baum - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3393) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Jaime Kilpatrick - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2599) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: Patrick Green - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2128) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Buck - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2910) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Frank Mattson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1468) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Samual Corona - G (2 Star / Rank: 2856) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Barton Negron - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2439) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Donald Joiner - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1850) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 13, 2061: David Keane - T (3 Star / Rank: 1790) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Francisco Wheat - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2440) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 13, 2061: Steve Huber - G (2 Star / Rank: 2297) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Mason Wilbur - T (2 Star / Rank: 2540) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 13, 2061: Stanley Stephenson - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3225) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: John Hong - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2225) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: David Belton - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2162) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Marlon Burton - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2699) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 13, 2061: Arnold O'Brien - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3316) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 13, 2061: Frederick Sprague - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2320) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Richard Guthrie - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3663) committed to Rice Owls
Week 13, 2061: Donald Chance - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2858) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Edward Bumgarner - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2939) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: James Fulcher - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2940) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Jerry Wahl - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3356) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Jacob Blanchard - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1393) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 13, 2061: Wilmer Byrd - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2411) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: William Lennon - LB (3 Star / Rank: 824) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Foster Baron - C (2 Star / Rank: 2481) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Edmond McCormick - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1793) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Dwight Henry - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2412) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Roosevelt Smith - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3378) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 13, 2061: Alonzo Blanchard - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3792) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Scott Ibarra - G (2 Star / Rank: 2321) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Tommy Baxter - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2261) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Andrew Wimberly - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1561) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 13, 2061: Olin Dell - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3017) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 13, 2061: Taylor Peterson - WR (4 Star / Rank: 248) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Ingle - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3126) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 13, 2061: James Osborn - T (3 Star / Rank: 984) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Brady Nelson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1676) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Harry Lightner - T (2 Star / Rank: 2377) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Alexander Smith - RB (3 Star / Rank: 549) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Tony Jacob - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2097) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 13, 2061: Patrick Chambers - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1958) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: William Dubois - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3164) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Billy Clark - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2322) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Eric O'Brien - DT (3 Star / Rank: 429) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Tom Brooks - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3379) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: Corey Villareal - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3050) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Clifford Marsh - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3317) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Jacob Cobb - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2745) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 13, 2061: William Serrano - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3244) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 13, 2061: John Blaine - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2655) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Martin Dean - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2805) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Kelly Patino - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2911) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Keith Grey - T (3 Star / Rank: 1601) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Harvey Holland - K (1 Star / Rank: 3476) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Mark Langlois - T (3 Star / Rank: 1854) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 13, 2061: Michael Pierce - RB (4 Star / Rank: 268) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Kenneth Lange - T (2 Star / Rank: 2748) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 13, 2061: Clint Little - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2072) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: William Kendrick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1796) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Christopher Rushing - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1758) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 13, 2061: Reyes Perryman - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1541) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Erin Noriega - DT (3 Star / Rank: 641) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Neal Angel - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2300) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Michael Reiter - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2040) committed to Rice Owls
Week 13, 2061: Robert Basham - G (3 Star / Rank: 1507) committed to Houston Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Guadalupe Nestor - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2347) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Braelon Buck - T (2 Star / Rank: 2518) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores
Week 13, 2061: Richard Kinard - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3246) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Te'Vailance Messina - C (2 Star / Rank: 2626) committed to Rice Owls
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Legg - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2807) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Declan Reeves - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3817) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Barrett Currier - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3812) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Paul Mello - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2168) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Junior Dube - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1279) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Galen Dahl - T (3 Star / Rank: 477) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 13, 2061: David Skidmore - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3021) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Lou Miles - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2705) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: John Troy - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2380) committed to Boise State Broncos
Week 13, 2061: Tyler Hess - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1094) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: Robert Bruce - FS (2 Star / Rank: 3083) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Rex Schmidt - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2324) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Henry Prosser - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1679) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Michael Daniel - RB (4 Star / Rank: 181) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: James Cornish - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2348) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: John Hollins - WR (3 Star / Rank: 899) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Mike Taylor - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2101) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Anthony Toney - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2706) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Jason Redmond - RB (3 Star / Rank: 987) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: James Bolduc - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2444) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Daniel Harris - CB (4 Star / Rank: 182) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 13, 2061: Salvador Rodrigues - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3022) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Reginald Shull - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2750) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Justin Sutton - P (1 Star / Rank: 3706) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Buster Starks - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2132) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 13, 2061: Claude Watkins - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1824) committed to USC Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Huey Bohn - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1024) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 13, 2061: Byron Webb - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1566) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Ted Denny - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2381) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Clinton Potter - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2862) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: David Davidson - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2382) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Elisha Taylor - G (3 Star / Rank: 1434) committed to Oklahoma Sooners
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Whitley - T (2 Star / Rank: 2707) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Benjamin Gatewood - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3757) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Roger Corwin - FS (5 Star / Rank: 23) committed to Iowa Hawkeyes
