League Transactions |
| Offseason 2060: Kyle Quinn has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Sauer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Erich Chavez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Elton Rocha has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Russell Travers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Oglesby has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nolan Tarver has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Kaminski has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Martin Messer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenny Coates has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jonathan Pate has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gilbert Boyer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Craig Martin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rhett Hilliard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Armand Bruce has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Cody Lee has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jimmy Toliver has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Beall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Courtney Simon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alfonso Broome has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Rodgers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bruce Rushing has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Filiberto Scales has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Edward Pelletier has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Arnold Barden has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Edward Carrillo has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Dennis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rodney Hammond has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeff James has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Erick Chen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rufus Boone has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jessie Conley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ty Howes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Phillip Hayes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Oden has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Vince Chesser has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Whitmire has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rafael Goodman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Randy Seymore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donald Hendrix has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Darrel Hamilton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Faber has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hubert Bernstein has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Markus Trent has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Reginald Jeter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anton Stark has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jose Dortch has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Willie Montemayor has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Russell Lomax has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Van has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ismael Li has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raymond Goodwin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hayden Christy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scott Turnbull has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Ferguson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Milton Wills has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Willie Galbraith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Roger Hostetler has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Howard White has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Godwin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Oliver has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Kern has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Erik Perkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jerald Koch has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fletcher Watkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alberto Williams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Buford Collins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Mcdougall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brenton Barney has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Hollins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Barry Marshall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joshua Hyman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Fink has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bret Thompson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Byron Truitt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Juan Loomis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Hinton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Willie Hardy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wesley Torrence has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Blalock has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Stoker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Hawkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wesley Gray has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tre'Shaun Mendez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dillon Austin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kevin Carpenter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Angel Fellows has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Philip Steed has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Clemons has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ezequiel Smith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeramy Haggerty has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Barnes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dale Ogden has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Norman Richie has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brady Shin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marion Newberry has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dennis Diaz has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Luna has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Burnside has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Troy Anderson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hubert Holbrook has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Denton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raymond Adams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Nesbitt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Dodd has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nicholas Swann has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ricky Whitmore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jaquan Sanchez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tyler Frasier has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Edmond Adkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Neil Sherman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ramon Marlow has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Blake Coughlin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kim Fernandez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Moore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Henry Burkholder has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wallace Mcmillen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Matthew Osborn has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Caleb Champagne has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kevin Irby has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gerardo Jackson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Steinberg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hamsah Meyers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wayne Sprague has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mitchell James has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Chester Hickman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Johnston has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Noel Langer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brittain Baumgartner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Galbraith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clayton Montague has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mitchell Krueger has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Barry Fuentes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Vandiver has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David South has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Claudio Lewis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Coggins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Merritt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Victor Thornburg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Vance Powell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Montemayor has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Walter Grimes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Martin Gallo has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Craig Samples has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Barrett Robinson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Villegas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Harold Tyler has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Conley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Guy Purdy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terence Hawkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jacob Faulk has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Todd Barrett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tracy Leonard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Felix Boss has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jimmie Call has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Rouse has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leandro Gann has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scott Hannan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eugene Thomas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Lilley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Herbert Wylie has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brendan Dixon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alexis Laplante has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Sandberg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Larry Dyson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Montero has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Ford has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terrell Phillips has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wilbur Williams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Tillman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Archie Evans has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Grady West has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clifford Dunlap has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dale John has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Gray has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rolando Franks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bruce Conley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gerald Hunter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Davidson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: George Epstein has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Lankford has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carlos Martinson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leroy Hyde has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nathaniel Weems has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Vidal has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leonel Allen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alfred Keller has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alan Danner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Payne has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Stuart Childs has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Osborn has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Earl Bridges has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Boston Longoria has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Emerson Culp has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scott Vaughan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Norman Cockrell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nathaniel McClure has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gino Bryan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joel Busby has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Haywood has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Robbins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jamari Grossman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Oswaldo Douglas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hugo Cahill has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leonardo Ahmed has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Kish has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Keen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Earl Jorgensen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Mckenzie