Week 13, 2061: Nick Mitchell - DE (3 Star / Rank: 928) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Charles Parish - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3149) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Walter Steele - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2447) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Otto Allen - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2418) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Arnold Low - G (2 Star / Rank: 2970) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Andre Nation - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3409) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Dale Calloway - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3211) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Thakarius Champagne - LB (3 Star / Rank: 901) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Ronald Pulliam - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3749) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Marc Severson - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3675) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Kevin Zhang - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1857) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 13, 2061: Dorsey Briley - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2752) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: James Stern - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2779) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Milo Staten - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3564) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: Darin Monroe - T (3 Star / Rank: 1682) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Rick Fuqua - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2103) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Titus Keller - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1218) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: Sean Counts - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3024) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Bryan Gardner - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1350) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Peter Crane - G (2 Star / Rank: 2810) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Johnny Lovett - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1859) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 13, 2061: Sidney Byrd - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1509) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Gary Ash - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3128) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Walter Riggs - P (1 Star / Rank: 3601) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 13, 2061: Paul Jefferies - DE (2 Star / Rank: 3054) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: Julius Zuniga - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1194) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Lyndon Craig - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1025) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Craig Hamel - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2172) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Brent Robb - G (2 Star / Rank: 3025) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Padgett - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1763) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Thomas Halsey - C (2 Star / Rank: 3026) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Carol Newman - C (2 Star / Rank: 2327) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Eagle - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1135) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 13, 2061: Ahkello Sherrill - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3027) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Michael Ayers - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2999) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 13, 2061: Timothy Hinson - SS (3 Star / Rank: 319) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 13, 2061: Lonnie Kitchens - P (1 Star / Rank: 3303) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: Cornelius Artis - DT (3 Star / Rank: 833) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 13, 2061: Jerry Patton - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2889) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Eugene Mcnulty - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1166) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Clyde Jackson - T (3 Star / Rank: 1351) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 13, 2061: Ken Shepherd - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2267) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: John Petit - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2269) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Christopher Williamson - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3729) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: James Faulkner - WR (3 Star / Rank: 869) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 13, 2061: Mario Kelly - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3515) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Derrick Burton - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3250) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Delbert Cable - T (2 Star / Rank: 2708) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: Alton Norris - LB (3 Star / Rank: 437) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 13, 2061: Kevin Rhodes - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3344) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Dennis Pennell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2237) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Carlton Sturgis - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1610) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Carpenter - WR (3 Star / Rank: 905) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 13, 2061: Willie Roper - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1923) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 13, 2061: Gene Bayne - C (3 Star / Rank: 1369) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: Joe Justice - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2723) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Richard Biggs - T (3 Star / Rank: 1195) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Joel Smith - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3505) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Gary Owens - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1924) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 13, 2061: Jason Hawkins - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1476) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Charles Roller - DE (4 Star / Rank: 142) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Frank Rodriquez - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2660) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Wayne Myers - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1285) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Kyle Allan - P (3 Star / Rank: 1926) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Dallas Smith - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2352) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: George Cass - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1286) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Doyle Lam - C (1 Star / Rank: 3666) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: John Yanez - G (1 Star / Rank: 3321) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Thomas Savage - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3586) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Tyrick Burke - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3825) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Raymond Metcalf - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2831) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Henry Vandiver - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2044) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: William Bradley - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3284) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Horace Leahy - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2353) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Seth Garris - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1685) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Richard Aguayo - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1099) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Leo Langdon - RB (3 Star / Rank: 483) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Bryan Beeson - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3168) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Fred Roth - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2045) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Clayton Knapp - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3169) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 13, 2061: Reginald Nelson - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3681) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: Ra'Shaun Cox - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3397) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Jimmie Mullin - DT (4 Star / Rank: 177) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Charlie Saxon - G (2 Star / Rank: 2948) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 13, 2061: Marco Williams - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2494) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 13, 2061: James Lafleur - P (1 Star / Rank: 3398) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 13, 2061: James Mobley - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2632) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Robert Teeter - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1511) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Alex Harvey - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1477) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 13, 2061: Sterling Waugh - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2495) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 13, 2061: David Renfro - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3187) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Gary Weaver - LB (3 Star / Rank: 322) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 13, 2061: Richard Michel - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1027) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Marcus Romero - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2604) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Bryan Pierce - C (1 Star / Rank: 3798) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: James Timmons - SS (4 Star / Rank: 244) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 13, 2061: Chris Robinson - T (2 Star / Rank: 2709) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Jonathan Witte - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1975) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 13, 2061: Richard Cohen - CB (3 Star / Rank: 589) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Amado Martinson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 690) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 13, 2061: Jonathan Stout - C (2 Star / Rank: 2633) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Maurice Craig - FS (3 Star / Rank: 484) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Jacob Crain - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2423) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Jose Garrett - DE (3 Star / Rank: 502) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Sean McCullough - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2580) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Irons - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3383) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Albert Kim - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2424) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Floyd Hall - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3428) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Wayne Horn - P (3 Star / Rank: 1371) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Samuel Stinnett - RB (3 Star / Rank: 622) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Dylan Smith - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2725) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Michale Bland - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2950) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: William Echols - LB (4 Star / Rank: 64) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 13, 2061: Darren Ramirez - T (1 Star / Rank: 3324) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Robin Staggs - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2634) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 13, 2061: Harry Lam - K (2 Star / Rank: 2524) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Bradford Richardson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1977) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Raymond Khan - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2455) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Warren Saxton - C (3 Star / Rank: 1323) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Chris Owens - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1028) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Albert Scott - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2526) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 13, 2061: Richard Wertz - DE (3 Star / Rank: 527) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Kenneth Cranford - P (2 Star / Rank: 3064) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: James Heflin - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2606) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: John Sosa - DT (3 Star / Rank: 779) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Michael Calderon - RB (3 Star / Rank: 356) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: Robert Whited - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2553) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: Daniel Battle - DT (3 Star / Rank: 807) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Theodore Rice - G (2 Star / Rank: 2276) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Richard Paquette - SS (3 Star / Rank: 993) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Fredrick Ware - CB (3 Star / Rank: 407) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 13, 2061: David McCabe - P (1 Star / Rank: 3305) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Randall Grant - LB (3 Star / Rank: 372) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers
Week 13, 2061: Charles Caldwell - K (3 Star / Rank: 1832) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 13, 2061: Timothy Hobson - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2497) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Jordan Morin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 591) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Jay Kohl - DT (3 Star / Rank: 719) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Bernard Winchester - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2785) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: Warren Quick - LB (3 Star / Rank: 504) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Trevon Mcfadden - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1693) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Larry Joseph - DE (3 Star / Rank: 625) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Edward Silvers - CB (3 Star / Rank: 505) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Daniel Ricci - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1356) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 13, 2061: Edward Strickland - CB (4 Star / Rank: 274) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 13, 2061: Roosevelt Potter - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1029) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Genard Morgan - P (1 Star / Rank: 3758) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 13, 2061: George Woodson - G (3 Star / Rank: 409) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: Louis Sewell - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2582) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 13, 2061: John Heredia - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3066) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Timothy Briseno - RB (3 Star / Rank: 506) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Jeffrey Duke - G (3 Star / Rank: 1445) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Marc Ballard - FB (3 Star / Rank: 965) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 13, 2061: George Ellis - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3091) committed to Navy Midshipmen
Week 13, 2061: Kyle Jaramillo - C (3 Star / Rank: 810) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Curtis Patton - TE (3 Star / Rank: 994) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Christopher Coombs - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2554) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Donald Arnold - DE (4 Star / Rank: 257) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: Tobias Laughlin - G (3 Star / Rank: 592) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 13, 2061: James Frierson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1173) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Lawrence Pfeifer - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2977) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Ryan Weston - LB (3 Star / Rank: 373) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Clifton Black - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3578) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Earl Jeffries - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2835) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Del Tellez - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3612) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 13, 2061: Arnold Daniels - FB (3 Star / Rank: 876) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Gary Fields - T (3 Star / Rank: 877) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Don Olivas - FS (5 Star / Rank: 22) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 13, 2061: Terrence Aragon - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2638) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Rick Grossman - RB (4 Star / Rank: 65) committed to Maryland Terrapins
Week 13, 2061: David Stinnett - WR (3 Star / Rank: 627) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Billy Hanks - WR (3 Star / Rank: 444) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 13, 2061: James Bivins - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3033) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Mark Chase - C (2 Star / Rank: 2979) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 13, 2061: Mark Edmonds - FS (2 Star / Rank: 3034) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Victor Vela - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3093) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Terry Rodriguez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1738) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 13, 2061: Richard Hamilton - C (3 Star / Rank: 842) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 13, 2061: Denis Miner - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1228) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Larry Coker - C (1 Star / Rank: 3767) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Andrew Jean - C (1 Star / Rank: 3447) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: John Hinson - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3461) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Dustin Havens - LB (3 Star / Rank: 720) committed to Utah Utes
Week 13, 2061: Eugene Mcleod - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3308) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Gene Catron - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1229) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 13, 2061: Billie Moeller - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2920) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 13, 2061: Harold Hinds - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1517) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Dale Fernandes - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3661) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Philip Wolf - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2609) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Christopher Hayes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1985) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Levi Overstreet - TE (2 Star / Rank: 3094) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 13, 2061: Kevin Macleod - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2558) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: George Krieger - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1359) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: John Berube - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1897) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Hubert Herrington - P (2 Star / Rank: 2981) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Marion Greer - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1105) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Allan Escobar - P (3 Star / Rank: 933) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Chang Duncan - CB (3 Star / Rank: 996) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 13, 2061: Edward Hardin - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1293) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Don McClinton - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1230) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Garth Kozak - DE (3 Star / Rank: 466) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Juan Wilcox - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2330) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Edward Grimes - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3509) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Devin Moore - LB (3 Star / Rank: 998) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Clarence Haskell - C (4 Star / Rank: 297) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 13, 2061: Alexander White - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3328) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Scott Hancock - T (2 Star / Rank: 2839) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Arthur Alger - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1231) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Cyril Lessard - T (1 Star / Rank: 3464) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 13, 2061: George Newell - LB (3 Star / Rank: 567) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Adolfo Whittington - LB (3 Star / Rank: 376) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Fred Newsom - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3005) committed to Arizona State Sun Devils
Week 13, 2061: Michael Golden - K (3 Star / Rank: 2113) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Eddy Kemper - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1146) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Juan Narvaez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 467) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Thomas Denney - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3819) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Alfred Wright - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1379) committed to Temple Owls
Week 13, 2061: Russell Logsdon - G (1 Star / Rank: 3568) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 13, 2061: Donald Roger - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3808) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 13, 2061: Elbert Menard - CB (3 Star / Rank: 968) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Eddie Hawes - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2817) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Mark Blanchette - SS (3 Star / Rank: 969) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 13, 2061: Curtis Hand - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1486) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Matthew Spann - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2791) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Dylan Palma - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1450) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: David Holmes - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3741) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: James Forsythe - FS (3 Star / Rank: 568) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Larry Gross - C (3 Star / Rank: 782) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 13, 2061: Connie Vinson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 752) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Ali Lennon - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1147) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 13, 2061: Larry Hidalgo - G (3 Star / Rank: 487) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 13, 2061: Joshua Perryman - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2428) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Brady Shepherd - RB (3 Star / Rank: 337) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Michael Kirby - G (3 Star / Rank: 1413) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 13, 2061: Daniel Ziegler - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3725) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 13, 2061: Antonio Draper - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2923) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Mathew Bonds - WR (3 Star / Rank: 415) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Raymond Jefferson - TE (3 Star / Rank: 596) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Allen Calkins - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3742) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Tim Oglesby - TE (3 Star / Rank: 726) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 13, 2061: Stacey Miller - LB (2 Star / Rank: 3178) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 13, 2061: James Langston - QB (3 Star / Rank: 976) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: James Hunt - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1074) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 13, 2061: Arturo Perez - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3692) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Jaime Fahey - RB (1 Star / Rank: 3644) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 13, 2061: Eli Dill - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1869) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Kurt Walters - QB (3 Star / Rank: 813) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: Arthur Cronin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 530) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Robert Tipton - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1702) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 13, 2061: Robert Akin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 655) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Ross Deberry - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2901) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 13, 2061: Steven Bohn - G (3 Star / Rank: 1264) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Jasper Bozeman - DE (3 Star / Rank: 416) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Alfred Stevens - QB (3 Star / Rank: 532) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 13, 2061: Brandon Collins - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1660) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Lawrence Evans - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1235) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Braelon Lewis - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3482) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Michael Mcmahon - WR (4 Star / Rank: 279) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 13, 2061: Robert Ackerman - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3520) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Vincent Hebert - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1002) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 13, 2061: Lucien Gibson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 338) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Troy Baxter - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2562) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 13, 2061: Warren Holcombe - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1003) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Jason Greco - RB (4 Star / Rank: 186) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: Moises Winslow - TE (3 Star / Rank: 656) committed to Akron Zips
Week 13, 2061: Ryan Wright - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2613) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Aaron Wallen - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2563) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Gary Judge - RB (3 Star / Rank: 631) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 13, 2061: Stuart Hamel - SS (3 Star / Rank: 328) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 13, 2061: Lonnie Worthington - G (3 Star / Rank: 1989) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 13, 2061: Issac O'Connor - DT (4 Star / Rank: 51) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: William Ahmad - T (3 Star / Rank: 571) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 13, 2061: James Schilling - C (4 Star / Rank: 102) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 13, 2061: Michael Tavares - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1939) committed to Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Week 13, 2061: Laverne Embry - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2642) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 13, 2061: Karl Shockley - T (3 Star / Rank: 815) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: John Pilcher - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2875) committed to Rice Owls
Week 13, 2061: Fred Hunt - T (3 Star / Rank: 490) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: David Linville - K (2 Star / Rank: 3038) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 13, 2061: Nathan Sanders - WR (3 Star / Rank: 754) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 13, 2061: Ronnie Byers - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1112) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: Steven Joyner - LB (1 Star / Rank: 3522) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 13, 2061: Lynwood Rivera - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1333) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 13, 2061: Jason Mcgee - TE (3 Star / Rank: 391) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 13, 2061: Elvin Wiley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 308) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 13, 2061: James Nealy - DE (4 Star / Rank: 282) committed to Ohio State Buckeyes
Week 13, 2061: Wallace James - T (1 Star / Rank: 3525) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Rodolfo Ware - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2590) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Raul Roy - G (3 Star / Rank: 491) committed to UCLA Bruins
Week 13, 2061: Martin Diaz - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1178) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 13, 2061: Melvin Allen - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3560) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 13, 2061: Roger Sprouse - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3750) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 13, 2061: Scottie Burden - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1005) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 13, 2061: Kevin Mcmanus - TE (3 Star / Rank: 851) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 13, 2061: Luke Crawford - DE (3 Star / Rank: 534) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 13, 2061: Joseph Garner - T (3 Star / Rank: 2030) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 13, 2061: Arthur Dollar - T (3 Star / Rank: 535) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
 Week 13, 2061: Rickey Pringle - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: James Wills - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Travis Sowell - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Antonio Dozier - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Christopher Dale - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Angelo Ybarra - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Manuel Watters - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Arthur Little - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Raymond Dale - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: George Maness - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Marcel Rowley - SS has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Henry Hill - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Jody Jones - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: George Cowley - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Charleston Maynard - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Joseph Whitten - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 13, 2061: Jeffrey Devries - DT has recovered from his injury
Week 14, 2061: Paul Washburn - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2432) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Steve Cochran - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1334) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 14, 2061: Elwood Trask - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3605) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 14, 2061: Thomas Bernard - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2184) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 14, 2061: Harrison Williams - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1335) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 14, 2061: Carroll Crocker - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2959) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 14, 2061: Peter Troy - LB (2 Star / Rank: 3122) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Maurice Gladney - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1664) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 14, 2061: Ryan Martinson - P (1 Star / Rank: 3275) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Davis Heard - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3195) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 14, 2061: Raymond Harper - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2031) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 14, 2061: Jorge Oaks - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2059) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 14, 2061: Peter Guidry - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3625) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 14, 2061: Arthur Snyder - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2335) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Roy Corwin - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2645) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 14, 2061: Donald Creamer - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3101) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 14, 2061: Alex Wilder - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1815) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 14, 2061: Allan Daugherty - C (1 Star / Rank: 3615) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 14, 2061: Nathaniel Smith - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2767) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 14, 2061: James Slocum - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1080) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 14, 2061: Francisco Huffman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 675) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Micheal Dodge - WR (4 Star / Rank: 263) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 14, 2061: Gregory Loveless - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1365) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Jerry Stern - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2060) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 14, 2061: Benjamin Knight - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3391) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 14, 2061: Christopher Warren - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1839) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Brandon McCreary - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2120) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Douglas Brown - G (2 Star / Rank: 2534) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 14, 2061: Daniel Reese - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1588) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 14, 2061: Terry Melendez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1782) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 14, 2061: William Calvin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1631) committed to Utah Utes
Week 14, 2061: Mark Clapp - P (2 Star / Rank: 2847) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 14, 2061: Dante Brown - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1007) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 14, 2061: Hassan Parish - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1083) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 14, 2061: Kevin Mcallister - G (2 Star / Rank: 2878) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: Wesley Shumaker - P (1 Star / Rank: 3470) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: William Nguyen - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3715) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 14, 2061: Kendall Lee - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2186) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 14, 2061: Stephan Gomez - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1463) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: Lee Davis - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1817) committed to Florida State Seminoles
Week 14, 2061: Jason Saucedo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1206) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 14, 2061: Robert Meacham - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2187) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Jay Wolfe - P (2 Star / Rank: 3162) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Mike Pittman - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3261) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 14, 2061: Mohammed Newton - G (2 Star / Rank: 2400) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 14, 2061: Billy Keller - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1996) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 14, 2061: Brad Callender - RB (3 Star / Rank: 679) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 14, 2061: Harvey Bowman - CB (4 Star / Rank: 79) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks
Week 14, 2061: Alton Nunez - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3262) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 14, 2061: Richard Goodson - T (2 Star / Rank: 2537) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Salvador Garza - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2339) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 14, 2061: Garry Heflin - FS (4 Star / Rank: 285) committed to Iowa State Cyclones
Week 14, 2061: Vincent Layne - C (2 Star / Rank: 2294) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 14, 2061: Thomas Taft - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2403) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 14, 2061: Lester Robb - RB (3 Star / Rank: 856) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 14, 2061: Tony Stover - C (1 Star / Rank: 3499) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Chris Cady - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1997) committed to Utah Utes
Week 14, 2061: Salvatore Lira - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1751) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 14, 2061: David Pennington - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2740) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Miguel Lemay - T (2 Star / Rank: 3201) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 14, 2061: Zachary Snead - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2064) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 14, 2061: Randy Sommers - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1241) committed to Utah Utes
Week 14, 2061: Jeffrey Mcgrew - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1536) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 14, 2061: Darrell Pearson - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2065) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 14, 2061: Donald Stewart - P (1 Star / Rank: 3791) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 14, 2061: Andrew Tobin - G (2 Star / Rank: 2296) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Thomas Batson - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3266) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 14, 2061: Luis Villareal - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2125) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Darrell Stevenson - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1912) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Mario Velasco - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1845) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Ralph Boudreau - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1015) committed to Washington Huskies
Week 14, 2061: Carl Bundy - G (1 Star / Rank: 3376) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 14, 2061: Roscoe Boone - DT (4 Star / Rank: 237) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 14, 2061: Mark Eubanks - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2319) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Willie Delaney - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3673) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Johnny Mcdonnell - G (1 Star / Rank: 3440) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 14, 2061: Curtis Mabe - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1849) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Otis Robinson - C (3 Star / Rank: 2224) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Moses Carlson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2129) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 14, 2061: Craig Funk - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2743) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Christoper Rector - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1883) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 14, 2061: Mark Lott - G (3 Star / Rank: 610) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs
Week 14, 2061: Phillip Lamb - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2700) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 14, 2061: Kraig Quinones - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2803) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Galen Kohn - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1719) committed to Tulsa Golden Hurricane
Week 14, 2061: Paul Collins - T (2 Star / Rank: 2652) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 14, 2061: Christopher Sims - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2601) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 14, 2061: Rick Salazar - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1596) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 14, 2061: Basil Doherty - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2165) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 14, 2061: Florencio George - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1884) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Frank Kruse - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2804) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Bernard Salas - DT (3 Star / Rank: 613) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: John Dumont - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1722) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Jorge Tovar - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2230) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Edward Rau - C (3 Star / Rank: 2099) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 14, 2061: Shannon Pelletier - P (2 Star / Rank: 3165) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 14, 2061: Sam Elizondo - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2543) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: James Swank - LB (1 Star / Rank: 3339) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Stephen Forsythe - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2806) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 14, 2061: Roger Hines - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3585) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 14, 2061: Benjamin Adkins - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1542) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Jon Reed - T (3 Star / Rank: 1397) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 14, 2061: Robert Knoll - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1886) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 14, 2061: Ralph Pederson - C (2 Star / Rank: 2545) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 14, 2061: Francisco Ponder - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3145) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Dick Little - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2323) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 14, 2061: Pete Elliott - G (2 Star / Rank: 2861) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 14, 2061: John Bradley - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1252) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: James Corey - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2576) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 14, 2061: Roger Hess - C (2 Star / Rank: 3052) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Richard Suarez - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1472) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 14, 2061: Donald Wentz - C (2 Star / Rank: 2913) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Peter Guenther - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1348) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Edward Maki - DE (3 Star / Rank: 741) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 14, 2061: Vincent Farias - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1919) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Emari Flores - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2234) committed to USC Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Alfonso Kuykendall - DE (3 Star / Rank: 743) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 14, 2061: Danny Weaver - T (1 Star / Rank: 3301) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: Richard Aragon - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3829) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 14, 2061: Jesse Hackney - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2863) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: George Henderson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2170) committed to Troy Trojans
Week 14, 2061: Don Daniels - P (1 Star / Rank: 3707) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 14, 2061: Aaron Martin - G (2 Star / Rank: 2490) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 14, 2061: Rusty Osborne - C (2 Star / Rank: 2420) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 14, 2061: Claude Frasier - G (2 Star / Rank: 2491) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 14, 2061: Stuart Hess - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3055) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 14, 2061: Alexander Hendricks - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1729) committed to Utah Utes
Week 14, 2061: David Pham - FB (2 Star / Rank: 2972) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 14, 2061: Edward Julian - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2135) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs
Week 14, 2061: Andres Helton - P (2 Star / Rank: 3230) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 14, 2061: Pedro Palma - K (1 Star / Rank: 3629) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 14, 2061: Angelo Harris - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3504) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: Adam Hill - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1607) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 14, 2061: Kristopher Dowell - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1921) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 14, 2061: Dennis Golden - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1058) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 14, 2061: David Barron - C (3 Star / Rank: 1925) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Loyd Little - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1140) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 14, 2061: Duane Elrod - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3028) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Scott Darby - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1322) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 14, 2061: Joseph Victor - LB (4 Star / Rank: 271) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 14, 2061: Moshe Worrell - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2354) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 14, 2061: Anibal Christie - T (2 Star / Rank: 3086) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 14, 2061: Louis Green - K (1 Star / Rank: 3535) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 14, 2061: Brian Chun - T (2 Star / Rank: 2452) committed to Texas State Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: Collin Hein - C (2 Star / Rank: 3186) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Willard Kilpatrick - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1405) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 14, 2061: Scott England - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2141) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 14, 2061: Rasheen Saylor - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2142) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 14, 2061: Clemente Guajardo - T (2 Star / Rank: 3232) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Elroy Hancock - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3630) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 14, 2061: James Wakefield - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2453) committed to Northwestern Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Lemuel Mcneal - T (3 Star / Rank: 2144) committed to Toledo Rockets
Week 14, 2061: Harvey Bell - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2522) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: John Begley - DT (3 Star / Rank: 561) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Bradley Curry - RB (3 Star / Rank: 355) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 14, 2061: Filiberto Spivey - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2684) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Walter Anderson - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2783) committed to Buffalo Bulls
Week 14, 2061: Carlos Dale - WR (3 Star / Rank: 503) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 14, 2061: Jesus Bell - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3413) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 14, 2061: Richard Rayford - T (2 Star / Rank: 2951) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Jerome Kelly - C (4 Star / Rank: 294) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves
Week 14, 2061: Curtis Heath - C (2 Star / Rank: 3029) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 14, 2061: Demetrius Herrick - P (2 Star / Rank: 3063) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Michael Austin - RB (3 Star / Rank: 465) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 14, 2061: Carlo Allen - FS (3 Star / Rank: 590) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Gene Bernal - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1067) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 14, 2061: Garry Mahon - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1831) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 14, 2061: Arturo Ly - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1804) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 14, 2061: Richard Kaye - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2046) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Darrell Baird - C (2 Star / Rank: 3170) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Lee Saldivar - T (3 Star / Rank: 2047) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Trevor Flores - LB (3 Star / Rank: 442) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 14, 2061: Eugene Gaffney - DE (3 Star / Rank: 651) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Kenneth Baez - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3253) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 14, 2061: Edwin Mcnair - DT (3 Star / Rank: 564) committed to Oregon Ducks
Week 14, 2061: Roger Hall - K (3 Star / Rank: 2177) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: James Church - G (3 Star / Rank: 1374) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 14, 2061: Mark Taft - T (3 Star / Rank: 1651) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies
Week 14, 2061: Tashawn Savoy - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2389) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Jeremy Gipson - T (3 Star / Rank: 1325) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 14, 2061: Paul Pender - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3362) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Jimmy Armenta - T (1 Star / Rank: 3306) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers
Week 14, 2061: Garrett Herrera - G (2 Star / Rank: 3173) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Richard Espinal - LB (3 Star / Rank: 374) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 14, 2061: Steven Fernandez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 626) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Randy Linder - LB (3 Star / Rank: 528) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 14, 2061: Darren Bonilla - T (2 Star / Rank: 2894) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Jeffery Willard - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3579) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 14, 2061: Jerry Hatchett - RB (1 Star / Rank: 3622) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Shawn Sell - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2836) committed to Purdue Boilermakers
Week 14, 2061: Keith Hurt - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2460) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 14, 2061: Chris Holder - FS (3 Star / Rank: 325) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 14, 2061: Davis Holmes - G (3 Star / Rank: 595) committed to Kentucky Wildcats
Week 14, 2061: Kim Valdez - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1102) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 14, 2061: Keith Renfro - DE (4 Star / Rank: 178) committed to San Diego State Aztecs
Week 14, 2061: David Lefebvre - RB (3 Star / Rank: 507) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 14, 2061: Marty Perdue - CB (3 Star / Rank: 845) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 14, 2061: Paul Blake - P (2 Star / Rank: 2837) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 14, 2061: Lawrence Stoddard - TE (3 Star / Rank: 529) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 14, 2061: Daniel Mackey - P (1 Star / Rank: 3580) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Herman Shively - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3272) committed to James Madison Dukes
Week 14, 2061: William Newby - DE (2 Star / Rank: 3192) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 14, 2061: Daniel Mackie - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3071) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 14, 2061: Frederick West - WR (3 Star / Rank: 628) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Jaime Schaefer - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3432) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas
Week 14, 2061: Michael Spencer - G (3 Star / Rank: 724) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 14, 2061: Wm Black - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3467) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 14, 2061: David Sanches - CB (3 Star / Rank: 935) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Kevin Varney - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3006) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks
Week 14, 2061: Jose Arellano - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1109) committed to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers
Week 14, 2061: Warren Gonzalez - RB (3 Star / Rank: 327) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 14, 2061: Arthur Marks - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1233) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls
Week 14, 2061: Spencer Morris - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3796) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 14, 2061: Graham Crawford - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2956) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 14, 2061: Tyler Rosenbaum - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2842) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
Week 14, 2061: Shawn Lujan - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3550) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 14, 2061: Jose Derrick - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3713) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 14, 2061: James Workman - FS (3 Star / Rank: 448) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Kory Burnett - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1524) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 14, 2061: David Barreto - T (3 Star / Rank: 753) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Larry Madison - LB (3 Star / Rank: 389) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 14, 2061: Blake Manns - P (2 Star / Rank: 2643) committed to Ball State Cardinals
Week 14, 2061: Gerardo Silvia - DT (4 Star / Rank: 96) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 14, 2061: Jim Perez - DE (2 Star / Rank: 3099) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors
 Week 14, 2061: Oscar Wayne - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Randell Hamlin - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: George Glenn - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: David Crain - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Patrick Murry - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Gary Troutman - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Howard Levi - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Charles Atherton - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Martin Williamson - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: Timothy Allen - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 14, 2061: William Bourque - WR has recovered from his injury
Week 14, 2061: Medlock, M. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Hensley, R. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Ramsay, B. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Gracia, J. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Xiong, J. - DE won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Fish, S. - WR won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Rucker, L. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Burton, L. - WR won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Hackett, A. - DE won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Garber, M. - T won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Evers, S. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Hayes, C. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Landrum, J. - DE won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Medeiros, W. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Hicks, J. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Burkett, S. - FS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 14, 2061: Danner, J. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
 Week 15, 2061: Wayne Linn has been injured. Status: Out (8-12 weeks)
Week 15, 2061: Rauch, T. - SS won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Main, J. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Hammett, A. - DE won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Robb, R. - QB won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Burnside, C. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Johns, T. - LB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Anderson, B. - WR won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Hsu, K. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Justice, R. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Day, M. - DE won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Harper, T. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Higgs, D. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Hayes, C. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Greenberg, D. - CB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Lane, A. - DE won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Henry, P. - WR won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Nash, S. - SS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Mercier, L. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: McClure, G. - LB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Jones, J. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 15, 2061: Wilbert Hensley - C (2 Star / Rank: 2792) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 15, 2061: Steven Buxton - G (2 Star / Rank: 3008) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 15, 2061: Robert Allard - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1114) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 15, 2061: Star Leslie - WR (3 Star / Rank: 917) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Louis Cottrell - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1493) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 15, 2061: Jack Isbell - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2616) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 15, 2061: Tracy Wells - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2904) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 15, 2061: Bernard Temple - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2905) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 15, 2061: Mohammad Waggoner - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1712) committed to Wisconsin Badgers
Week 15, 2061: Gunnar Tyner - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2569) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Hong Hunt - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2472) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 15, 2061: Richard New - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2434) committed to Ohio Bobcats
Week 15, 2061: Andrew Cook - T (1 Star / Rank: 3390) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 15, 2061: Terry Ramos - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2593) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Jimmy Timm - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2336) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 15, 2061: Frederic Spain - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2536) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Frank Gallo - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3260) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 15, 2061: Robert Frazer - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2316) committed to New Mexico State Aggies
Week 15, 2061: Eric Dixon - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1465) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 15, 2061: Hal Holder - G (2 Star / Rank: 2717) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Clarence Williamson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1424) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 15, 2061: Ryan Boucher - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2366) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 15, 2061: Pedro James - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2317) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 15, 2061: Isaac McClintock - G (1 Star / Rank: 3265) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 15, 2061: David Pinto - FS (2 Star / Rank: 3140) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Dave Withers - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2066) committed to USC Trojans