has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Melvin O'Brien has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jaren Ayala has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Francisco Wimberly has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Elliott Petersen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Moses Morrison has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Martin Frank has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Mcgrath has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Fox has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Ochs has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bruce Griswold has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ricky Zuniga has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Peralta has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Drake has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Carter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Timmy Brown has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Kim has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ty Webster has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Forsyth has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Floyd Wingate has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Santos Ostrander has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Mcknight has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Derick Pickering has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Colon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Samuel Leighton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Crocker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Dawson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Doty has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raymond Bates has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alan Brown has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Orville Neal has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Vincenzo Hildreth has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lawrence Early has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Stephen Cochrane has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Maurice Davison has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ronald Fountain has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Max Brogan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Comstock has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Merle Booker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Sheehan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Jernigan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Wilbanks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clayton Morse has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Aaron Carvalho has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bobby Royster has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Boyd has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Byron Shanks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wallace Tackett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alex Hong has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eldridge Corley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Roy Wright has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Shull has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Chad Easley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lloyd Luther has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Sanders has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian McBride has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Sanchez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Shepard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Darrell Ybarra has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Howard Jones has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bob Tubbs has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Andrew Parker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Louis Keeton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Krug has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Russell Scott has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lee Carl has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Douglas Lange has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marc Mcfarlane has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mike Levine has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Gifford has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Arthur Ruiz has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Waylon Cothran has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Thayer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Phillip Battaglia has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Bowman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jay Dill has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jean Lai has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Matthew Hendrick has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brandon Lin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rogelio Fernandez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Benjamin Ford has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Berg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Troy Swann has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Harris has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeremy Chavez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clifford Mcewen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kim Daugherty has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wayne Hooker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jerry Cook has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dennis Gates has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ashley Wilson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Moises Hamilton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Abe Carden has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Harold Mackey has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Joiner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Armand Moore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nicholas Delatorre has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Page has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Douglas Tan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bryant Peck has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Timothy Lucero has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Woody has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Craig McCool has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Norton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Reynaldo Helm has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Martino has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Harry Rivera has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Van Montgomery has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas James has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Windham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Caudle has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dwight Canady has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scotty Sharpe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rodney Parson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Kiefer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Calvin Williams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Cecil Patterson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steve Keene has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Elkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jay Blackman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clarence Mitchell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Christmas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeremy Doss has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alex Bankston has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michale Catron has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Sean Beckham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Kenny has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Mckay has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Haas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Sal Carpenter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wm Lindquist has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Adrian Chance has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rich Blue has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: George Wild has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Osorio has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Billie Bohn has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Adolph Ledesma has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Ryan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alan Rodriguez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jonathan Stokes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Neal Porter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ramon Wells has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Damien Wickham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ainias Gleason has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Hutchins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scot Ewing has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lee Jackson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kevin Cothran has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Webb has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jose Criswell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Blake has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Calvin Morrow has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Taber has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marvin Murillo has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ricardo Cyr has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Keeton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dominick Keeler has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Troy Morgan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nolan Holloman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Horton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raymond Seeley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Angel Sturdivant has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Loyd Bess has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jonathan Hayes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jose Baugh has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brice Mckee has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raul Negron has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ray Dudley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kevin Crisp has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffery Tucker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Falcon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Christian has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Ford has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: George Simpson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Chesser has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terence Ruffin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ronald Rains has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Ison has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Keith Moore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lee Hall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenny Ho has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alan Nagel has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Adam Ring has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Gooding has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nicholas Baumann has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Randy Perreault has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Love has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dale Hamby has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Provost has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gregg Elrod has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeff Riley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Solis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Aaron Nieto has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Byron Miller has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Snider has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lyndon Whitman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Candelaria has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Winston Banda has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Gragg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Hester has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carl Shah has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Augustine Wade has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Laverne Jones has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kelly Fleming has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lawrence Luke has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donald Pfeiffer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gregg Coates has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Howard Eaton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Gonzalez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Snipes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gilbert Harmon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gregory Adams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Sonny Blake has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Chalmers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Mott has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jimmy Purdy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marvin Woodward has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Sherwood Lemmon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clarence Boyd has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jerry Mazza has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Derrick Puckett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Scott Marcum has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Theodore Gresham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bobbie Bernard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Galarza has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Koontz has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frankie Weatherly has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Armando Bravo has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jody Ashley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kerry Canales has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Dow has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Grady Hawkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ryan Mendoza has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ernest Donnelly has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Durham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John McCune has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Adrian Nieves has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brent Barbee has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clint Barden has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Glen Lucero has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Darryl Marlowe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Matthew Velazquez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kevin Haskell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Levine has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Herrick has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wayne Staley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terrence Bruns has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Funderburk has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marvin Owens has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Schmid has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Honeycutt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Farias has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Nall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kirby Ruiz has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Danny Mace has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Allard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mauro Wong has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Francisco Jude has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Julian Marlowe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Sage has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jordan Reynolds has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Sturgeon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jack Allard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Davenport has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Cromer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Albert Carr has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lowell Beall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Quintin Gray has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Santos Harrison has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Boothe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Damron has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Eller has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Weller has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Vigil has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Willie Brinkman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Arlen Warren has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Isom has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Courtney Gardner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Parker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terry Munson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Andrew Wade has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Travin Butcher has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wilson Young has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Deon Vincent has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daron Mcgrew has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Apodaca has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Demetric O'Neil has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Moreland has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rodney Castro has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Edwin Hunter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carl Schrader has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Harold Curley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Toa Kelley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Justin Diaz has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Rangel has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Danny White has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Guillermo Epperson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hong Steffen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Lachance has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carlos Hawkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert McCloud has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Barry Brown has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Peter Morris has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Soriano has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Foster Barron has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Brantley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Cooper Thorpe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brice Peralta has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donald Broyles has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul McCollum has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dee Brown has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jc Leeper has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marvin Perry has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lloyd Evans has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Crabtree has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Cecil Swisher has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wm Walls has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carl Graham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Samual Lewis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Teddy Tobias has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Albert Brenner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Matthew Villa has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Tinsley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Benjamin Scribner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Otis Lujan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Benny Ziegler has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Poulin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tyreek Davenport has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Johnathan Davis has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Najee Kiser has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Phillip Wicker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raymond Worsham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Emilio Miles has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mike Hoyle has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Atkinson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Juan Fennell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Delvalle has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Wiseman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donn Rogers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Sam has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Hanes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bradford Sparks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Schaefer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brandon Naquin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Bateman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Mcdougall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Wayne Mcvay has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Glover has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ronny Turpin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Simon Atkinson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dalton Pena has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Alfonso Dickerson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Kent has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Greiner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Manuel Hite has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jacob Mcwhorter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Austin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Cantu has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Terrance Barrows has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Hickson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gus Wilkins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Christopher Park has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brandon Alexander has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Anthony Boyles has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Roberto Cardenas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ryan Leone has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jesus Mcnally has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Roy West has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Howard Peters has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Aaron Harris has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Willie Mckenzie has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Russell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Staggs has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Simon Hernandez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Douglas Stone has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leonard Jewell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jordon Roe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Hayward has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Welsh has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Peter Fonseca has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Orta has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carl Quinones has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Josiah Smith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Lee Barker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Sauls has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Paul Marin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Federico Hoskins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Loya has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Farr has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Eric Higginbotham has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Scroggins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Phillip Galvin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Stephen Whittle has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Justin Coker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: M.J. White has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Luis Guerrero has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Andrew Beach has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clifford Valdes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenton Kimmel has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Philip Esparza has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jody Hammett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Shi Keener has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffery Henley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Victor Marshall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Harvey Yeager has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Patino has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Strother has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jerry Turner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bruce Arnett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ernest Frame has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gene Honeycutt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Thomas Naylor has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marcos Bray has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frederick Spaulding has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jayson Forney has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Nolan Cordova has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Erik Flores has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Smothers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dave England has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Clinton