Week 15, 2061: L.J. Mcnamara - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1538) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 15, 2061: Ronald Pereira - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2126) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
Week 15, 2061: George Easter - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1310) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 15, 2061: Randy Damico - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1753) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 15, 2061: Lawrence Diaz - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1822) committed to Virginia Cavaliers
Week 15, 2061: Wayne Jordan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 734) committed to Clemson Tigers
Week 15, 2061: Dennis Riddle - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2127) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 15, 2061: Ronald Duncan - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2094) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 15, 2061: Joseph Unger - G (3 Star / Rank: 2190) committed to California Golden Bears
Week 15, 2061: Micheal Verdin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1426) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 15, 2061: Robt Barclay - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2855) committed to Lousiana State Tigers
Week 15, 2061: Amare Ortiz - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2516) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 15, 2061: Daniel Faulkner - G (1 Star / Rank: 3487) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 15, 2061: Daniel Martin - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2342) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs
Week 15, 2061: Nathaniel Radford - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2039) committed to Utah State Aggies
Week 15, 2061: Frank Prieto - G (2 Star / Rank: 2679) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 15, 2061: Alfred Mueller - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1673) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 15, 2061: Timothy Hearn - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2744) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 15, 2061: Brian Treadway - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2825) committed to Stanford Cardinal
Week 15, 2061: Robert Crayton - T (1 Star / Rank: 3268) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 15, 2061: Ralph Benitez - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2007) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 15, 2061: Arnold Barth - DT (3 Star / Rank: 769) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 15, 2061: Kevin Ordonez - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3296) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 15, 2061: Thomas Brewer - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2776) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 15, 2061: Jaquarii Fisher - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1598) committed to Memphis Tigers
Week 15, 2061: Denis Harvey - G (3 Star / Rank: 1852) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 15, 2061: Lacy Gilley - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2414) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 15, 2061: Michael Napier - WR (4 Star / Rank: 249) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders
Week 15, 2061: Solomon Wallen - T (2 Star / Rank: 3227) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 15, 2061: Bobby Shell - G (1 Star / Rank: 3297) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 15, 2061: Jim Hernandez - C (3 Star / Rank: 1432) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 15, 2061: Scott Neal - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1855) committed to Virginia Tech Hokies
Week 15, 2061: Richard Bannister - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1433) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes
Week 15, 2061: Michael Hammons - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2233) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 15, 2061: Brian Gilmer - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2519) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 15, 2061: Heriberto Goebel - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2417) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 15, 2061: Andy Haley - WR (3 Star / Rank: 902) committed to South Florida Bulls
Week 15, 2061: Johnny Cousins - LB (3 Star / Rank: 832) committed to Michigan Wolverines
Week 15, 2061: Stephen Abreu - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1283) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 15, 2061: Reinaldo Haney - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3382) committed to Air Force Falcons
Week 15, 2061: Rick Broderick - RB (3 Star / Rank: 867) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers
Week 15, 2061: Rob Kirkpatrick - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1861) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 15, 2061: Richard Hummel - K (2 Star / Rank: 3249) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 15, 2061: Richard Royal - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1970) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 15, 2061: Gabriel Shaw - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1255) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 15, 2061: Alvin Markley - P (2 Star / Rank: 2812) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes
Week 15, 2061: Alan Reynolds - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1403) committed to Michigan State Spartans
Week 15, 2061: Cyrus Hamilton - G (2 Star / Rank: 3059) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 15, 2061: Brian Battles - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3282) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
Week 15, 2061: Ronald Hardwick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1645) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 15, 2061: Harvey Hargis - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2493) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 15, 2061: Fletcher Blackwood - C (3 Star / Rank: 1828) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs
Week 15, 2061: Bob Ruiz - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2832) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 15, 2061: Refugio Madrid - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2781) committed to Kansas Jayhawks
Week 15, 2061: Danny Mansfield - DE (3 Star / Rank: 588) committed to Colorado Buffaloes
Week 15, 2061: Jonathan Caballero - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1224) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 15, 2061: Juan Messina - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1169) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 15, 2061: Howard Franco - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1443) committed to Texas Longhorns
Week 15, 2061: Augustine Guerrero - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2238) committed to Kansas State Wildcats
Week 15, 2061: Philip Cottrell - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2270) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 15, 2061: William Self - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2205) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 15, 2061: Sean Webster - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2273) committed to West Virginia Mountaineers
Week 15, 2061: Joseph Polanco - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2496) committed to Wyoming Cowboys
Week 15, 2061: Robert Kenny - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1575) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 15, 2061: Hector Mauro - DE (4 Star / Rank: 273) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 15, 2061: Harrison Childress - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2788) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 15, 2061: Jame Patino - T (2 Star / Rank: 2918) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 15, 2061: Scott Durand - G (2 Star / Rank: 3067) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 15, 2061: Drew Scanlon - DT (3 Star / Rank: 841) committed to Georgia Southern Eagles
Week 15, 2061: David Linder - WR (3 Star / Rank: 387) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 15, 2061: David Cupp - G (3 Star / Rank: 846) committed to Western Michigan Broncos
Week 15, 2061: Clarence Guerin - WR (4 Star / Rank: 258) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 15, 2061: Derrick Snider - TE (3 Star / Rank: 326) committed to Oregon State Beavers
Week 15, 2061: Jerald Zaragoza - C (3 Star / Rank: 722) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 15, 2061: Gerald Boston - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1742) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 15, 2061: Forrest Rhodes - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3157) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles
Week 15, 2061: Danny Pyle - LB (3 Star / Rank: 533) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 15, 2061: William Armenta - C (3 Star / Rank: 1296) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 15, 2061: David Smallwood - RB (3 Star / Rank: 598) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 15, 2061: Chad Harris - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2693) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 15, 2061: Abdul Silva - CB (3 Star / Rank: 307) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 15, 2061: Woodrow Lauer - DE (3 Star / Rank: 657) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 15, 2061: Glenn Brown - DE (3 Star / Rank: 417) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks
 Week 15, 2061: James Pham - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Marvin Bloom - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Manual Taylor - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Charles Romano - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Ryan Underwood - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: James Doughty - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Mario Flores - CB has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Glen Brewer - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Michael Han - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 15, 2061: Kyle Mcdonald - SS has recovered from his injury
Week 16, 2061: Ted Boynton - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2362) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 16, 2061: Timothy Aquino - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3607) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 16, 2061: John Forbes - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2343) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 16, 2061: Christoper Mcdonald - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2550) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 16, 2061: Ryan Fort - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2757) committed to Syracuse Orange
Week 16, 2061: Richard Hobbs - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1622) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 16, 2061: Thomas Tyson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 936) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Don Navarro - DE (3 Star / Rank: 883) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Knudsen, J. - CB won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Hensley, R. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Haley, D. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Back, W. - WR won American Athletic Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Chaffin, W. - FS won Big 12 Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Donato, J. - CB won Big Ten Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: St. Pierre, R. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Cousins, D. - CB won Conference USA Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Warden, G. - WR won Conference USA Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Heflin, J. - CB won FBS Independents Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Harper, T. - WR won FBS Independents Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Enright, J. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Pugh, M. - WR won Mid-American Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Parry, Y. - LB won Mountain West Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Hart, B. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Bronson, G. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Godfrey, O. - WR won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Burkett, S. - FS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Danner, J. - QB won Southeastern Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Norfleet, R. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Weems, N. - QB won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the year.