Riley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Trevor Montague has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Chad Hogue has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Sammy Hicks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Russell Sizemore has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Darell Pinkerton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Handy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ryan Bronson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Devin Conley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: David Lopez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Felix Welch has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jack Dugan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Rey Diamond has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Adrian Carney has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Barajas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Vines has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joshua Caldwell has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Frank Enriquez has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Beaudoin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carl Howe has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carroll Callender has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Manuel Cornish has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Stephen Winter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Freddy Layman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ray-Ray Rice has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ronald Witt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mickey Galloway has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Spears has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Corey Turner has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Herbert Schweitzer has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mary Scott has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Joseph Shumaker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Staten has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Dix has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jason Stinson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donald Bentley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Colson has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Donnie Pittman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Welch has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Herbert Keeney has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Marc Knight has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Brian Wiley has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Vern Sisk has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Travis Limon has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gary Reichert has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jerry Camp has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Michael Rankin has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Timothy Mackenzie has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Philip Reyes has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tuan Lyons has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Stanton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gerardo Hamilton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Mabry has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Back has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Karl Worthy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Robert Mcqueen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Galarza has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Shane Heck has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Margarito Clayton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Raheem Cardenas has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ren Keith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Welch has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Randy Derosa has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Norman Stegall has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gene Flores has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Steven Gaston has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Emmett Handy has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Mark Hartman has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bradley Busby has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeremy Crump has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Johnny Harris has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Franklin Leonard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: John Clemmons has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Patrick Seal has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Walter Banks has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Burton Wick has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gene Schmid has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Leroy Hale has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: James Pedersen has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Ross Williams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tim Mosher has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Gerald Walker has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Hugh Akers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Pape has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Erik Keaton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tony Holt has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Carey Eldridge has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Daniel Looney has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dale Neal has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Salvador Beers has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Tony Granados has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Deandre Goldsmith has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Herbert Dupre has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Fred Newton has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dale Jones has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jarrett Krieger has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jim Kellogg has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Douglas Stinnett has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Kenneth Ballard has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jeffrey Temple has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Larry Stephens has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Shane Scroggins has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Richard Townsend has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: William Egan has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Benedict Lomax has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Jonathan Vang has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Micheal Pond has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Stephen Gainey has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Edward Lawrence has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Dean Bird has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Bobby Trotter has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Walter Mcwilliams has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Charles Butler has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Derek Odum has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Freddie Laplante has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Henry Rivera has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Samuel Nakamura has decided to transfer. |
| Offseason 2060: Glenn Wilson has decided to transfer. |
| Week 16, 2060: Dylan Smoot has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Kenneth Parkinson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Patrick Barnette has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Donald Burton has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Brian Dejesus has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Ryan Malloy has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Willie Leary has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Guy McBee has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: David Mendez has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Frank Mcvay has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Paul Henry has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Edmund Summers has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Ronald Stern has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Peter Crowder has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Bobby Hunt has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: James Holguin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Donald Beatty has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Julian Morgan has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Ted James has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Mark Craig has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Marc Steed has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Joe Sanders has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Basil Warren has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Bruce Daniels has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: James Clapp has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Michael Coyne has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Riley Elliott has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Jerry Sun has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: William Swanson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Normand Shin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Raymond Hedrick has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Johnnie Holiday has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Antonio Hart has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Carlos Spain has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Miguel Gaddy has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Quinton Jenkins has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Leon Woods has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Oliver Miles has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: John Haynes has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Tyrion Ramsey has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Alfonso Robertson has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Roger Carnahan has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: George Ware has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Daryl Mckeown has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Waylon Beaty has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Patrick Naquin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Randall Artis has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Eugene Ring has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Henry Rodgers has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Juan Schell has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Michael Tapp has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Margarito Byrd has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Michael Gibbs has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Jim Land has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Gale Armstrong has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Paul Benjamin has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Noe Brock has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Kenneth Hughes has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Lucius Montano has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Lewis Gill has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Alex Devine has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: John Hollingsworth has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Marcus Grant has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Jim Donnell has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Robert Loving has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Andres Bradley has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Victor Temple has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Gary Epps has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Terry Castillo has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Sylvester Walden has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Hunter Abner has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Jesse Norman has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: David Mckenzie has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: John Bryant has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Gerald Everett has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Theodore Zaragoza has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Eric Shelly has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Melvin Aguilar has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Wayne Kelley has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Week 16, 2060: Kevin Mata has decided to leave early and enter the pro draft. |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jimmie Numbers - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2736) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Nick Vargas - T (3 Star / Rank: 2169) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 2: James Neal - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2003) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack |
| Recruiting Week 2: James Gutierrez - G (1 Star / Rank: 3718) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Angelo Brown - T (2 Star / Rank: 2481) committed to Oregon State Beavers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Tripp - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1964) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joe Peoples - T (3 Star / Rank: 1781) committed to Toledo Rockets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mark Fox - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1828) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 2: Wm Evans - G (3 Star / Rank: 1707) committed to North Texas Mean Green |
| Recruiting Week 2: Donald Dahl - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2135) committed to Virginia Cavaliers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Truman Parker - DE (3 Star / Rank: 545) committed to Tennessee Volunteers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Michael Yu - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3114) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ronnie Pickett - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2560) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Mchugh - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1553) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 2: Marcos Holland - P (1 Star / Rank: 3829) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 2: Donald Simone - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1934) committed to Temple Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Deshawn Polanco - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2520) committed to Louisville Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Edward Boudreaux - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2039) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Michael Bateman - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2357) committed to Texas AM Aggies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Donald King - T (2 Star / Rank: 2455) committed to Houston Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Brad Howell - T (3 Star / Rank: 1935) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Rick Kilgore - G (2 Star / Rank: 2939) committed to Houston Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mel Boyce - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1710) committed to Lousiana State Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jaime Pemberton - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2399) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mark Gass - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1786) committed to North Texas Mean Green |
| Recruiting Week 2: Wayne Wright - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1589) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 2: Rafael Castro - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1787) committed to Florida Gators |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jacob Law - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2041) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Cecil Perreault - WR (2 Star / Rank: 3082) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 2: David Goodman - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1971) committed to Mississippi State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Fred Dugas - T (3 Star / Rank: 1058) committed to Toledo Rockets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Raymond Caraballo - C (3 Star / Rank: 1555) committed to Kentucky Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Phillip Crayton - TE (3 Star / Rank: 316) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack |
| Recruiting Week 2: Tory Lopez - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3256) committed to Temple Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jessie Hardaway - G (3 Star / Rank: 1790) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes |
| Recruiting Week 2: Houston Forbes - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2873) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Bradley Fogarty - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1529) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 2: Eugene Roth - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2563) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Manuel Ingle - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2207) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 2: Christopher Gough - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1059) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Isaiah Pearson - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2404) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 2: Javier Curry - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1937) committed to Missouri Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kenneth Mckinney - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3205) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Isaiah Rupp - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1907) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Blalock - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1669) committed to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Steven Jacques - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1832) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders |
| Recruiting Week 2: Pasquale Keating - FS (2 Star / Rank: 3061) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Myles Vanwinkle - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2959) committed to Kansas Jayhawks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Steven Pruitt - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1531) committed to Oklahoma Sooners |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Hudson - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1476) committed to North Texas Mean Green |
| Recruiting Week 2: Barney Patton - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1557) committed to Virginia Cavaliers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kenneth Graf - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1399) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Bradley Kent - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1122) committed to UNLV Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Williams - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2143) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Brian Valenzuela - G (2 Star / Rank: 2827) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jonathan Wheeler - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2177) committed to Boise State Broncos |
| Recruiting Week 2: Marcos Travis - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2046) committed to Army Black Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Gregory - G (2 Star / Rank: 2595) committed to Connecticut Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Cloutier - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3041) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Howard Elliot - G (2 Star / Rank: 2804) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ernest Robinson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1402) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Wilbur Stephenson - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3818) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes |
| Recruiting Week 2: Andreas Strong - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3342) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Carlos - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1910) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mark Marvin - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2493) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Dean Gifford - QB (3 Star / Rank: 1716) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Shelby Aguayo - T (3 Star / Rank: 1746) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 2: Johnny Osteen - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1224) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 2: Christopher McCue - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2335) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Andrew Chen - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2407) committed to New Mexico State Aggies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Basil Griffin - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1534) committed to Missouri Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Velazquez - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2596) committed to Purdue Boilermakers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Isaac York - RB (3 Star / Rank: 937) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen |
| Recruiting Week 2: Richard Sanches - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2148) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Evan Jones - K (1 Star / Rank: 3280) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Rockwell - RB (3 Star / Rank: 966) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Mesa - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1749) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 2: George Farias - T (2 Star / Rank: 2336) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Colson - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2178) committed to James Madison Dukes |
| Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Hoover - RB (2 Star / Rank: 3228) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mark Watts - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1913) committed to Central Michigan Chippewas |
| Recruiting Week 2: Charles Mims - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1914) committed to Boise State Broncos |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mitch Woo - K (2 Star / Rank: 2890) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jack Chavez - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2082) committed to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Lamont Kelley - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2598) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Charles Earls - RB (3 Star / Rank: 938) committed to Florida State Seminoles |
| Recruiting Week 2: James Mclain - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1751) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Brian Cameron - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1095) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Christopher Corwin - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1330) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Omer Galvez - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1754) committed to Utah Utes |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kurtis Willard - FS (3 Star / Rank: 816) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack |
| Recruiting Week 2: Eddie Dickinson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1755) committed to Florida Gators |
| Recruiting Week 2: Allan Heinrich - LB (3 Star / Rank: 818) committed to Stanford Cardinal |
| Recruiting Week 2: Roy Fenner - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2085) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Fitzpatrick - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1001) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini |
| Recruiting Week 2: Michael Aguayo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 598) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers |
| Recruiting Week 2: L.J. Sibley - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1292) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Dannie Hill - T (3 Star / Rank: 940) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Roscoe Frasier - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2152) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joel Sampson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1805) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini |
| Recruiting Week 2: Antonio Levy - G (2 Star / Rank: 2645) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Sean Alvarez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1882) committed to Kansas State Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Milton Whitley - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1565) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joshua Webster - C (3 Star / Rank: 2180) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 2: Vernon Berman - T (3 Star / Rank: 1154) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Manual Uribe - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2807) committed to Temple Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Randell Coffman - RB (3 Star / Rank: 706) committed to Michigan State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Dustin Monaco - T (3 Star / Rank: 1065) committed to Michigan State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Quinlan - K (1 Star / Rank: 3408) committed to Toledo Rockets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jack Adkins - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1451) committed to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Dominic Walker - G (2 Star / Rank: 2534) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers |
| Recruiting Week 2: George Knapp - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2216) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ted Fay - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2536) committed to Kansas State Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ross McAdams - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1233) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Willie Warren - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2026) committed to Michigan State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jose Bailey - DT (2 Star / Rank: 3147) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 2: Benjamin Sledge - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2467) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Toney Smith - K (2 Star / Rank: 3104) committed to James Madison Dukes |
| Recruiting Week 2: Steven Doe - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1764) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores |
| Recruiting Week 2: Dorsey Reuter - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2119) committed to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Will Heath - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1517) committed to Tennessee Volunteers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Victor Pappas - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2503) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Stevie Davis - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2538) committed to Rutgers Scarlet Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Charlie Holguin - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1918) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Stanley Hoyle - T (3 Star / Rank: 1004) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets |
| Recruiting Week 2: Adam Leonard - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1847) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Allen Wharton - G (2 Star / Rank: 2702) committed to Oregon State Beavers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Anthony Greene - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2468) committed to Akron Zips |
| Recruiting Week 2: Marc Bible - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1198) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack |
| Recruiting Week 2: Houston Beasley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 797) committed to Clemson Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ali Ayala - K (2 Star / Rank: 3105) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners |
| Recruiting Week 2: David Parra - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1851) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joseph Hollenbeck - K (1 Star / Rank: 3410) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Scott Graham - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1614) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Larry Gregory - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1422) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Blaine Zambrano - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1769) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mar'Keise Barker - T (2 Star / Rank: 2437) committed to Mississippi Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 2: Silas Skaggs - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1615) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Richard Patrick - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1013) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jason Haggard - K (1 Star / Rank: 3362) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Danny Varner - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2439) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Juan Stratton - K (1 Star / Rank: 3610) committed to Texas San Antonio Roadrunners |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ronald Bartels - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2034) committed to Georgia State Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Anthony Hyde - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2387) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders |
| Recruiting Week 2: Fred Cherry - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2097) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: O'Shaan Reedy - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1341) committed to San Jose State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jason Christiansen - G (1 Star / Rank: 3697) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Richard Winters - LB (3 Star / Rank: 824) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 2: Donte Ross - K (2 Star / Rank: 3199) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders |
| Recruiting Week 2: Brenton Martin - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3322) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 2: Van Gregory - TE (2 Star / Rank: 2999) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Cardenas - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1703) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Manuel - G (3 Star / Rank: 898) committed to Stanford Cardinal |
| Recruiting Week 2: Reginald Porter - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1817) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Kevin Porter - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2232) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jospeh Spearman - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1620) committed to Army Black Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Gregorio Myrick - G (3 Star / Rank: 1014) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: George Rush - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2128) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Willis Earl - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2978) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jacob Rocha - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1654) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jarred Burkholder - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1386) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Stephen Coleman - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2817) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Mario Sallee - P (2 Star / Rank: 2901) committed to Kentucky Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Paul Thurston - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3698) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ronald Ramirez - G (3 Star / Rank: 1864) committed to Western Kentucky Hilltoppers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Cleveland Farmer - WR (1 Star / Rank: 3399) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Javier Bradshaw - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1212) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Robert Moniz - G (3 Star / Rank: 881) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 2: James Crow - DT (3 Star / Rank: 770) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 2: Patrick Murphy - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3483) committed to Louisville Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Edward Schwarz - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1655) committed to Colorado State Rams |
| Recruiting Week 2: Arthur Ortega - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1431) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Ryan Kelleher - DE (3 Star / Rank: 2168) committed to Wake Forest Demon Deacons |
| Recruiting Week 2: Shawn Loera - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1250) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Eddie Settle - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3324) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 2: Calvin Cassell - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1658) committed to Florida State Seminoles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Monroe Bliss - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2421) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Hummel - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2394) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 2: Carlos Fleck - P (2 Star / Rank: 3180) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 2: Michael Samson - SS (3 Star / Rank: 2201) committed to Kansas State Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Geoffrey Rangel - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3449) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 2: Raymond Fabian - LB (2 Star / Rank: 3181) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 2: Roscoe Epperson - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3824) committed to Kentucky Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Chadwick Whatley - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1391) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Edwin Dunham - LB (3 Star / Rank: 957) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Pierce - FB (2 Star / Rank: 3135) committed to Louisiana Monroe Warhawks |
| Recruiting Week 2: Timothy Whited - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1251) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 2: Bruce Rushing - C (3 Star / Rank: 463) transferred from North Carolina State to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 2: Eric Van - QB (4 Star / Rank: 117) transferred from Duke to California Golden Bears |
| Recruiting Week 2: John Ferguson - FS (3 Star / Rank: 798) transferred from Duke to Western Michigan Broncos |
| Recruiting Week 2: Buford Collins - FS (4 Star / Rank: 250) transferred from Miami (FL) to Duke Blue Devils |
| Recruiting Week 2: Wesley Torrence - QB (4 Star / Rank: 288) transferred from Virginia to Clemson Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Daniel Hawkins - LB (4 Star / Rank: 153) transferred from Cincinnati to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 2: Brittain Baumgartner - TE (3 Star / Rank: 1938) transferred from Memphis to Notre Dame Fighting Irish |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joseph Kim - RB (3 Star / Rank: 498) transferred from Iowa State to Louisiana Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns |
| Recruiting Week 2: James Forsyth - DT (3 Star / Rank: 622) transferred from Brigham Young to Virginia Tech Hokies |
| Recruiting Week 2: Vincenzo Hildreth - DE (4 Star / Rank: 126) transferred from Maryland to Cincinnati Bearcats |
| Recruiting Week 2: Bobby Royster - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1118) transferred from Rutgers to Coastal Carolina Chanticleers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Steven Norton - FS (3 Star / Rank: 447) transferred from Louisiana Tech to Duke Blue Devils |
| Recruiting Week 2: Damien Wickham - C (3 Star / Rank: 1538) transferred from Marshall to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 2: Steven Chalmers - FS (3 Star / Rank: 627) transferred from Western Michigan to UCLA Bruins |
| Recruiting Week 2: Terrance Barrows - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1294) transferred from Washington to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 2: Jesus Mcnally - P (2 Star / Rank: 2582) transferred from California to Georgia Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: M.J. White - RB (5 Star / Rank: 37) transferred from UCLA to Georgia Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 2: Joshua Caldwell - T (4 Star / Rank: 206) transferred from Louisiana Monroe to Auburn Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Michael Totten - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2902) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 1: Juan Hahn - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2480) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: Robert Markham - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2659) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ernie Gonsalves - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1869) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Seth Mendoza - P (1 Star / Rank: 3337) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Whited - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2936) committed to Louisville Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Damon Pitre - RB (3 Star / Rank: 862) committed to Missouri Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Garry Crews - K (1 Star / Rank: 3833) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen |
| Recruiting Week 1: Eldon Craig - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1281) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: David Holt - G (3 Star / Rank: 1784) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Dell - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3530) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Harrison - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2662) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 1: Johnathon Robinson - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1901) committed to Florida Gators |