Week 16, 2061: Keion Thibodeaux - RB (2 Star / Rank: 3010) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 16, 2061: Rosendo Yanez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2087) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen
Week 16, 2061: Joshua Hindman - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2251) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers
Week 16, 2061: Juan Rojas - G (3 Star / Rank: 1462) committed to Utah Utes
Week 16, 2061: Christopher Parker - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2088) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 16, 2061: Thomas Baugh - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2848) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 16, 2061: David Gibson - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2535) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 16, 2061: Bryan Cox - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1386) committed to USC Trojans
Week 16, 2061: Ronald Corona - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2188) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs
Week 16, 2061: Aaron Nolen - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2597) committed to Texas AM Aggies
Week 16, 2061: Ronald Maldonado - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2774) committed to UTEP Miners
Week 16, 2061: Robert Cintron - WR (3 Star / Rank: 797) committed to Duke Blue Devils
Week 16, 2061: Kyle Hogan - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1821) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Dave Anderson - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2698) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 16, 2061: Roland Gilchrist - G (1 Star / Rank: 3562) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 16, 2061: Berry Spruill - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2624) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 16, 2061: David Hamrick - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2415) committed to Texas Tech Red Raiders
Week 16, 2061: David Frank - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1508) committed to Baylor Bears
Week 16, 2061: Leroy Karr - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1346) committed to Colorado State Rams
Week 16, 2061: James Davidson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2073) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 16, 2061: Normand Collier - WR (4 Star / Rank: 70) committed to Cincinnati Bearcats
Week 16, 2061: Jack Freeman - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2656) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks
Week 16, 2061: Erick Lindsey - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2629) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Week 16, 2061: Daniel Connell - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2450) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners
Week 16, 2061: Kory Jaynes - G (2 Star / Rank: 3151) committed to Connecticut Huskies
Week 16, 2061: Kennith Jones - LB (3 Star / Rank: 715) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: John Hutson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 775) committed to UNLV Rebels
Week 16, 2061: Gregory Boisvert - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1256) committed to Missouri Tigers
Week 16, 2061: Carlos Blankenship - DE (3 Star / Rank: 689) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Gregory Jackson - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2355) committed to Mississippi Rebels
Week 16, 2061: Anthony Fabian - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1687) committed to San Jose State Spartans
Week 16, 2061: Timothy Weber - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2387) committed to Louisville Cardinals
Week 16, 2061: William Bourgeois - RB (3 Star / Rank: 691) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Thomas Baughman - G (3 Star / Rank: 717) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Dominique Mcpherson - T (3 Star / Rank: 718) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Mario Napier - WR (3 Star / Rank: 692) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Martin Young - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3835) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 16, 2061: Dale Hutchings - RB (3 Star / Rank: 693) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Kareem Irby - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1103) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 16, 2061: Manuel Bucher - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1656) committed to Brigham Young Cougars
Week 16, 2061: Ezequiel Fulcher - T (4 Star / Rank: 63) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys
Week 16, 2061: Rodney Denny - WR (3 Star / Rank: 721) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Jerome Chandler - LB (3 Star / Rank: 723) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Francisco Yang - G (3 Star / Rank: 937) committed to Houston Cougars
 Week 16, 2061: Michael Richey - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Dean Holloman - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Frank Sims - TE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Roger Ostrander - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jacob David - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jerry McCullough - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Bryan Farr - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Trystan Carter - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jody Jones - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jeffrey Lewandowski - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Shaun Lawler - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jim Gerber - FB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: James Cline - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: John Gleason - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Ron Rowell - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: James Croteau has been injured. Status: Out (8-12 weeks)
 Week 16, 2061: William Bui - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Edwin Hall - SS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Lawrence Estes - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Marvin Herman - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Timothy Palmer - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Elvis Logue - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Patrick Decker - RB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jason Still - G has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Terrell Jennings - SS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Steven Adkins - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Clyde Edward - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Michael Boucher - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Santos Ostrander - QB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jerry Washington - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Richard Norris - LB has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: William Wahl - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Russel Shaw - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: George Jarrell - C has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Ashley Sellers - WR has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Shawn Barela - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Edward Lavigne - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Jakob Beals - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Bill O'Neal - DT has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Dwayne Valdez - DE has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Gilbert Braswell - T has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Donald Platt - FS has recovered from his injury
 Week 16, 2061: Willie Clay has been injured. Status: Out (8-12 weeks)
 Week 16, 2061: Harry Louis has been injured. Status: Out (12-16 weeks)
Week 16, 2061: Linkous, A. - DT won Atlantic Coast Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Groce, H. - WR won Atlantic Coast Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Shepherd, J. - CB won American Athletic Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Iverson, C. - WR won American Athletic Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Farrell, L. - CB won Big 12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Larson, C. - RB won Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Johnson, D. - DT won Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Herman, M. - QB won Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Judge, J. - SS won Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Floyd, K. - QB won Conference USA Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Boland, B. - CB won Mid-American Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Easter, S. - QB won Mid-American Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Krauss, B. - SS won Mountain West Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Ouellette, D. - QB won Mountain West Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Williams, J. - CB won Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Van, E. - QB won Pac-12 Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Waters, J. - SS won Southeastern Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Briones, K. - T won Southeastern Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Packard, T. - CB won Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Michaels, H. - T won Sun Belt Offensive Player of the Week.
Week 16, 2061: Larry Earnest - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2510) committed to Marshall Thundering Herd
Week 16, 2061: Norman Weller - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2695) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 16, 2061: Michael Ewing - RB (3 Star / Rank: 791) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Juan Valdez - T (1 Star / Rank: 3436) committed to Arizona Wildcats
Week 16, 2061: James Sinclair - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2367) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels
Week 16, 2061: James Olson - C (3 Star / Rank: 1819) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: Colin Sams - FS (3 Star / Rank: 796) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions
Week 16, 2061: Earl Gaston - T (2 Star / Rank: 2571) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 16, 2061: Christopher Hopkins - WR (3 Star / Rank: 952) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 16, 2061: Michael Larry - WR (3 Star / Rank: 826) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: John Crider - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3381) committed to Bowling Green Falcons
Week 16, 2061: David Sandoval - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2264) committed to South Alabama Jaguars
Week 16, 2061: Roland Hamilton - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2657) committed to New Mexico Lobos
Week 16, 2061: Brandon Ivey - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2628) committed to North Texas Mean Green
Week 16, 2061: Ben Smith - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2014) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: Hilario McCann - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2492) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons
Week 16, 2061: Robert Pimentel - RB (3 Star / Rank: 873) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Frederick Reyes - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1544) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 16, 2061: Irving Crowell - WR (3 Star / Rank: 777) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights
Week 16, 2061: Reginald Shumate - WR (3 Star / Rank: 911) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Daniel Maxwell - G (3 Star / Rank: 1324) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: William Grover - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2581) committed to Boston College Eagles
Week 16, 2061: Shane Freese - T (3 Star / Rank: 1480) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: Brian Thacker - LB (3 Star / Rank: 879) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Kurtis Doyle - DE (3 Star / Rank: 751) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Miquel Irish - WR (3 Star / Rank: 934) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack
Week 16, 2061: Henry Fairchild - WR (3 Star / Rank: 912) committed to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns
Week 16, 2061: Noe Smith - G (3 Star / Rank: 1934) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: Johnie Rhea - G (3 Star / Rank: 1382) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
Week 16, 2061: Pedro Sparks - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2986) committed to Appalachian State Mountaineers
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