| Recruiting Week 1: Timothy Schafer - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1969) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 1: Morris Connolly - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1741) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ra'Shaun Barham - T (3 Star / Rank: 1664) committed to North Carolina Tar Heels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Pierre Heflin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1439) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jerry Elrod - RB (3 Star / Rank: 835) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 1: Owen Rowe - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2458) committed to Georgia State Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Raymond Chambliss - SS (2 Star / Rank: 2486) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Lee Orr - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2277) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Daniel Guerra - T (3 Star / Rank: 2238) committed to Lousiana State Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Donald Holiday - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1829) committed to Lousiana State Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Edward Glass - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2693) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Paul Curley - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2773) committed to Louisville Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Robert Wagoner - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3774) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: Doyle Casey - G (2 Star / Rank: 2742) committed to Purdue Boilermakers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Pedro Peacock - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2487) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Hollis High - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1788) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kevin Lantz - G (3 Star / Rank: 1179) committed to Iowa State Cyclones |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Boyd - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1742) committed to Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders |
| Recruiting Week 1: Angel Lake - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3255) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jerry Jensen - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3832) committed to San Jose State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Dillon Erwin - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3276) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen |
| Recruiting Week 1: Russell Archuleta - TE (1 Star / Rank: 3564) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Jennings - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3541) committed to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 1: George Gates - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1510) committed to Toledo Rockets |
| Recruiting Week 1: Richard Gilmore - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1511) committed to Temple Owls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ronald Silver - T (3 Star / Rank: 1871) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kyle Walker - P (1 Star / Rank: 3768) committed to Ohio Bobcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Franklin Haag - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2283) committed to Mississippi Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Christopher Fine - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2489) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Clifton Kuykendall - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2745) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Benson Willoughby - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2074) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores |
| Recruiting Week 1: Tony Mayo - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1973) committed to Army Black Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: Edward Jackson - RB (3 Star / Rank: 782) committed to Duke Blue Devils |
| Recruiting Week 1: Mark Simone - QB (3 Star / Rank: 2242) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Todd Coggins - WR (3 Star / Rank: 2243) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jose Ellis - CB (3 Star / Rank: 2012) committed to Houston Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 1: Donald Barrett - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1359) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 1: Steve Phipps - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2175) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 1: Keith Dahl - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1793) committed to Minnesota Golden Gophers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Andrew Martinez - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1834) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini |
| Recruiting Week 1: Morris Mcrae - K (2 Star / Rank: 2616) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack |
| Recruiting Week 1: Frank Hodges - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2526) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: Roberto Brown - K (1 Star / Rank: 3808) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Bruce Johnson - K (1 Star / Rank: 3701) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Wade Johnson - WR (3 Star / Rank: 648) committed to Duke Blue Devils |
| Recruiting Week 1: Steve Roybal - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2331) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Brian Haugen - G (2 Star / Rank: 2943) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ira Huston - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1221) committed to Oklahoma Sooners |
| Recruiting Week 1: Eugene Weinberg - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1062) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Robert Ives - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1326) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: William McClelland - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3369) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: Bobby Nielsen - P (1 Star / Rank: 3475) committed to Oregon Ducks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Henry Newsom - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1560) committed to Texas Christian Horned Frogs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jacob Pettis - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3772) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 1: Timothy Maxfield - FS (3 Star / Rank: 2048) committed to Houston Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Schulz - WR (3 Star / Rank: 699) committed to Pittsburgh Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Robert Dias - LB (3 Star / Rank: 908) committed to Illinois Fighting Illini |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jack Worley - G (2 Star / Rank: 3063) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Michael Potts - P (1 Star / Rank: 3555) committed to Georgia State Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Tarron Gomez - G (2 Star / Rank: 2672) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Bret Jordon - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2362) committed to Akron Zips |
| Recruiting Week 1: Randall Sims - K (2 Star / Rank: 3098) committed to Houston Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jack Nixon - G (2 Star / Rank: 2724) committed to Arkansas State Red Wolves |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jerome Nixon - T (3 Star / Rank: 1481) committed to Connecticut Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Matthew Forest - K (1 Star / Rank: 3502) committed to UTEP Miners |
| Recruiting Week 1: Fritz Michaud - G (2 Star / Rank: 2781) committed to North Carolina State Wolfpack |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Damico - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1561) committed to Virginia Cavaliers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Shaun Medina - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2363) committed to Boise State Broncos |
| Recruiting Week 1: Philip Zamora - G (3 Star / Rank: 1598) committed to Iowa State Cyclones |
| Recruiting Week 1: Wilfred Wilkins - G (2 Star / Rank: 3015) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jame Serrano - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1261) committed to Troy Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Oscar Smith - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3576) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Richard Calhoun - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2619) committed to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 1: Calvin Blevins - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1092) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ira Andrews - G (1 Star / Rank: 3428) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Marquis Paredes - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2429) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Erick Ortiz - T (3 Star / Rank: 2150) committed to Massachusetts Minutemen |
| Recruiting Week 1: Noble Tomlin - P (2 Star / Rank: 3229) committed to Ohio Bobcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Felipe Smothers - G (2 Star / Rank: 2875) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: Warren Phillips - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2020) committed to Akron Zips |
| Recruiting Week 1: Morton Blake - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1718) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 1: Roquan Willis - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1536) committed to Nebraska Cornhuskers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Bob Castellanos - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1190) committed to Utah Utes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Frederick Swift - K (1 Star / Rank: 3546) committed to Arkansas Razorbacks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gerardo Carter - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1151) committed to Texas Longhorns |
| Recruiting Week 1: Randy Bullock - LB (3 Star / Rank: 2211) committed to Connecticut Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Brandon Ratliff - G (2 Star / Rank: 2369) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Darrel Lovelace - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1368) committed to Baylor Bears |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jeremy Owens - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2966) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Juan Mulkey - RB (3 Star / Rank: 2022) committed to San Jose State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Harr - T (3 Star / Rank: 1484) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Clarence Bryan - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1982) committed to UNLV Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jeffrey Judge - T (3 Star / Rank: 1803) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Samuel Kaplan - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3345) committed to Purdue Boilermakers |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Barclay - QB (2 Star / Rank: 2947) committed to Oregon State Beavers |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Martindale - T (3 Star / Rank: 1153) committed to USC Trojans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Taylor Rhodes - WR (3 Star / Rank: 792) committed to Iowa State Cyclones |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gavin Anglin - K (2 Star / Rank: 3146) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Alexander Holbrook - DT (3 Star / Rank: 2087) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 1: Arthur Craig - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1450) committed to Alabama Crimson Tide |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Bernal - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3518) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Alvin Gallegos - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3714) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ron Dinkins - G (3 Star / Rank: 1985) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Roger Hoover - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2315) committed to Purdue Boilermakers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Willard Chapin - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1759) committed to Vanderbilt Commodores |
| Recruiting Week 1: William Ragsdale - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1685) committed to Nevada Wolf Pack |
| Recruiting Week 1: Elmer Peter - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2498) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gary Hurt - DE (3 Star / Rank: 1412) committed to Iowa State Cyclones |
| Recruiting Week 1: Wilmer Stoker - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3233) committed to Connecticut Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jonas Cruz - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2339) committed to Temple Owls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Thomas Smalley - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1987) committed to Colorado State Rams |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jessie Romano - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1640) committed to Southern Methodist Mustangs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Benjamin Doan - DE (1 Star / Rank: 3724) committed to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jimmy Battles - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1488) committed to Michigan State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ed Connelly - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1945) committed to Memphis Tigers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Willie Boone - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2861) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: David Flowers - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2809) committed to San Jose State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Robert Aquino - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2603) committed to Rice Owls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Raymond Comstock - T (2 Star / Rank: 2500) committed to Miami (OH) RedHawks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jarrin Witt - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2414) committed to Purdue Boilermakers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jason Skidmore - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3103) committed to Oregon State Beavers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jarrod Palmer - P (2 Star / Rank: 2433) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Leonard Mahaffey - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1489) committed to Indiana Hoosiers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Tayvion Hartman - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3215) committed to Michigan State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: Rodney Click - C (2 Star / Rank: 2378) committed to Kent State Golden Flashes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Willard Will - K (2 Star / Rank: 2838) committed to Kansas Jayhawks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gene Denney - C (2 Star / Rank: 2623) committed to Central Florida Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: David Moreland - DE (2 Star / Rank: 2343) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Denny Rojas - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1809) committed to Army Black Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: Herbert Kurtz - K (1 Star / Rank: 3675) committed to Air Force Falcons |
| Recruiting Week 1: Daniel Power - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1373) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Nicholas Conrad - QB (1 Star / Rank: 3461) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Courtney Mckinney - T (3 Star / Rank: 1158) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jevyon Sears - P (1 Star / Rank: 3765) committed to Mississippi Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Brent Pepper - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2293) committed to Mississippi Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kevin Hacker - P (1 Star / Rank: 3305) committed to Tulane Green Wave |
| Recruiting Week 1: Louis Crawford - T (2 Star / Rank: 3172) committed to Louisville Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Tom Owens - T (2 Star / Rank: 2880) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joe Horan - CB (2 Star / Rank: 3127) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Terrance Valdez - K (1 Star / Rank: 3549) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 1: David Oswald - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2381) committed to Connecticut Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jeffery Logsdon - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3288) committed to Florida Atlantic Owls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Thomas Morrison - DE (2 Star / Rank: 3218) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 1: Mark Oswald - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1040) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Quinton Franklin - DE (3 Star / Rank: 715) committed to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ivan Crosby - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3568) committed to New Mexico State Aggies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Alvin Warfield - TE (3 Star / Rank: 2121) committed to Stanford Cardinal |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gilbert White - T (3 Star / Rank: 2224) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Stevens - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1993) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Sheldon Taylor - FS (1 Star / Rank: 3306) committed to Navy Midshipmen |
| Recruiting Week 1: Brandon Browne - FB (3 Star / Rank: 2032) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Trent Duckett - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2541) committed to James Madison Dukes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ismael Cox - SS (1 Star / Rank: 3504) committed to Northwestern Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Amos Duncan - P (2 Star / Rank: 3128) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 1: Roberto Wilde - RB (2 Star / Rank: 2471) committed to Kentucky Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Earl Austin - QB (2 Star / Rank: 3197) committed to Texas AM Aggies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Glenn Yarbrough - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1043) committed to Virginia Cavaliers |
| Recruiting Week 1: William Damon - SS (2 Star / Rank: 3021) committed to Eastern Michigan Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Michael Arroyo - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2607) committed to Kansas Jayhawks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Riley Nash - K (1 Star / Rank: 3363) committed to Kansas Jayhawks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Tom Harlan - CB (3 Star / Rank: 1541) committed to Colorado State Rams |
| Recruiting Week 1: Fredrick Barone - P (1 Star / Rank: 3466) committed to Mississippi Rebels |
| Recruiting Week 1: Paul Knight - K (1 Star / Rank: 3569) committed to Northern Illinois Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: John Longo - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1425) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Roger Appleton - P (1 Star / Rank: 3625) committed to Penn State Nittany Lions |
| Recruiting Week 1: Pat Hampton - SS (3 Star / Rank: 1495) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Eric Bell - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2577) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kyle Goodwin - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2579) committed to Kansas State Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: William Howard - WR (3 Star / Rank: 1618) committed to South Carolina Gamecocks |
| Recruiting Week 1: Pedro Magnuson - DT (2 Star / Rank: 2767) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Stanley Mitchell - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3252) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Ortega - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3767) committed to San Jose State Spartans |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Back - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3365) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 1: Stephen Nance - DE (3 Star / Rank: 828) committed to East Carolina Pirates |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Pope - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3619) committed to Hawaii Rainbow Warriors |
| Recruiting Week 1: Wilbert Sims - LB (3 Star / Rank: 1818) committed to Louisiana Tech Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joel Bennett - K (2 Star / Rank: 3178) committed to Fresno State Bulldogs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Deon Richardson - G (3 Star / Rank: 1052) committed to Stanford Cardinal |
| Recruiting Week 1: William Weed - LB (2 Star / Rank: 2547) committed to Washington Huskies |
| Recruiting Week 1: Leo Gaither - C (3 Star / Rank: 1927) committed to Kentucky Wildcats |
| Recruiting Week 1: Adam Devine - FB (3 Star / Rank: 1704) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Louis Bunch - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1776) committed to San Diego State Aztecs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kennith Doan - FS (2 Star / Rank: 2549) committed to Army Black Knights |
| Recruiting Week 1: Edgar Molina - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3350) committed to Miami (FL) Hurricanes |
| Recruiting Week 1: Charles Guy - CB (1 Star / Rank: 3745) committed to Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Ronald Layman - P (2 Star / Rank: 2445) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 1: James Lees - G (2 Star / Rank: 2513) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Johnny Payne - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1135) committed to Boston College Eagles |
| Recruiting Week 1: Jeremy Slattery - FB (1 Star / Rank: 3665) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 1: Matthew Crayton - CB (2 Star / Rank: 2798) committed to Georgia State Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Stuart Santos - FS (3 Star / Rank: 1525) committed to South Florida Bulls |
| Recruiting Week 1: Brett Melvin - T (2 Star / Rank: 3134) committed to Old Dominion Monarchs |
| Recruiting Week 1: Justin Comer - P (1 Star / Rank: 3823) committed to Oklahoma State Cowboys |
| Recruiting Week 1: Howard Schultz - RB (3 Star / Rank: 1896) committed to Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets |
| Recruiting Week 1: K.J. Willis - DT (1 Star / Rank: 3507) committed to Ball State Cardinals |
| Recruiting Week 1: Leo Smoot - C (1 Star / Rank: 3788) committed to Florida International Golden Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: Johnny Woods - WR (2 Star / Rank: 2867) committed to Georgia State Panthers |
| Recruiting Week 1: William Busby - DT (3 Star / Rank: 741) committed to Stanford Cardinal |
| Recruiting Week 1: Seth Teel - DT (3 Star / Rank: 1468) committed to Colorado State Rams |
| Recruiting Week 1: Gerald Lanham - G (1 Star / Rank: 3509) committed to Bowling Green Falcons |
| Recruiting Week 1: Kenneth Drake - QB (3 Star / Rank: 384) transferred from Iowa State to Brigham Young Cougars |
| Recruiting Week 1: Richard Sheehan - SS (3 Star / Rank: 352) transferred from Michigan to Western Michigan Broncos |
| Recruiting Week 1: Douglas Lange - K (3 Star / Rank: 2207) transferred from Wisconsin to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 1: Joseph Gragg - DE (3 Star / Rank: 845) transferred from Massachusetts to Maryland Terrapins |
| Recruiting Week 1: Eric Crabtree - C (3 Star / Rank: 768) transferred from Hawaii to Maryland Terrapins |
| Week 1, 2061: Joshua Ladner has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Albert Giles has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: James Lockwood has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Jeffery Bishop has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: William Whyte has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Kevin Otto has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Shannon Lees has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 7 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Harry Lightfoot has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Herbert Mendez has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Ruben Southerland has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Ryan Hagan has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Robert Rawlins has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Toby Mcgill has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Todd Jernigan has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Winston Allard has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Todd Mendez has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: William Dillard has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Paul Albright has signed a contract extension for $5,000,000 over 2 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Kyle Wells has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Art O'Neil has signed a contract extension for $3,000,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: James Schofield has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Philip Montgomery has signed a contract extension for $5,000,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Barry Weathers has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Leland Watson has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 7 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Justin Calkins has signed a contract extension for $5,500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Richard Schwartz has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Richard Palacios has signed a contract extension for $800,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Gregory Henry has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Richard Foster has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Ernest Stewart has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Kurtis Houle has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Jeremy Storey has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 4 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Archie Villanueva has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Jack Vinson has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 3 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Robert Eldridge has signed a contract extension for $500,000 over 6 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Herbert Harris has signed a contract extension for $5,500,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Bill Burton has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 5 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Bradley Geary has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 8 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: William Talley has signed a contract extension for $2,000,000 over 6 years. |
| Week 1, 2061: Lino Ryan has signed a contract extension for $1,500,000 over 4 years. |